
Melody McCloskey | StyleSeat

Kevin Rose

Melody McCloskey shares how her frustration with finding a stylist inspired her to build the platform for StyleSeat.

Robyn Sue Fisher | Smitten Ice Cream

Smitten Ice Cream

Robyn Sue Fisher discovered that freezing ice cream at super low temperatures could create a smoother product and freeze ice cream in record time. So, with liquid nitrogen as her secret weapon, she set off to build a machine that perfected the ultra-cold churning process using double-helix beaters. What is LN2? Nitrogen is an inert element that makes up 78% of the atmosphere all around us. Liquid nitrogen is gaseous nitrogen brought down in tempearture until it changes its state of matter at -321 degrees F (darn cold!).

China’s Central Party School is Talking the Unthinkable: the Collapse of Chinese Communism

Central Party School in Beijing, training academy for China elite
Photo: Eric Gregory Powell

Financial Times
by Jamil Anderlini

As the economy slows and middle-class discontent grows, the question is being asked: How long can the Communist party survive in China?

Modernization theory holds that authoritarian systems tend to democratize as incomes rise, that the creation of a large middle class hastens the process and that economic slowdown following a long period of rapid growth makes that transition more likely. Serious and worsening inequality coupled with high levels of corruption can add to the impetus for change.

All these factors now exist in China but some political ­theorists, including many at the Central Party School, argue that the country is culturally and politically exceptional and the wave of authoritarian collapse still surging through the Arab world will never reach Chinese shores. Others, including influential Chinese intellectuals, distinguished western sinologists and even liberal-minded senior party members, believe these are the final days of the Communist era and the party will be washed away if it does not launch serious political reforms soon.

Tucked away between China’s top spy school and the ancient imperial summer palace in the west of Beijing lies the only place in the country where the demise of the ruling Communist party can be openly debated without fear of reprisal—the campus of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the elite training academy for the country’s autocratic leaders that is described in official propaganda as a “furnace to foster the spirit of party members”.

“China’s political model is just not sustainable.”In keeping with some of the momentous changes that have occurred in Chinese society, the curriculum has been radically revised in recent years. Students still steep themselves in the wisdom of Das Kapital and “Deng Xiaoping Theory” but they are also taught classes in economics, law, religion, military affairs and western political thought. As well as watching anti-corruption documentaries and participating in revolutionary singalongs, the mid-level and high-ranking party cadres who make up the student body are given lessons in opera appreciation and diplomatic etiquette.

“China’s political model is just not sustainable because of the rising middle class – the same force that has driven democracy everywhere. The new generation in China is very different from the one that left the land and drove the first wave of industrialisation – they’re much better educated and much richer and they have new demands, demands like clean air, clean water, safe food and other issues that can’t just be solved by fast economic growth.” ~Francis Fukuyama

“The party’s ideological foundation is really very hollow. People join the party these days to make connections and get ahead rather than for any kind of socialist ideals.” Perry Link, professor at the University of California Riverside and one of the most well-respected western experts on China.

David Shambaugh, director of the China Policy Program at George Washington University and a leading expert on China’s political system, believes that the party is in a state of decline that echoes the dying days of Chinese dynasties throughout history.

The signs include a hollow state ideology that society does not believe in but ritualistically feigns compliance with, worsening corruption, failure to provide the public with adequate social welfare and a pervasive public sense of insecurity and frustration. Other signs include increasing social and ethnic unrest, elite factionalism, over-taxation with the proceeds mostly going into officials’ pockets, serious and worsening income inequality and no reliable rule of law.

Shambaugh says a powerful indicator of just how little faith exists in the system is the number of wealthy Chinese elites with offshore assets and property, offshore bank accounts and children studying in western universities.

“These individuals are ready to bolt at a moment’s notice, as soon as the political system is in its endgame – but they will remain in China in order to extract every last Renminbi possible until that time,” he says. “Their hedging behaviour speaks volumes about the fragile stability of the party state in China today.”

Read the complete story at Financial Times.

Timothy Blaise | Bohemian Gravity

Thanks, Jean-Pierre.

Setelah iPhone 5S, Apple Siapkan iPhone 6

Setelah iPhone 5S, Apple Siapkan iPhone 6  

Beribu orang sedang sangat antusias dengan iPhone 5S dan 5C yang mulai dijual Jumat, 20 September 2013 di sejumlah negara. Tersiar kabar, setelah peluncuran iPhones 5S sukses, Apple segera memunculkan generasi selanjutnya, yaitu iPhone 6. Belum selesai proses pembuatannya, sudah beredar rumor seputar fitur yang akan dihadirkan oleh Tim Cook pada ponsel ini. Apa saja?

