
Levitating Superconductor on a Magnetic Möbius Strip

The Royal Institution

Andy from the Royal Institution suspended a Möbius strip of rare-earth magnets, cooled down an object until it became a superconductor, and then levitated the superconductor around the magnetic track.

Borrow the Google Street View Trekker Camera


We’ve kicked off a pilot program enabling third parties to borrow our Trekker equipment and take it to amazing places around the world that they know and love. If you represent an organization such as a tourism board, non-profit, government agency, university or research group that would like to take photos with the Trekker for future inclusion on Google Maps, please fill out this form.

Bremont Codebreaker


The new Bremont Codebreaker timepiece is rooted in the machine at Bletchley Park that was created to break the German Enigma, aptly called the Bombe. Part of the rotor of the watch contains original smelted parts from the wheel of an original Enigma machine.

A Band Called Death

Drafthouse Films

Punk before punk existed—three teenage brothers in the early ’70s formed a band in their spare bedroom, began playing a few local gigs in Detroit and even pressed a single in the hopes of getting signed. But this was the era of Motown and emerging disco. Record companies found Death’s music— and band name—too intimidating, and the group were never given a fair shot, disbanding before they even completed one album.

A Band Called Death chronicles the incredible fairy-tale journey of what happened almost three decades later, when a dusty 1974 demo tape made its way out of the attic and found an audience several generations younger. Playing music impossibly ahead of its time, Death is now being credited as the first black punk band (hell...the first punk band!), and are finally receiving their long overdue recognition as true rock pioneers.

Like Sixto Rodriguez of Searching for Sugarman, The Hackneys brothers are from Detroit. They were preacher’s kids, devout Christians (Jehovah’s Witnesses) raised in a classic working-class black neighborhood. They didn’t have white friends or go to a white school or anything; they must have stuck out at concerts by Alice Cooper and the Who.

Ray Donovan Premiere Episode


Ray Donovan is Los Angeles’s Olivia Pope—the go-to guy who makes the problems of the city's celebrities, superstar athletes, and business moguls disappear.

The Great Gatsby | Special Effects

VFX supervisor Chris Godfrey uploaded before and after scenes from the film, showing how blue and green screens were transformed into the final look.

Japanese Clone Mouse From a Single Drop of Blood


Scientists at the Riken BioResource Center in Japan have managed to clone a mouse from a minuscule, peripheral blood sample for the first time. The method leaves donor animals virtually unharmed, and allows a single donor to be a clone source more than once. It also shows promise for the cloning of farm animals.

In this experiment, the scientists merely drew 10–15 μl of blood from a mouse’s tail and collected white blood cells from that sample. The nuclei were then extracted from the white blood cells, and scientists continued with the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) process.

This method could allow for the cloning of endangered or cherished animals (such as a cow that produces a large amount of milk, or “invaluable strains of mice” as the report states) since the donor need not be euthanized.

Skateboard Deck By Craig Driscoll

Photo: Craig Driscoll
And now for something completely different . . . tattoo art. I admit that I find tattoos and tattoo art (if done well) very intriguing. That said, I do not have tattoo acquisition disorder due to: (a) the extremely high cost of tattoos rendered by top-flight artists; (b) the permanence of tattoos; and (c) the pain that usually accompanies tattoos. Speaking of top-flight artists, I consider Craig Driscoll to be one of them. I've always liked his tattoo designs, paintings, and artwork, especially his skateboard deck pieces. In fact, I was going to buy one of his decks a few years ago, but he sold it a few days before I had a chance to make an offer. So bummed.

Skip ahead (or back) to a couple of months ago. I was randomly checking out Craig's website, and I saw that he had some cool skateboard decks for sale once again. I contacted him to discuss the artwork, chit chat, blah blah blah, and ultimately commissioned him to create an original deck for me. I wasn't 100% set on a design, and I decided to let him choose between a snake design or a koi design. That's about all the input I gave him; I wanted the finished artwork to be a surprise.

The original, hand painted, piece of awesomeness is shown in the picture. The logo at the top is Craig's signature, and the bright blue painted highlights and paint splatters are intentional. I love this skateboard deck! If anyone is wondering, the answer is "HELL NO." I will not be riding this board; it lives on the wall, where it will remain indefinitely.


The NSA | We’re Here and We Care

Guo Jingming | Tiny Times

The Hollywood Reporter

Chinese Director Guo Jingming’s Tiny Times sells imaginings of lives yet to be lived. It’s a fantasy befitting a country careening in its turbo-charged way towards commodity-driven capitalism too.

“We are very different from people born in the 1960s or 70s…for people born in the 1980s, or even more so for those from the 1990s, it’s about trying to be different from everybody else. Whereas doing that in the past would see you branded as an anomaly, these days it’s all about looking after myself—saying, ‘I want to enjoy life the way I like it.’ ”

Inside Pixar With Monsters University

Citizens of Texas Take Back Their Power & Call Bullshit On Texas State Senate From The Gallery

Texas Observer

With the Texas Senate poised to approve one the harshest anti-abortion laws in the country—just 15 minutes before the midnight deadline—the citizens took over in a display of democracy in action. Thousands of Texas who packed the Texas Capitol all day (and outnumbered Texas Department of Public Safety officers who were trying to eject them) began roaring louder and louder until they literally shouted down the final minutes of the 30-day special session in a deafening scream before Republicans could pass the bill.

In the confusion, Republican senators ran around insisting that the bill had passed before a midnight deadline. Major news sites including The New York Times reported the bill as passed. But many observers who watched the debate live didn’t see it that way.

The initial time stamp on the Capitol website and on Senate documents placed the vote at 12:02 or 12:03 on June 26 (which would have been past the deadline of midnight). But then someone mysteriously changed the time stamp to make it appear SB 5 passed before the deadline. The time stamp evidence, circulated on Twitter causing the Senators to retreat and meet privately.

