I haven't set aside enough time to write more posts. I have a number of items teed up, but things are a little hectic with the holiday season and everything. I'm waist deep in a couple of "projects" that have kept me in the cycle of researching, wish-listing, over-analyzing, and rethinking. Once I get out of this rut, I'd like to blog about the projects. As a preview, I've been dealing with my 2013 Christmas lights and some audio/video gear. And some work getting done to the house. Let's not mention holiday shopping.
Stay tuned for details!
Dense Breasts May Need Sonograms to Detect Cancer
Published: September 19, 2002
Published: September 19, 2002
Breast density, a known risk factor for breast cancer, may be inherited, and there are indications that women with dense breasts may need to be screened with ultrasound, two studies said today.
Researchers in Canada, Australia and New Zealand studying identical and fraternal twins found that variations in breast density were strongly influenced by genetic factors, a study in today's New England Journal of Medicine found.
The other study, of 11,130 women at a Manhattan radiology clinic, found that ultrasound examinations, or sonograms, could detect a significant number of cancers that were missed by mammography in women with dense breasts. The authors, writing in the journal Radiology, argue that screening by ultrasound may be useful in this population. But the study is not considered definitive because the patients were not selected at random and it was performed by just one researcher.
Dr. Stephen Feig, director of breast imaging at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan, said that the ultrasound findings were impressive, and that ''anything we can do to increase breast cancer detection we should do if it is feasible.''
But Dr. Feig said he was concerned about the limited nature of the study and the time and expense of screening a wider population with sonograms, which cost about $150, roughly the same as mammograms.
''We need to learn more before screening breast ultrasound becomes standard of care,'' Dr. Feig said, adding that a multicenter trial of such screening was being organized.
It is well known that mammograms, even at their best, miss a lot of cancer, up to 25 percent in women under 50. Young women tend to have dense breasts, which appear white on mammography, making it harder to differentiate small tumors.
Women with very dense breasts, composed primarily of fibrous tissue and milk-producing glands, have four times the risk of developing breast cancer as women of the same age with fatty breasts. Experts suspect that dense tissue means more cells that could potentially become cancerous, but no one is sure.
Research has shown that breast density appears to decrease with age and the number of children a woman bears, and increase with hormone replacement therapy. Because breast size and texture are not reliable predictors of breast density, many women are unaware that they have dense breasts. Mammography is the only accurate test.
In the New England Journal study published today, researchers performed mammograms on 571 identical twins and 380 fraternal twins ages 40 to 70 in Australia, Canada and the United States. They looked for correlations in the degree of breast density within pairs of twins.
Identical twins have identical genes, so that any differences in breast density between them would most likely be because of environmental factors or measurement error. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, on average share only half their genes. The researchers found a much stronger correlation in breast density between identical twins than fraternal twins, suggesting that the contribution of genetic factors to breast density is 60 to 75 percent.
An unsettled question is how women with dense breasts should be screened. Ultrasound has been widely used to evaluate suspicious abnormalities on a mammogram, but whether it should be used as a screening tool for the wider population has been a matter of debate. Several studies in the 1980's showed little benefit of screening breast ultrasounds, and in 1994 the American College of Radiology said that sonograms should not be used to screen for breast cancer.
The latest research, by Dr. Thomas Kolb, a Manhattan radiologist and the lead author of the study, confirmed that mammography misses a substantial number of cancers in dense breasts. In the study, 11,130 women without any signs or symptoms of breast cancer received screening mammograms and a breast examination from January 1995 to September 2000. Seventeen percent of the women had a history of breast cancer, and 78 percent had a normal breast examination within one month of the study. Roughly half the women were assessed to have dense breasts and received an ultrasound examination.
The study detected 246 cancers, of which 83 percent were invasive; the rest were in situ cancers that are often surgically treatable. Consistent with previous results, mammography detected 98 percent of cancers in women with fatty breasts but only 48 percent in women with the densest breasts, assuming that the screening tests found all cancers.
Ultrasound detected 33 additional cancers in the roughly 5,000 women with dense breasts who had normal mammograms and breast exams. Seventy percent of these cancers were smaller than one centimeter and 89 percent did not involve lymph nodes, suggesting that they were at an early stage.
''A sensitivity of 48 percent for mammography in women with the densest breasts is unacceptable,'' Dr. Kolb said in a phone interview. ''Screening ultrasound will find an enormous amount of cancer that would otherwise go undetected.''