1. iPhone 6 Bersatu dengan Mac OS X
Perangkat iPhone dan iPad yang dijual selama ini masih menggunakan sistem operasi iOS. Namun, Apple menyatakan akan menggabungkan iOS dan Mac OS X pada perangkat iPhone beberapa tahun mendatang. Para ahli memperkirakan akan terjadi pada 2014 atau 2016. 

Tim Cook berkomentar bahwa saat ini iOS masih akan terus dioptimalkan untuk versi mobile. Menurut dia, penggabungan ini akan memudahkan pengguna perangkat portable dalam mengakses Mac OS X yang biasanya hanya tersedia pada perangkat komputer Macintosh. 

2. Berlayar Lebar
Seperti yang dilaporkan sebelumnya, Apple akan membuat ponsel layar lebar pada ponsel pintar. Ada kemungkinan iPhone 6 kelas reguler akan berukuran 4 sampai 5 inci, sedangkan iPhone 6 akan lebih besar dari itu. 

3. iPhone 6 dengan layar fleksibel
iPhone 5S menggunakan teknologi Flexible Printed Circuits (FPC) agar lebih elastis dan lebih murah. Namun, meski dibilang fleksibel, layar iPhone 5S tidak mungkin ditekuk. Menurut kabar, Apple akan mendesain layar iPhone 6 agar lebih "berani".

4. Virtual Keyboard dan Proyektor Pico
Layar besar pada iPhone 6 akan dibenamkan dua proyektor Pico. Dengan teknologi tersebut, iPhone 6 mampu memproyeksikan tampilannya ke bidang datar yang lebih besar, misalnya dinding. Selain itu, Apple kabarnya menyediakan docking station untuk iPhone 6 agar bisa digunakan sebagai komputer desktop dengan menyambungkannya ke monitor, mouse dan keyboard. 

5. Tanggal Rilis
Meski iPhone 5 dirilis sejak Jumat, 20 September 2013, tapi sampai saat ini sepertinya Apple belum mau buru-buru merilis generasi iPhone selanjutnya. Namun, para ahli memperkirakan iPhone 6 akan dirilis tahun 2014.

BBM Android-iPhone Butuh BlackBerry ID, Caranya?

BlackBerry Messenger di Android dan iPhone

Aplikasi pesan instan BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) di Android dan iPhone masih membutuhkan personal identification number (PIN) sebagai alat otentifikasi agar dapat berkirim pesan. Salah satu yang dibutuhkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan PIN adalah dengan memasukkan akun BlackBerry ID di aplikasi BBM.

Senior Director Marketing Asia Pacific BlackBerry, Krishnadeep Baruah, menjelaskan, BlackBerry ID harus dimiliki setiap pengguna yang ingin memakai BBM.

Ada dua hal yang dapat dilakukan pengguna untuk sign-in menggunakan BlackBerry ID.

Berikut penjelasan KompasTekno tentang akun BlackBerry ID dan PIN.

Mentransfer akun BlackBerry ID

Jika sebelumnya menggunakan ponsel BlackBerry dan sudah memiliki akun BlackBerry ID, Anda cukup memasukkan akun tersebut saat login di aplikasi BBM pada perangkat Android atau iPhone.

Secara otomatis, seluruh kontak BBM Anda akan ditransfer ke BBM di perangkat Android atau iPhone.

Dalam kasus ini, saat login di BBM Android atau iPhone, Anda akan mendapatkan PIN dan barcode baru. PIN ini akan selamanya melekat dengan akun BlackBerry ID. Jadi, tidak akan berubah selama Anda menggunakan BlackBerry ID yang sama.

Sementara itu, PIN atau barcode lama Anda akan tetap melekat pada ponsel BlackBerry.

Membuat akun BlackBerry ID baru

Anda dimungkinkan untuk membuat akun BlackBerry ID baru dari perangkat Android ataupun iPhone. Ini juga bisa dilakukan dari PC dengan mengunjungi tautan ini.

Setelah mengisi semua data yang diminta, Anda akan mendapatkan PIN dan barcode unik untuk otentikasi. BBM tidak menggunakan nomor ponsel untuk otentifikasi.