Texas Representative Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa holding 2 different time stamps.

Just after 3 a.m., the Senate finally reconvened following the lengthy private meeting. Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst emerged on the dais insisting the 19-10 vote was in time, but said, “with all the ruckus and noise going on, I couldn't sign the bill” before the deadline and declared it dead.

Here’s how it went down.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry called a 30-day special legislative session. On the last day of the session, the hugely Republican majority senate was expected to pass SB 5, a highly restrictive bill on abortion that would have effectively caused all but a handful of the state’s abortion clinics to close because of added costs mandated by the bill to upgrade their facilities.

11 Hours on her feet without breaks or water.Sen. Wendy Davis of Fort Worth, determined to filibuster the bill until the midnight deadline. The rules of the filibuster were demanding. Davis would not be allowed to sit, lean on a desk, take bathroom breaks, talk about anything that wasn’t “germane” to the bill or have assistance from others. The points of order (POO) declared that 3 violations and she would have to stop. She had 13 hours to kill to make it to midnight and block the bill. She made it to more than 11 hours on her feet without breaks or drinks of water.

Her first strike was for discussing Planned Parenthood’s budget which was ruled not germaine.

Davis received her second warning when the Senate voted 17 to 11 to sustain a point of order called by state Sen. Tommy Williams on Davis for receiving assistance to put on a back brace. Sen. Rodney Ellis, helped Davis to put on a back brace, violating a rule that prevents the filibusterer from receiving outside assistance.

Sen. Donna Campbell called the final point of order saying Davis is off-topic for talking about the sonogram law. That point was sustained.

In a dramatic scene, Sen. Davis’ filibuster was cut off, but Democratic senators stalled with questions about procedural rules till 11:45 p.m. Sen. Robert Duncan, presiding in place of Dewhurst, was about to start the roll call on a procedural vote before the final vote on the bill. But Sen. Van de Putte, angry that she hadn’t been recognized earlier, interrupted with a parliamentary inquiry and asked: At what point must a female senator raise her voice to be heard by her male colleagues?

The gallery erupted. And the cheers kept going, drowning out the action on the floor, as Duncan asked for the roll call.

“Members, we’re in the middle of a vote,” Duncan said, somewhat weakly. The yelling got louder. He made another attempt to conduct the vote but that only seemed to increase the shouts from the gallery. Duncan asked repeatedly for order in the chamber.

Order was never returned.But order never returned, and state troopers moved in, trying to remove protesters from the gallery. It was chaos in the Senate that most observers had never seen.

At two minutes to midnight, Sen Duncan asked tentatively if he could have some order, if he could have some attention. He didn’t get it. So he started the vote anyway, said something about the previous question having 17 votes, but his voice was drowned out and then the crowd erupted because when the clock struck midnight.

The filibuster was a defining moment for Davis, a twice-divorced single mother who had her first daughter as a teenager, was the first in her family to go to college, and worked her way from junior college and a Tarrant County trailer park to Harvard law school and the Fort Worth City Council.

As of late Tuesday night, roughly 200,000 people were watching the proceedings on The Texas Tribune’s YouTube feed. Obama tweeted, “Something special is happening in Austin tonight,” followed by the hashtag “#StandWithWendy.” Even filmmaker Michael Moore and comedian Sarah Silverman got in on the social media action as did U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and celebrities like author Judy Blume and actors Lena Dunham and Henry Winkler.

iON | The Hydrogen Conversation


Bob Dobbs’ private session 393, 26 September 2011.

“This whole hydrogen conversation has to do with gravity, gravity pull and the decrease of polarity interplay. And that has to do with dimensional aspects between worlds.”

iON | June 2013


Unlocking the Truth

Unlocking the Truth is a young heavy metal/hard rock band from Brooklyn, New York, who write and create their own lyrics and music. The boys are in the 6th grade and they’re pretty good students too.

Kanye West | I Am A God

China’s Huawei Vows To Become The Best Smartphone On The Planet

Business Insider
Matt Warman

Richard Yu, chairman of China’s Huawei, says the company has the ambition to make the best smartphone in the world and to sell it for less than Apple or Samsung by the end of 2015. Last week for its first major consumer launch, the Huawei Ascend P6—the world’s thinnest smartphone, journalists were flown in from South Africa, Europe and beyond to witness the kind of event usually hosted by Apple or Samsung.

When he sees my Samsung Galaxy S4 on the desk, Yu is blunt: “We want to provide the best, most beautiful, slimmest smartphone—this one’s much thicker.” Picking up on criticisms about the Samsung build quality he says simply: “We’re not made of plastic.”

“We don’t have so much money to do marketing and branding so we have to make our products better. The best smartphone in the past was from Nokia, then from Apple, then from Samsung. And who is number one? The industry is so dynamic–no matter how successful you are, if you’re currently number one, doesn’t mean tomorrow you’ll be number one.

“In its latest update, Apple makes the phone extremely simple to use,” he says. “But if we are just learning from them we can’t catch up, because they are now slipping. We want to go higher than them.”

iON | Cern


Bob Dobbs’ private session 219, 10 December 2009. Dr Carolyn Dean and Bob Dobb’s questions about CERN lead to the discovery that technology was placed on the International Space Station by Nowers related to the evolution of the cell phone.

“And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer.” ~Revelation of John, Chapter 10, Verse 6

Part 1

Part 2

Drone Journalism

Using the internet, social media and now drones, citizen journalists are documenting stories around the planet.

Vimeo user Jenk K is posting aerial footage of Turkey’s protests taken from a radio-controlled, camera-equipped drone. One of his drones was shot down by rubber bullets from police, but he’s still uploading new footage.