To detect the 33 cancers, 320 biopsies had to be done, resulting in a positive biopsy rate of just 9 percent.
''I think the trade-off happens to be very reasonable,'' Dr. Kolb said. ''Speak to as many women as I do, and you will find near unanimity for having a screening ultrasound because women realize that a low positive biopsy rate is a minimal consequence to the potential benefit.''
But even if ultrasound detects more cancers, experts said, there is no evidence it will save lives. ''Are these cancers that would have gone on to cause trouble for these women?'' Dr. Steven Goodman, professor of biostatistics at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, asked. ''It's the $64 million question.'' Without data on outcomes like disability or death, he said, this study could not provide an answer.
''It's a given that the more tests you do, the more cancers you're going to pick up,'' Dr. Barry Kramer, a cancer specialist and associate director for disease prevention at the National Institutes of Health, said. ''There's an unwritten assumption that finding any cancer is good, but there isn't enough evidence to guide that particular judgment.''
Cure for Cancer Book and CD Set Coming Out Next Week!
The Cure for Cancer Book and CD Set is Coming Out Next Week!
Can you believe it?! We've already reached video #3 in the World's First Ever free Cure to Cancer Video Series. It also looks like we are on schedule to release the first ever Cure to Cancer Book, CD Set, and Conference Tickets sometime next week.
We want you to know that we truly care about you and about bringing you as much health related information to your fingertips as possible so you can have all the perspectives available that have been working for numbers of people and be more empowered to make educated decisions for extending and improving the quality of your life.
We don't believe in an immediate Cure-All per-se, as health and healing is different for different circumstances, though we do believe that if you have the leading edge information available and in your grasp, you will certainly be more likely to find what works for you, than otherwise.
We never recommend putting all your eggs in one basket as we know the road to healing and health is paved with integrative solutions, therefore we always recommend that you research further everything you learn, and on some level, take action towards making positive changes in your life.
In Video #3 - Join us as Jean Swann interviews Burton Goldberg, internationally known as the Voice of Alternative Medicine, and author of 18 books, including Alternative Medicine, the Definitive Guide.
Burton shares insights into some of the modern day causes of cancers and some of the best integrative approaches.
During this video you will;
Learn some of the biggest factors that have led to the alarming increase in cancer rates.
Discover integrative and alternative approaches to cancer.
Find out the first steps all cancer patients should take.
Learn some of the best ways to avoid degenerative disease.
As part of our mission to help millions of people get access to this empowering information, we are asking that you share this with as many people as possible.
Help a loved one with the information you learn, and pass it on to others.
We are excited to help connect you with experts and options available for preventing, healing, and overcoming cancer, and this is bar non top of the line information.
We hope it helps support your journey towards health and healing.
Don't wait, the video is now playing here.
With admiration and appreciation,
Dr. Robert O. Young
The pH Miracle Living Center
Nathan Crane & Jean Swann
The Panacea Community &
Integrated Health International
We know so many of you have been waiting patiently for the Cure to Cancer Book. We are working dutifully to release the Cure to Cancer Book and CD set for pre-orders sometime next week, and we think you will be so excited once you see what we have in store for you.
Thanks for being such an important part of this mission in helping us share empowering information to millions of people around the planet to help prevent, heal, and reverse this debilitating acidic disease.
China's Moon Rover 'Jade Rabbit' Lands Safely on Moon | Chinese Space Program, December 14, 2013
China's Moon Rover 'Jade Rabbit' Lands Safely on Moon Chinese space program China's Moon Rover 'Jade Rabbit' Lands Safely China becomes only the third country to complete a rover landing - the first for 37 years - on the Moon. An unmanned spacecraft carrying China's first lunar rover called "Jade Rabbit' has safely landed on the surface of the Moon, according to state television.
It is the first "soft landing" of a probe there for 37 years and China is only the third country to complete such a feat after the US and former Soviet Union.
Beijing has now taken a big step towards becoming a global player in space.
Scientists burst into applause as a computer-generated image representing the Chang'e 3 spacecraft carrying the solar-powered buggy was seen touching down on the Moon's surface via screens in Beijing.
The craft's camera broadcast images of the surface before it reportedly came down in the Sinus Iridum, or the Bay of Rainbows.
It had hovered for several minutes seeking an appropriate place to land. Lunar rover on the Moon set to leave spacecraft Simulation of how the rover was expected to leave the spacecraft.