Selanjutnya, Anda dapat memasukkan BlackBerry ID tersebut di perangkat Android atau iPhone lainnya.

Jika ingin daftar kontak yang ada di BlackBerry ditransfer ke Android/iPhone, lakukan proses login menggunakan BlackBerry ID di ponsel BlackBerry terlebih dahulu.

Satu BlackBerry ID hanya dapat digunakan pada satu perangkat. Jika satu BlackBerry ID digunakan pada dua perangkat, salah satu perangkat tidak akan bisa menggunakan BBM.

Sama dengan kasus di atas, saat login di BBM Android atau iPhone, Anda akan mendapatkan PIN dan barcode baru. PIN ini akan selamanya melekat dengan akun BlackBerry ID. Jadi, tidak akan berubah selama Anda menggunakan BlackBerry ID yang sama.

BBM untuk Android bisa diunduh di Play Store pada 21 September jam 18.00 WIB. Sementara di iPhone, BBM bisa diunduh di App Store pada 22 September jam 00.01 WIB. Keduanya dapat diunduh secara gratis.

BBM lintas platform ini hanya dapat berjalan di perangkat yang memakai sistem operasi Android versi 4.0 ke atas dan iOS 6 ke atas.

Cara mengundang kontak BBM sama persis dengan di perangkat BlackBerry. Pengguna bisa mengundang melalui PIN, memindai barcode, lewat e-mail, juga SMS.

Pada tahap awal, BBM di Android dan iPhone memiliki fungsi standar untuk berkirim pesan teks, mengirim voice note dan video singkat, serta membuat grup diskusi. Anda juga dimungkinkan mengganti gambar profil atau status.

Di kemudian hari, tidak menutup kemungkinan BBM untuk Android dan iPhone akan memiliki fitur BBM Voice, Video, Screen Share, bahkan Channels.

BBM di Android dan iPhone, Gratis atau Bayar?


Salah satu aplikasi yang paling ditunggu pada tahun 2013, BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) lintas platform, akan segera tersedia untuk Android dan iPhone.

Pertanyaannya, apakah pengguna Android dan iOS harus membayar untuk mendapatkan aplikasi ini?

Dalam jumpa pers "BBM for Everyone" di Jakarta, Kamis (19/9/2013), pihak BlackBerry mengumumkan, BBM untuk Android dan iOS bisa diunduh secara gratis di toko aplikasi Google Play Store dan Apple App Store.

Tak seperti WhatsApp, tak ada iuran bulanan atau tahunan untuk menggunakan layanan BlackBerry ini.

Satu-satunya biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh pengguna Android dan iPhone untuk menggunakan layanan BBM adalah paket berlangganan data dari operator seluler.

Paket data ini tak berbeda dengan paket yang biasa digunakan di ponsel Android atau iPhone untuk mengakses internet. Jadi, tak perlu berlangganan paket data khusus BlackBerry atau BlackBerry Internet Services (BIS).

Operator telah menawarkan berbagai paket internet, mulai dari paket harian hingga bulanan dengan batasan kuota bandwidth maupun tak berbatas (unlimited). Biayanya pun tidak terlalu besar, mulai dari Rp 5.000 (untuk harian) hingga ratusan ribu rupiah (bulanan).

Paket data universal ini dapat digunakan untuk mengakses semua fitur dan layanan yang ada di BBM di Android dan iPhone.

Agar pengguna lebih nyaman untuk berkirim pesan di BBM secara terus-menerus, disarankan untuk menggunakan paket unlimited.

BBM untuk Android sudah bisa diunduh pengguna Indonesia pada Sabtu, 21 September 2013, pukul 18.00 WIB. Sementara BBM di iPhone bisa diunduh pada Minggu, 22 September 2013, pukul 00.01 WIB.

Selain dari Google Play dan App Store, peminat juga bisa memperoleh aplikasi BBM untuk Android dan iOS dari situs resmi BlackBerry di, dengan jadwal yang sama dengan di atas.

Aplikasi BBM bisa berjalan di iPhone dengan sistem operasi iOS versi 6/7 atau Android Ice Cream Sandwich dan Jelly Bean (Android 4.x).

Pengguna Android dan iPhone dapat memanfaatkan BBM untuk mengirim pesan teks, foto, voice note, serta membuat grup diskusi berisi 30 kontak.

