
Education NOT Medicaiton - Self Care NOT Health Care!


Diabetes is a Worldwide epidemic that has no polictical party, no race, no culture, no religion, no boundaries, no borders and knows no country. It can effect anyone who does NOT understand its cause!  It is the fastest growing illness in children worldwide and is 100 percent preventable, treatable and curable.

The following email letter was sent to me from Dr. Mohsen Akhavan, a medical doctor from Isfahan, Iran who is treating patients succesfully with Type I and Type II diabetes and cancer following the pH Miracle for Diabetes Protocol and the pH Miracle for Cancer Protocol. The pH Miracle Protocols are now being administered to patients all over the world in over 72 different countries. The world will know the truth and the truth will set them free from ALL sickness and disease!

Dear Dr. Young,

I have recently cured a diabetic patient who took 6 antibiotic drugs (4 metformin and 2 glyclizide). All of the endocronologist in Tehran and Isfahan told him that there isn't any solution except " Inject insulin ". He came to my office to visit. I reassure him, there is a way to cure him of diabetes and the way was "The pH Miracle for Diabetes". I started to cure him, after 4 months he put aside 4 metformin and 2 gycliside and his hba1c reached 8.5. All of his previous doctors were surprised. Now he is in the cleanse phase of the pH Miracle Protocol and he has put aside ALL of his anti diabetic drugs. Today is the 7th day of his cleanse phase. Tonight I told him that we must say " special thanks " to Dr Young, who has done lots of effort with diabetic patients. Hence I decided to send you this email to tell you my patient's special thanks to you. He has been involved in diabetes for 10 years.

Dear Dr Young, I hope this email makes you glad and proves to you how I am serious about the pH Miracle in Iran. I have been getting lots of experience meanwhile to customize Persian version of your pH Miracle books.

Sincerely yours,

Mohsen Akhavan, MD
Isfahan, Iran

To learn more about how to prevent, treat and reverse Type I, Type II and NOW Type III diabetes read The pH Miracle for Diabetes -  You can also contact Dr. Mohsen Akavan, MD for a copy of the Persian translation of the pH Miracle.