A soft landing does not damage the craft and the equipment it takes.
Max Igan | Overcoming the Human Dilemma
Source: thecrowhouse.com, thepeoplesvoice.tv
Surviving the Matrix - Episode 3 - The Peoples Voice TV - December 09 2013.
Surviving the Matrix - Episode 3 - The Peoples Voice TV - December 09 2013.
The Roswell Press Release - Lt. Walter Haut, US Navy / Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archive
Source: SiriusDisclosure.com, disclosureproject.org
First Lieutenant Haut was the Public Information Officer at the Roswell Army Air Base in Roswell, NM when an extraterrestrial vehicle crashed in nearby Corona. He was the individual who put out the original story that a flying disc had crashed there. The story was retracted the next day.
First Lieutenant Haut was the Public Information Officer at the Roswell Army Air Base in Roswell, NM when an extraterrestrial vehicle crashed in nearby Corona. He was the individual who put out the original story that a flying disc had crashed there. The story was retracted the next day.
Roswell's Mortician - Glen Dennis / Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archive
Source: SiriusDisclosure.com, disclosureproject.org
Mr. Dennis was a mortician in Roswell, NM. In July 1947, the time of the famous Roswell crash, the mortuary officer from the Roswell Army Airfield called him asking for hermetically sealed infant caskets but never explained why. Later that day when at the Airfield for an emergency he saw debris of unknown origin. A nurse, whom he knew, described to him the bodies of extraterrestrials she had just handled at the base.
Mr. Dennis was a mortician in Roswell, NM. In July 1947, the time of the famous Roswell crash, the mortuary officer from the Roswell Army Airfield called him asking for hermetically sealed infant caskets but never explained why. Later that day when at the Airfield for an emergency he saw debris of unknown origin. A nurse, whom he knew, described to him the bodies of extraterrestrials she had just handled at the base.
Silver Disks over Hickam Field - Buck Sgt. Leonard Pretko, US Air Force / Disclosure Project Archive
Source: SiriusDisclosure.com, disclosureproject.org
Buck Sergeant Pretko was trained in communications and served at Hickam Field in Hawaii. In the early '50s at an outdoor theater with over 250 people present nine silver disks were seen by everyone randomly moving over the entrance to Pearl Harbor. The event lasted for about 10 minutes. At another time he explains that he befriended one of General Douglas MacArthur's personal security guards who told him that MacArthur had seen the craft and extraterrestrial bodies from the Roswell crash.
Buck Sergeant Pretko was trained in communications and served at Hickam Field in Hawaii. In the early '50s at an outdoor theater with over 250 people present nine silver disks were seen by everyone randomly moving over the entrance to Pearl Harbor. The event lasted for about 10 minutes. At another time he explains that he befriended one of General Douglas MacArthur's personal security guards who told him that MacArthur had seen the craft and extraterrestrial bodies from the Roswell crash.
The Corbett Report | How to Nullify the NSA (and every other tyrannical government agency), December 13, 2013
Source: corbettreport.com
Hardly a week goes by that we aren't faced with some new outrageous piece of legislation from the increasingly tyrannical government. But once these bills have been passed, what can we actually do about them? What if stopping this legislation was as simple as saying "no"? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore the nullification solution, a long-repressed piece of political history that offers us a way out. -corbettreport.com
Show Notes & MP3
Hardly a week goes by that we aren't faced with some new outrageous piece of legislation from the increasingly tyrannical government. But once these bills have been passed, what can we actually do about them? What if stopping this legislation was as simple as saying "no"? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore the nullification solution, a long-repressed piece of political history that offers us a way out. -corbettreport.com
Show Notes & MP3
John W. Whitehead | A Government of Wolves & The Electronic Concentration Camp, December 11, 2013
Source: redicecreations.com, agovernmentofwolves.com
December 11, 2013–John W. Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. Whitehead's concern for the persecuted and oppressed led him, in 1982, to establish The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties and human rights organization. Whitehead has filed numerous amicus briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court. He has also been co-counsel in several landmark Supreme Court cases.
He joins us to discuss his book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State. We'll discuss the shocking cases of police state brutality upon civilians, even upon children, the elderly and pregnant women. America was once a society that valued individual liberty and privacy. But in recent years it has turned into a culture that has quietly accepted surveillance cameras, police and drug-sniffing dogs in our children's schools, national databases that track our finances and activities, sneak-and-peek searches of our homes without our knowledge or consent, and anti-terrorism laws that turn average Americans into suspects.