Fly Like an Eagle

An eagle soars through Mer de Glace in the French Alps with a camera strapped to its back.

China Ghost Cities Update


Adrian Brown returns to China and finds 20 new cities are taking shape in this year alone.

Tanggal Resmi Peluncuran BBM di Android dan iPhone

BlackBerry secara resmi mengumumkan tanggal ketersediaan aplikasi BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) di Android dan iPhone pada Rabu (18/9/2013).

Aplikasi BBM lintas platform dapat diunduh dan digunakan secara gratis oleh pengguna smartphone Android dan iPhone mulai tanggal 21 September 2013.

Dilepasnya layanan "jagoan" BlackBery ini ke Android dan iPhone sendiri telah diumumkan oleh CEO BlackBerry Thorsten Heins pada bulan Mei lalu, dalam acara BlackBerry Live 2013 di Orlando, AS.

"Dengan lebih dari satu miliar ponsel Android, iOS, dan BlackBerry yang beredar di pasaran; dan tidak adanya platform mobile messaging yang sangat dominan; ini benar-benar waktu yang tepat untuk membawa BBM ke pengguna Android dan iPhone," kata Wakil Presiden Eksekutif BlackBerry Messenger Andrew Bocking seperti dikutip KompasTekno dari keterangan tertulis di blog resmi perusahaan.

Jadwal ketersediaan BBM di Android dan iPhone bakal terpaut satu hari.

BBM multi-platform kali pertama akan tersedia Google Play Store pada Sabtu (21/9/2013), sedangkan di Apple App Store baru dapat diunduh sehari setelahnya atau Minggu (22/9/2013).

Selain dari dua toko aplikasi tersebut, pada tanggal yang sama, pengguna Android dan iPhone dapat mengunduh aplikasi BBM dengan mengunjungi situs resminya,

Aplikasi BBM bisa berjalan di iPhone dengan sistem operasi iOS versi 6/7 atau Android Ice Cream Sandwich dan Jelly Bean (Android 4.x).

Pengguna Android dan iPhone dapat memanfaatkan BBM untuk mengirim pesan teks, foto, voice note, serta membuat grup diskusi berisi 30 kontak.

BlackBerry mengklaim, BBM kini dipakai oleh 60 juta pengguna aktif bulanan. Lebih dari 51 juta orang menggunakan BBM, rata-rata selama 90 menit per hari. Setiap harinya, ada 10 miliar pesan yang dikirim dan diterima pelanggan BBM. BlackBerry mengklaim, jumlah ini dua kali lebih banyak dari pesan yang dikirim dan diterima aplikasi pesan instan lain.

Perbandingan iOS 6 dengan iOS 7 yang Baru Saja Dirilis

Selamat Pagi gan, mau kasih info ni. Apple iOS 7 udah bisa di download loh gan, nah sekarang ini ane mau kasih sedikit review dari iOS 7. Jujur ini thread copas gan dari, monggo di baca gan.

iOS 7, sistem operasi Apple yang eklusif hanya bisa dijalankan pada perangkat iPhone, iPod atau iPad ini, seminggu belakangan menjadi kata kunci pencarian yang meningkat tajam didunia maya. Bukan tanpa alasan, hal ini terjadi karena: Update sistem operasi iOS kali ini mengalami perombakan drastis, bukan hanya perubahan minor seperti yang sudah-sudah.
“With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 7 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.”

Itulah sederet kalimat yang terpampang di halaman website iOS 7 pada website resmi Apple. Perubahan drastis ini tampak pada desain UI iOS 7. Tampilan antar-muka iOS yang telah digunakan semenjak iPhone generasi pertama (2007) hadir, kini sudah ditinggalkan. Penasaran seperti apa tampilan iOS 7 terbaru? Mari kita simak bersama reviewnya.

Perbedaan Desain UI iOS 6 & iOS 7

Ketika hadir sebuah sistem operasi baru, kesan awal yang dilihat adalah: apakah tampilan desain ada yang berubah atau tidak. Jika tidak, maka tidak akan terlalu menarik untuk dibahas. Oleh karena itu Blog Lazada kini akan membahas iOS 7 lebih dari segi desain daripada membahas fitur-fitur terbarunya.
Spoilerfor Perbedaan Desain UI iOS 6 & iOS 7:

Pada iOS 7 terbaru ini, Apple men-desain OS yang terkesan Clean. Hal ini sudah tampak dari awal kita membuka layar iOS 7, font jam digital terlihat yang lebih tipis dan halus, garis-garis tegas semua dihilangkan pada layar “Lockscreen” ini. Walau tampil dengan gaya baru, namun mekanisme “slide to unlock” masih dipertahankan, yaitu digeser kesebelah kanan untuk membuka kunci dan geser keatas untuk memulai menggunakan kamera tanpa harus membuka kuncinya.

