
An Urgent Appeal!

An Urgent Appeal

To all the clients and followers of Dr Robert O Young and the pHmiracle protocol to write a personal statement letter, testifying to the credible and beneficial value he has in changing and saving lives.

On behalf of Dr. Robert O Young and Dr. Ben Johnson, MD, we regretfully have to inform you that the pH Miracle ranch is not capable of welcoming visitors and treating them due to the ongoing court trial against Dr Young.

On January 24th 2014 Dr Robert Young, D.Sc., PhD, ND, renowned nutritional microbiologist providing alternative health care for over 30 years, Dr. Ben Johnson, MD, a licensed medical doctor in California and one of his staff assitants were arrested on Dr. Young's avocado ranch retreat center in Valley Center, California by the San Diego Fugitive Task Force and Dr. Young was released on a 
$1 Million bail, reduced by the Judge to $100,000, and Dr. Johnson, MD was released on a $500,000 bail, reduced to $50,000, for “practicing medicine without a license and/or a certificate”.
The Judge has made an order ruling that the pHmiracle retreat must cease operation until the due court proceedings have been concluded. Dr.Young’s passport has also been seized. At the moment he is only allowed to trade with his pHm products.
YOU are one of the clients who have discovered that prevention, halting and reversal of life threatening diseases can be achieved by the help of Dr Young and his pH Miracle Protocol.

Now he needs YOUR help.

The systematic attacks against him, with criminal charges and legal costs over the last few of years has caused a big financial burden on Dr Young and the pHmiracle. Therefore we are seeking support and funds for the foundation to help Dr Young in his trial and in continuing with his quest to change and save lives and to restore health through a drug free protocol.

As you know, Dr Young is one of the founders of ‘The New Biology’, The Alkaline lifestyle and protocol practiced by thousands worldwide. He, like many other alternative health care providers who constantly prove Big Pharma, the Food Industry and the medical establishment wrong, has been under sustained attack for several years: 
regular on-going and secretly funded attempts are being made to discredit him and put him and many other Alternatives out of business, using aggressive misinformation, counter spin and targeted blogging on the internet and social media. There are many disingenuous and morally reprehensible techniques being employed and financed by ‘mystery’ special interest funders, plus on going insidious attempts to prosecute and silence him and indeed all Alternative efforts to change and save lives. 

It is important to know that Dr. Young never claims to be a medical doctor, however he works with a team of medical doctors and nurses. His theory that the body is alkaline by design with a blood pH of 7.365 and disease is a symptom of over-acidity of the body, has been validated scientifically. This New Biology theory and protocol presented in his books (3.7 million copies sold to date) has mentored and converted many seeking a new way of maintaining their health and preventing disease naturally.
Dr. Young simply teaches how to nurture the body with alkaline foods, hydration and an overall pH lifestyle protocol to get the balance of the pH back to its natural state and to retain health.
Dr. Young’s approach has proven to be extremely effective and thousands of people around the world with serious health challenges, from diabetes and obesity to all sorts and stages of cancer and even lupus for example, have regained their health  through his help and the pHm protocol.
Many discover the benefits of the pH lifestyle after the medical establishment can do no more for them. They discover by using Dr. Young’s protocol that they can achieve significant reversals and remissions from life threatening diseases.
Testimonies of many pH Miracle patients, including several credible doctors, can be found on Youtube.
We all must have the right to make a well-informed, free will choice of health care provider, whether it be alternative or conventional, without direct or indirect State interference or Big Pharma and Food Industry interference. Preventing a free individual from exercising their fundamental right to choose their health care and how they change and save their own lives is sacrosanct and any attempt by the state or the law to deny this choice should be considered a crime in itself.

If Dr Young would be incarcerated it would threaten all those alternative health care providers who really help to care for, check and reverse critical disease and who fight to prove the Big power holding Pharma and Food corporations wrong. You could say this is an infringement of the fundamental right to life and health for those depending on these Alternative health care providers, especially after many have been failed and abandoned by the medical establishment.
We must take back the control over our own health by supporting and seeking justice for those who really help change and save lives.

By writing and sending these affidavits and also financially supporting this campaign, we can help Dr Young to set up a credible defense for his trial and it also means you can be part of the fight to protect your own right to life, health, privacy and free will.

Testimonies from you about your story, Dr Young, his protocol and the effect of the treatment on you are essential and welcomed.
Your statement and support is urgently required in the coming weeks - please send to …..

Attn: Paul J. Pfingst,
Higgs, Fletcher & Mack
400 West A Street, Suite 2600
San Diego, California 92101
(a sample statement letter is attached for your information - see below)
please read the following background carefully


Tuesday, February 9, 2014

Attn: Paul J. Pfingst
Higgs, Fletcher & Mack
400 West A Street, Suite 2600
San Diego, California 92101
To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is in reference to my visit to the pH Miracle Center/Rancho del Sol on September 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2012.  I made the decision to visit Dr. Robert O. Young and the pH Miracle Center/Rancho del Sol because I wanted to receive diet and lifestyle counseling to maintain my overall health, and to complement my allopathic cancer treatments. 

I was diagnosed with terminal, metastatic breast cancer and felt that I wanted to pursue optimal health since chemotherapy was recommended for the remainder of my life.

While I was at the pH Miracle Center/Rancho del Sol in Valley Center, California, I received nutritional and exercise tips, exercised, and received colonics, lymphatic massages and nutritional IV’s. Dr. Young did not at any point represent himself as a medical doctor nor did he give me medical advice. I brought my diagnosis, and medical records with me by choice. Dr. Young did not advise me to stop taking medications and was supportive of my decision to follow the advice of my medical oncologist to pursue chemotherapy. 

It was Dr. Ben Johnson who authorized my nutritional IV’s. A licensed nurse gave me the IV’s. The contents of the IV’s were nutritional only, and contained no medicine. I did not receive any diagnosis or medical recommendations whatsoever by any of the staff at the pH Miracle Center or Dr. Young. I did not feel that I was given false hope.

I felt completely satisfied with the services and prices at the pH Miracle Center. I feel strongly that the diet and exercise changes I have implemented since going to the pH Miracle Center/Rancho del Sol have improved my health significantly. I was diagnosed with incurable cancer and I am so grateful to remain healthy and active for more than 2 years after my initial diagnosis with breast cancer with metastasis to the lungs, liver, and bones. My energy level is great, and I am enjoying a good quality of life. 

I am so grateful for Dr. Young and his pH Miracle program, because I feel strongly that a healthy diet and lifestyle along with allopathic treatments, has afforded me an extended life in good health.

Sincerely, Catherine E Livingston
email address
phone number

I am also attaching a personal affidavit and a link thru to the "NEW BIOLOGY' article about Dr.Robert O Young and the pH miracle protocol for your review.

(this pdf takes a minute or two to download)

We are confident Dr. Young can rely on your continued support.

Yours faithfully

Chris Owen  

(Diabetic - pHmiracle protocol follower)

chris owen

  1 Attached Images