In short, America has become a lockdown nation, and we are all in danger. Sadly, the police state has gone global and there is no place to go to escape it. In the second hour, we discuss the role of media and education in teaching compliance to government violence. We'll also discuss John Carpenter's prophetic visions of the American police state and talk about other fiction writers and visionaries who predicted this would happen. Today the U.S. government and Supreme Court blatantly violate the U.S. Constitution and America has transitioned from a society governed by "we the people" to a police state governed by a strong arm of law and corruption and it will only get worse if "the people" remain compliant. -redicecreations.com
download hour 1 mp3
December 11, 2013–John W. Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. Whitehead's concern for the persecuted and oppressed led him, in 1982, to establish The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties and human rights organization. Whitehead has filed numerous amicus briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court. He has also been co-counsel in several landmark Supreme Court cases.
He joins us to discuss his book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State. We'll discuss the shocking cases of police state brutality upon civilians, even upon children, the elderly and pregnant women. America was once a society that valued individual liberty and privacy. But in recent years it has turned into a culture that has quietly accepted surveillance cameras, police and drug-sniffing dogs in our children's schools, national databases that track our finances and activities, sneak-and-peek searches of our homes without our knowledge or consent, and anti-terrorism laws that turn average Americans into suspects.
In short, America has become a lockdown nation, and we are all in danger. Sadly, the police state has gone global and there is no place to go to escape it. In the second hour, we discuss the role of media and education in teaching compliance to government violence. We'll also discuss John Carpenter's prophetic visions of the American police state and talk about other fiction writers and visionaries who predicted this would happen. Today the U.S. government and Supreme Court blatantly violate the U.S. Constitution and America has transitioned from a society governed by "we the people" to a police state governed by a strong arm of law and corruption and it will only get worse if "the people" remain compliant. -redicecreations.com
download hour 1 mp3
New World Next Week | Hitila, Media PTSD, Viral Truth, December 12, 2013
Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com
Story #1: Reality Star Tila Tequila Converts to Nazism, Calls Herself 'Hitila' In Anti-Semitic New Song
Tila Tequila's open letter to the Illuminati
Brittany Murphy poisoned? Samples retested find high levels of heavy metals, report says
MySpace Star-Turned-Conspiracy Theorist Tila Tequila Says Paul Walker Killed In "Ritualistic Murder"
Story #2: Can You Get PTSD From Watching Media Coverage Of An Event? Maybe.
Video: Can Watching Media Coverage of a Traumatic Event Be More Stressful Than Actually Being There?
Story #3: If A Story Is Viral, Truth May Be Taking a Beating
Beastie Boys Counter-Sue Toy Company GoldieBlox Over Copyright Claim
CIA Director Reveals He Wasn't Aware 'Zero Dark Thirty' Screenwriter Was Present at Bin Laden Raid Briefing
Toto Doesn't Approve of 'Africa' Playing During CBS' Mandela Memorial Coverage
#NewWorldNextWeek Tweets: JPMorgan Files Patent For 'Bitcoin Killer' Currency
Video Interview With Seymour Hersh On Syria Chemical Weapons Lies
Obama Administration Cherry-Picked Intelligence To Justify Strike Against Assad
Syrian Electronic Army Strikes Again
Story #1: Reality Star Tila Tequila Converts to Nazism, Calls Herself 'Hitila' In Anti-Semitic New Song
Tila Tequila's open letter to the Illuminati
Brittany Murphy poisoned? Samples retested find high levels of heavy metals, report says
MySpace Star-Turned-Conspiracy Theorist Tila Tequila Says Paul Walker Killed In "Ritualistic Murder"
Story #2: Can You Get PTSD From Watching Media Coverage Of An Event? Maybe.
Video: Can Watching Media Coverage of a Traumatic Event Be More Stressful Than Actually Being There?