Perubahan konsep desain yang radikal ini Menurut CEO Apple, Tim Cook:

The new iOS 7 is radically simplified, incredibly flat, colorful, and multi-layered.”

Perubahan Total Ikon Aplikasi
Spoilerfor Perubahan Total Ikon Aplikasi:

“lockscreen” hanya awal. Perubahan yang lebih radikal terlihat ketika pengguna masuk ke layar home menu utama. Terlihat, Ikon-ikon tiap menu aplikasi standar iOS yang sudah bertahan sejak tahun 2007, ikutan diganti total. Hal ini dilakukan demi mengimbangi keseluruhan themes iOS yang diganti. Icon aplikasi iOS baru kini terkesan: lebih flat, lebih sedikit shadow, dan terlihat lebih bergaya “masa kini.” Desain ikon terbaru iOS 7 BERHASIL membuat iOS 6 tampak seperti tampilan layar ponsel “jadul.”

Warna & Border Bergaya Calmness
Spoilerfor Warna & Border Bergaya Calmness:

Desain font, border, dan penempatan tombol iOS 7 mengesankan profil desain “Calmness” atau “tenang” dimana desain seperti ini memang sedang popular terutama setelah OS Windows 8 merambah ke ponsel (Windows 8 Phone). Dari foto halaman kontak diatas terlihat iOS 7 terpengaruh oleh gaya Windows 8. Namun seperti apapun desain yang dirubah oleh Apple, fungsi navigasinya masih sama, sehingga kita yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan iOS 6 tidak akan merasa aneh saat memakai iOS 7 nanti.

Themes Dengan Kesan “Flat”
Spoilerfor Themes Dengan Kesan “Flat”:

Perubahan gaya tidak hanya menjadi lebih Calm saja. Namun juga menjadi lebih flat. Kesan ini terlihat saat penggunanya menggunakan aplikasi messaging atau saat mengangkat telepon. Namun Apple tidak serta merta membuat semua aspek dalam iOS 7 tampil flat seperti ini, teknologi layer membuat tampilan menu seperti terpisah dari latar belakangnya. Lagipula jika semua serba flat apa bedanya iOS 7 dengan tampilan ponsel hp dua dimensi?

iOS 7 Lebih Ringan?
Spoilerfor iOS 7 Lebih Ringan?:

Jika kita mengamati, iOS 6 tingkat responsifnya sudah sangat hebat, bahkan dibandingkan dengan OS Android teranyar sekalipun iOS 6 lebih terasa smooth dan lebih “cekatan” dalam mengeksekusi aplikasi apapun. Namun, benarkah iOS 7 berjalan dengan lebih ringan lagi dibanding iOS 6?

Jelas iya, iOS 7 jauh lebih ringan dibandingkan dengan iOS 6. Apa alasannya? Dalam dunia warna , warna dengan terlalu banyak variasi artinya konsumsi tenaga visual juga ikut berat, karenanya saat pengguna berpindah dari layar aplikasi yang satunya ke yang lain, layar tersebut akan berusaha menyesuaikan/memberikan warna yang jauh berbeda dari layar sebelumnya.

Sedangkan, pada iOS 7 warna tiap aplikasi hampir senada (harmonis), sehingga layar tidak perlu bekerja terlalu keras untuk berpindah dari satu layar ke layar yang lain. Setuju kan? silahkan lihat perbandingan berbagai aplikasi dibawah ini. Anda akan melihat aplikasi pada iOS 7 memiliki kesamaan warna yang lebih dekat (Homogenized) dibanding iOS 6.

Spoilerfor iOS 6 vs iOS 7:

Dari semua perubahan desain iOS 7, dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut:

  • Semua ikon aplikasi standar dirubah agar tercipta harmonisasi terbaik dengan keseluruhan themes dan User Interface terbaru
  • Color Pallete terbaru sehingga warna-warna iOS 7 terlihat sangat berbeda dari iOS 6.
  • Menciptakan layer yang berbeda untuk aplikasi dan layar navigasi sehingga kegiatan multitasking lebih terealisasi
  • Wallpaper pada menu dapat bergerak sesuai bagaimana posisi mata kita dalam menggenggam device dengan iOS 7 sehingga tampilan antar muka terlihat lebih dalam dan nyata.
  • Animasi yang memberikan informasi lebih sehingga pengguna awam lebih mengerti iOS
  • Control center terbaru agar pengguna lebih mudah memakai fungsi-fungsi yang paling sering di matikan atau hidupkan seperti Wifi, airplane mode, senter, dll.

Desain & Fungsi iOS 7 Meniru Android?
Spoilerfor Desain & Fungsi iOS 7 Meniru Android?:

Tidak dapat dipungkiri desain terbaru iOS 7 ini dinilai banyak orang banyak terpengaruh dari OS Android atau Windows 8, namun perlu perlu diketahui bahwa hal tersebut semata-mata untuk memberikan yang terbaik yang dapat dilakukan oleh Apple untuk para penggunanya. Lagipula sentuhan Apple iOS yang original masih terasa pada iOS 7.

Spoilerfor iOS 7 vs Android:

Apakah dengan iOS 7 terbarunya Apple ingin membuat para penggemar Android untuk beralih ke produk Apple (iPhone, iPad, iPod)?
Mari kita tunggu bersama respon masyarakat mengenai iOS 7 terbaru ini.


Jakarta - Seperti yang sudah dijanjikan sebelumnya, Apple akhirnya merilis iOS 7 untuk pengguna iDevice. Kini, para pengguna iPhone, iPad, maupun iPod Touch, sudah bisa menikmati desain warna-warni dari iOS 7 ini.

Diumumkan saat berlangsungnya Worldwide Developer Conference 2013, Apple menempatkan tanggal 18 September sebagai waktu rilis dari iOS 7. Pengumuman itu berbarengan dengan kehadiran iPhone 5C dan iPhone 5S.

Tepat pukul 00.00 WIB, pengguna iDevice di Indonesia sudah bisa merasakan update ini. Nah, sebelum mengunduhnya pastikan ruang memori di handset cukup lapang dan internet WiFi dalam keadaan stabil.

Pasalnya, iOS 7 ini membutuhkan memori sebesar 725 MB. Untuk berjaga-jaga juga, sebelum mengunduhnya, Anda disarankan mem-back up data terlebih dulu dengan menggunakan komputer.

Di iOS 7 sendiri, Apple menawarkan perubahan radikal, seperti desain yang menarik, notifikasi terpusat, airdrop multitasking baru, iTunes radio, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.

Beberapa waktu lalu pun detikINET sudah sedikit banyak mengupas kelebihan dari iOS 7 versi beta. Karena tidak ada perubahan yang signifikan

yang mau dowload, bisa langsung dari iPhone (OTA) atau bisa lewat itunes, mending download OTA aja deh gan, cuma sebentar kalo inet mantep oh iya, minimal iPhone 4 ya gan hehehehe

Jangan lupa komen sama di rate ya gan, yang mau nimpuk ane pake cendol juga boleh heheheh

Sumber :

tag: iphone ios, ios, iphone, ios 6, ios 7, ios baru iphone, ios baru apple, ios baru, perbandingan ios 6 dan ios 7,

22 Year-Old Ethan Schlussler Built a Human Powered Elevator to Access His Treehouse

Cesar Galindo | Using Tech in Fashion

Immigrants Without Papers Create LLCs to Work

Carla Chavarria. Photo: Cindy Carcamo/LA Times

The Los Angeles Times
by Cindy Carcamo

Savvy young immigrants discover the limited liability company as a way to work legally. Some even hire U.S. citizens.

20 year-old, Carla Chavarria sits at the helm of a thriving graphic design business, launching branding and media campaigns for national organizations. Some of her projects are so large she has to hire staff.

Chavarria has to hop on buses to meet clients throughout Phoenix because Arizona won’t give her a driver’s license. The state considers her to be in the country illegally.

She may not drive, but along with thousands of other young people who entered the country illegally, Chavarria has found a way to make a living without breaking the law.

Although federal law prohibits employers from hiring someone residing in the country illegally, there is no law prohibiting such a person from starting a business or becoming an independent contractor.

“We pay taxes. We create jobs.”As a result, some young immigrants are forming limited liability companies or starting freelance careers — even providing jobs to U.S. citizens.