Story #3: If A Story Is Viral, Truth May Be Taking a Beating
Beastie Boys Counter-Sue Toy Company GoldieBlox Over Copyright Claim
CIA Director Reveals He Wasn't Aware 'Zero Dark Thirty' Screenwriter Was Present at Bin Laden Raid Briefing
Toto Doesn't Approve of 'Africa' Playing During CBS' Mandela Memorial Coverage
#NewWorldNextWeek Tweets: JPMorgan Files Patent For 'Bitcoin Killer' Currency
Video Interview With Seymour Hersh On Syria Chemical Weapons Lies
Obama Administration Cherry-Picked Intelligence To Justify Strike Against Assad
Syrian Electronic Army Strikes Again
Will You Survive This Holiday Season?
Although sometimes dismissed as anecdotal myth, the spike in holiday deaths has long been a stark reality to those who deal with it as their jobs, from funeral home directors to priests and emergency room staffers. A national study published in the journal Social Science & Medicine tried to point to possible reasons after concluding that an increase in holiday deaths indeed occurs every year, in all regions of the country, during the two weeks around Christmas and New Year's. The study, led by University of California at San Diego sociology professor David Phillips, looked at 57.5 million death certificates from 1979 to 2004. It found 42,325 more people died of natural causes -- which make up about 93 percent of all deaths -- during the two-week Christmas/New Year holiday period than would normally be expected, given the typical winter increase in deaths. There also were increases in every major disease group of 1 percent to 10 percent and in every demographic group of 3 percent to 9 percent. In particular, the study looked at deaths from natural causes in which the patient either was dead on arrival (DOA) at a hospital or died receiving emergency care, and it found significant spikes throughout the holiday period. In fact, the three days when the most people die of natural causes in either a DOA situation or in an emergency setting are Dec. 25, Dec. 26 and Jan. 1. I have solved the riddle to this puzzle! It’s easy to protect yourself and your loved ones if you possess the right knowledge and alkaline healthy living strategies. If you would like to seriously diminish the odds of developing sickness or even dropping dead prematurely, especially during the holidays, then please read the following article or The pH Miracle revised and updated book or the soon to be released Reverse Cancer NOW and The pH Miracle for Cancer books for Holiday Health and Stress Survival.
You will be learning and understanding ways you can protect your physical health and mental well-being during the holidays along with learning how not to prematurely drop dead! …. if you are interested in surviving the Holidays in one piece! |
Same Old Game? 'US govt wants regime change in Ukraine', December 11, 2013
Source: RT.com
The US is not holding back in saying what it thinks about the situation as it is now looking at sanctions against Kiev. Earlier the Secretary of State said he was disgusted by the police response to the rallies. RT talks to Richard Becker, a geopolitical analyst from anti-war Answer coalition. -RT.com
The US is not holding back in saying what it thinks about the situation as it is now looking at sanctions against Kiev. Earlier the Secretary of State said he was disgusted by the police response to the rallies. RT talks to Richard Becker, a geopolitical analyst from anti-war Answer coalition. -RT.com
Robert Bauval | Special Bulletin 'Zahi Hawass Breaking News', December 11, 2013
Source: jamesswagger.com, myblog.robertbauval.co.uk, dailygrail.com
(Germans working for an Egyptian Jew in Belgium stole Khufu cartouche in April 2013) Dr Zahi Hawass, ex Minister of State for Antiquities, revealed that the robberies of King Khufu's cartouche was done on behalf of, Robert Bauval, an Egyptian Jew working in Belgium, who has been trying by every means to prove that the pyramid is 'a Jewish and not Egyptian product'. Hawass said in a special statements that Muhamed Ibrahim, the Minister of Antiquities has said in one of his media interviews that Khufu's cartouche had was stolen in 2006, which is not true, as the inspecting agencies and the police have proved that the robbery took place in 2013, and the the passports of the Germans showed that they entered Egypt last April.
Hawass wondered 'how the theft could have taken place in 2006 while the investigations were conducted with current officials and not those responsible for the pyramid area at the time? While the investigation result came to confirm my words, and all those responsible for the have been removed from the pyramid area after their involvement, one way or the other, has been proven'.
He added: "I would like to make it clear that the foreign vandals are led by an Egyptian Jew living in Belgium, who had previously sent more than one person, who were all forbidden completely, and with whom I have had many battles, and he wrote a book before trying to prove that the pyramid was not Egyptian". Hawass confirmed that "it was not permitted to enter the pyramid except through tourist companies in order to make control, which is the opposite of what is happing now; which allowed the samples to be smuggled".
He (Hawass) pointed that "the German laboratories attempted to demonstrate, through the red colour found in the rooms, that the pyramid dates to 15 thousand years (ago), which means that this was the time it was built, but the fact which is confirmed by both Egyptian and foreign scientists is that Khufu sent in his Year 27 a mission to bring the red colour from the Western Sahara, from Mast stone in which the cartouche was written, which means that it was the quarry from which the colour was brought who dates 15 thousand years ago and not the pyramid".
He (Hawass) stressed on "the need for those responsible for antiquities to look to what is happening of destruction and vandalism in some areas, not just remove accusations from officials or trying to deny responsibility for a great disaster like breaking into the pyramid and stealing Khufu's cartouche, as the present minister does".
(Germans working for an Egyptian Jew in Belgium stole Khufu cartouche in April 2013) Dr Zahi Hawass, ex Minister of State for Antiquities, revealed that the robberies of King Khufu's cartouche was done on behalf of, Robert Bauval, an Egyptian Jew working in Belgium, who has been trying by every means to prove that the pyramid is 'a Jewish and not Egyptian product'. Hawass said in a special statements that Muhamed Ibrahim, the Minister of Antiquities has said in one of his media interviews that Khufu's cartouche had was stolen in 2006, which is not true, as the inspecting agencies and the police have proved that the robbery took place in 2013, and the the passports of the Germans showed that they entered Egypt last April.
Hawass wondered 'how the theft could have taken place in 2006 while the investigations were conducted with current officials and not those responsible for the pyramid area at the time? While the investigation result came to confirm my words, and all those responsible for the have been removed from the pyramid area after their involvement, one way or the other, has been proven'.
He added: "I would like to make it clear that the foreign vandals are led by an Egyptian Jew living in Belgium, who had previously sent more than one person, who were all forbidden completely, and with whom I have had many battles, and he wrote a book before trying to prove that the pyramid was not Egyptian". Hawass confirmed that "it was not permitted to enter the pyramid except through tourist companies in order to make control, which is the opposite of what is happing now; which allowed the samples to be smuggled".
He (Hawass) pointed that "the German laboratories attempted to demonstrate, through the red colour found in the rooms, that the pyramid dates to 15 thousand years (ago), which means that this was the time it was built, but the fact which is confirmed by both Egyptian and foreign scientists is that Khufu sent in his Year 27 a mission to bring the red colour from the Western Sahara, from Mast stone in which the cartouche was written, which means that it was the quarry from which the colour was brought who dates 15 thousand years ago and not the pyramid".
He (Hawass) stressed on "the need for those responsible for antiquities to look to what is happening of destruction and vandalism in some areas, not just remove accusations from officials or trying to deny responsibility for a great disaster like breaking into the pyramid and stealing Khufu's cartouche, as the present minister does".
The Blood Building and Healing Power of Chlorophyll!
The Healing Power of Chlorophyll
As many of us know the power of sunshine on our body and mind, not many are aware of sunlight's liquefied form - chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is liquefied sun energy and by consuming as much chlorophyll as possible will basically bathe our inner organs in sunshine.
No life is possible without chlorophyll, the blood of plants - just as hemoglobin is the blood of the body - the difference between the two molecules being that chlorophyll contains magnesium, while hemoglobin contains iron. Therefore, chlorophyll through a plant based diet will be high in magnesium.
Since ancient times chlorophyll has served as a miraculous healer, carrying a significant amount of oxygen with it and therefore playing a critical role in supporting our aerobic (good) bacteria. The more we consume, the better our intestinal flora and overall health will be. Chlorophyll has been proven helpful in preventing and healing many forms of cancer and atherosclerosis, whilst adequate scientific research has found that there are hardly any illnesses that could not be helped by chlorophyll.
Some of the many healing properties of this amazing substance are:
• Chlorophyll Promote formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells
• Building a high blood count
• Helping to prevent cancer
• Providing iron to organs
• Making the body more alkaline
• Cleaning and deodorizing bowels
• Helping the purify the liver
• Eliminating bad breath
• Relieving sore throat
• Improving varicose veins
• Reducing pain caused by inflammation
• Improving vision
• Fights infections.
Greens are the only living thing in the world that can transform sunshine into food that all living creatures can consume - there would be no life on our planet without greens - as the life purpose of all greens is to produce chlorophyll.
With high oxygen content in chlorophyll and a high mineral content in green plants, greens are the most alkalizing food that exists on the planet - heavy in alkaline minerals. By including greens in our diet we can keep our body alkaline and healthy.
A Simple, Non-Invasive Way of Accessing Your Risk For Breast Cancer
Has your family doctor or GYN ever talked to you about Breast Thermography? This is a simple, non-invasive way of accessing your risk for breast cancer - yet most conventionally-trained physicians have no idea about its benefits. Although a surprising fact to most people, Medical Thermography has been around since the 1970's and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1982 for breast cancer detection and risk assessment.
Discover a safe alternative to mammography and prevent cancer - naturally – Call PH Miracle Center 760-751-8321 http://www.phmiracleliving.com/t-MedicalImaging.aspx#thermo
Shrinking Cancerous Tumors with Alkalinity
8-Year Old Girl Raises pH levels And Shrinks Cancer Tumors By 75 % With Diet
by Arjun Walia.
Let food by thy medicine, and medicine by thy food – Hippocrates
In this case, the pH levels were raised, and as a result the lactic acid goes down and the cancer activity goes down. This allows the body repair itself. It’s very concerning that most doctors don’t know that nutrition plays a vital role when it comes to cancer treatment. If you have cancer, the options you are given are usually drugs, chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Rarely is nutrition thought of when it comes to an effective cure for cancer. While each case is unique and no ONE treatment can be used in every case, it is important to look at multiple options that have been effective vs only looking at mainstream options which don’t have high success rates to begin with. For example, here is a list of 20 medical studies that prove cannabis can cure cancer.
Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are constantly pushed as the only go-to options for cancer treatment, when this couldn’t be farther from the truth. How often does a cancer patient see a doctor who tells them that dichloroacetate can their cancer? That was recently discovered by researchers at the University of Alberta. Cancer is a multi-trillion dollar industry, it can be hard to believe that there are those who do not promote treatments that have been proven successful, but it simply means we have to go beyond what we are taught, use our critical thinking skills and find out the truth for ourselves.
Interview of Dr. Robert O. Young on Raw Living Radio
We’ll be talking about The Cure for Cancer and other huge and important topics, so you’ll want to be sure to catch this very important show! You can be sure our co-hosts, Laura Fox and Nathan Crane, as well as the whole RLR Crew, Clementine Libre, and Mixtress Hava will be there to join in the fun!
Click the Link Above to download the FREE REPORT from Clenentine Libre that accompanies her segment on this show!
Dr. Robert Young: Over the past twenty years, Dr. Robert O.Young hasaided the healing of thousands of people with his revolutionary alkaline diet and lifestyle. This alkalizing diet and scientific approach—known as The New Biology®—is based on his extensive nutritional microbiological work, which spawned his authoring of the globally renowned book series, “The pH Miracle,” which has been printed in over twenty languages. Over the past two and a half decades, Robert O. Young has been widely recognized as one of the top research scientists in the world. Throughout his career, his research has been focused at the cellular level. Having a specialty in cellular nutrition, Dr. Young has devoted his life to researching the true causes of “disease,” subsequently developing “The New Biology™” to help people balance his life. Website and Free pH Food Chart
Lisa Wilson: Lisa is a Certified Health, Nutrition and Wellness Counselor, Certified Fitness Trainer, Founder of The Raw Food Institute, Founder of Parkfit Outdoor Fitness, Founder of In the Know Lifestyle, Co-host of a DC metro area television show, Speaker and Mom! Website and Free Informational Videos
Victoria Boutenko is an author, teacher, inventor, researcher, artist and mother of three. She teaches classes on healthy living and raw food all over the world. As a result of her research and teachings, thousands of people are drinking and sharing green smoothies.
Victoria Boutenko is an author of 12 Steps to Raw Foods, Green Smoothie Revolution, Raw Family Signature Dishes and Green for Life. Green for Life is an award winning, international best seller which has been translated into 26 languages with over a quarter of a million copies being sold world wide.
- See more at: http://www.rawfamily.com/about-the-raw-family#sthash.HOijTP6Z.dpuf
Victoria Boutenko is an author, teacher, inventor, researcher, artist and mother of three. She teaches classes on healthy living and raw food all over the world. As a result of her research and teachings, thousands of people are drinking and sharing green smoothies.
Victoria Boutenko is an author of 12 Steps to Raw Foods, Green Smoothie Revolution, Raw Family Signature Dishes and Green for Life. Green for Life is an award winning, international best seller which has been translated into 26 languages with over a quarter of a million copies being sold world wide.
- See more at: http://www.rawfamily.com/about-the-raw-family#sthash.HOijTP6Z.dpuf
Victoria Boutenko is an author, teacher, inventor, researcher, artist and mother of three. She teaches classes on healthy living and raw food all over the world. As a result of her research and teachings, thousands of people are drinking and sharing green smoothies.
Victoria Boutenko is an author of 12 Steps to Raw Foods, Green Smoothie Revolution, Raw Family Signature Dishes and Green for Life. Green for Life is an award winning, international best seller which has been translated into 26 languages with over a quarter of a million copies being sold world wide.
- See more at: http://www.rawfamily.com/about-the-raw-family#sthash.HOijTP6Z.dpuf
is a talented artist, jewelry designer, film director and animator. Her award wining film ‘Reversing the Irreversible’ looks at the healing proof of a raw food diet and green smoothies, a subject which Valya continues to film in the form of video testimonials. Valya is also interested in teaching parents to encourage their children to eat healthfully. She is a raw food chef, expert at making green smoothie recipes, author, teacher and student of The Work of Byron Katie.www.valyaboutenko.com – See more at: http://www.rawfamily.com/about-the-raw-family#sthash.HOijTP6Z.dpuf
Tags: alkaline diet, clementine libre, laura fox, living foods diet, mixtress hava, nathan crane, raw cleanse, raw food, raw food and weight loss, raw food demos, raw food expo, raw living expo, raw living radio, raw vegan chef demos, raw vegan diet
Category: advisory board, awards gala, cleansing, contest protocols, E-Books, fasting, featured, media,nominations, people, places, products, Raw Living Expo Presenter, recipes, voting
Cancer Mortality and Morbidity
Situation and trends
Cancer is a leading cause of death and accounted for 7.6 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths) in 2008.
Lung, breast, colorectal, stomach, and prostate cancers cause the majority of cancer deaths. Important risk factors for cancer include tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and the harmful use of alcohol.
The WHO Regions for Europe and the Americas had the highest incidence of all types of cancer combined for both sexes. Countries in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region had the lowest incidence rates. Except in AFRO and SEARO, men have higher rates for all types of cancer combined than women. Lung cancer rates among both sexes combined were highest in the WHO Western Pacific Region, followed by Europe and the Americas. They were lowest in Africa. Women in the WHO African Region had the highest incidence of cancer of the cervix uteri, followed by the WHO South East Asia Region. Women in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region had the lowest cervical cancer incidence. For breast cancer, women in the WHO European Region had the highest rates followed by the Americas. These rates were more than double those of the other WHO regions. Men in the WHO Americas Region had the highest rates of prostate cancer, followed by the WHO Europe Region. The lowest rate of prostate cancer was in the WHO South East Asia Region. Among the WHO Regions, the countries in the WHO Western Pacific Region had by far the highest incidence of stomach cancer and liver cancer. The lowest incidence of stomach cancer was in Africa. Men in the WHO Western Pacific Region had five times the rate of liver cancer of men in all other regions, except for Africa, where it was more than double the rate. Women in the WHO Western Pacific Region also had a considerably higher liver cancer incidence rate than women in other WHO regions. The WHO European Region had the highest incidence of colorectal cancer followed by the WHO Americas Region. The WHO African Region had the lowest incidence.
According to the World Bank income groups for countries, the cancer rates for all cancers combined (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers) rose with increasing levels of country income. High income countries had more than double the rate of all cancers combined of low income countries. Except in low income countries, men have considerably higher rates of all types of cancer combined than women. This exception is probably explained by the high rates of cervical cancer among women in Africa. High income countries had more than double the lung cancer incidence rates those in low income countries. Across all the income groups, men’s lung cancer incidence rates were more than double those of women, and in upper middle income countries the men’s lung cancer incidence rates were four times higher. High income countries had approximately ten times the rate of prostate cancer incidence of the lower middle income countries. For breast cancer, incidence rates rose rapidly with level of country income. High income countries had more than three times the rate of low income countries. Similarly, colorectal cancer incidence rates also rose by level of country income. High income countries had considerably higher colorectal cancer incidence rates than any other income group. This was nearly five times higher than the rate in low income countries. Conversely, high income countries had considerably lower cervical cancer incidence rates than low and middle income countries. And for liver cancer, low and lower middle income countries also had the highest rates.
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