Creating a company or becoming an independent contractor has been a way for people who are in the country illegally to work on a contract basis and get around immigration enforcement. Organizers who help immigrants said the idea has taken on new life in recent years, often among tech-savvy young people who came into the country illegally or overstayed visas.

Chavarria, who was 7 when she crossed into Arizona from Mexico with her mother, said her parents told her from a young age that anything was possible in her newly adopted country.

“We’re taught as young kids that this is the land of opportunity,” she said. “They told me, ‘You could be anything you want to be if you work hard, you're a good person, obey your parents and go to school.’ ”

But when she graduated from high school in Phoenix, Chavarria discovered that her lack of legal status was a roadblock to becoming a graphic designer. Although she won a scholarship, she said, she could afford to take only two classes at a time at Scottsdale Community College because she wasn't willing to risk working with fraudulent documents to pay for school.

Chavarria learned about the of labor law — and how to register as a limited liability company. “I didn’t know it was possible,” Chavarria said. “And it wasn't that hard.”

It was as easy as downloading the forms from the Internet, opening up a bank account and turning in paperwork to the state along with a $50 fee. Proof of citizenship is not required. Regulations vary, but similar procedures exist in other states.

Chavarria also qualified for relief under the federal program this year. Although she said the program gives her peace of mind, she doesn’t want to become an employee. She likes the autonomy of having her own business.

Most days, a coffee shop in Phoenix serves as her office, and she charges clients $350 to $5,000 per project. The first time she contracted workers for a large campaign, an odd thought hit her: Although others couldn’t hire her, she could hire others.

She also realized that her success had a larger significance.

“They say we’re taking money and jobs and don’t pay taxes,” Chavarria said. “In reality, it’s the opposite. We pay taxes. We create jobs. I’m hiring people — U.S. citizens.”

Kanye West | Claudio Silvestrin

Claudio Silvestrin designed two residences for Kanye West, one in New York and another in Los Angeles.

New York
View from the hall to dining table and lounge.


The freestanding kitchen work surface and refectory-style dining table.

Bedroom and freestanding basin.

The freestanding stone basin in the bathroom.

View from the bedroom towards the stone basin and bath.

Curving entrance hall.


Los Angeles

iON | The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Explained


The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, also known as the Smaragdine Table, or Tabula Smaragdina, is an ancient, sacred text reputed to contain the secret of the prima material and its transmutation.

The layers of meaning implied in the Emerald Tablet have been associated with the creation of the philosopher’s stone, the elemental table and the correspondence between macrocosm and microcosm. Today, the Emerald Tablet is being brought into modernity by iON, an appropriate cipher for this cryptic piece of Hermetica which has engaged alchemists and wisdom seekers for millennia.

Read The Emerald Tablets of Thoth at Crystalinks.

Audios below from Bob Dobbs’ private sessions.

Preface (session 39, 21 May 2009)

Tablet 1 (session 40, 23 May 2009)

Tablet 2 (session 41, 24 May 2009)

Below from the Preface:

They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation.

They are imperishable, resistant to all elements and substances. In effect, the atomic and cellular structure is fixed, no change ever taking place.

In this respect, they violate the material law of ionization.

Upon them are engraved characters in the ancient Atlantean language: characters which respond to attuned thought waves, releasing the associated mental vibration in the mind of the reader.

The tablets are fastened together with hoops of golden-colored alloy suspended from a rod of the same material. So much for the material appearance.

The wisdom contained therein is the foundation of the ancient mysteries. And for the one who reads with open eyes and mind, his wisdom shall be increased a hundred-fold.

Evan Williams | Medium, A Better Place to Read & Write Things That Matter

Video: Serial entrepreneur Evan Williams talks candidly with Digg founder Kevin Rose about his experiences building Blogger, Twitter, and his latest project, Medium.

Medium is a new place on the Internet where people share ideas and stories that are longer than 140 characters and not just for friends. It’s designed for little stories that make your day better and manifestos that change the world. It’s used by everyone from professional journalists to amateur cooks. It’s simple, beautiful, collaborative, and it helps you find the right audience for whatever you have to say.

NOTE: A good place to start at Medium is the Collections. ~Ed


Evan Williams, founder of Blogger and co-founder of Twitter, has an ambitious new plan: to shift our daily reading habits away from consuming incremental news bites and towards engaging with enlightened ideas curated by an intelligent algorithm. Ordinarily, such a goal would seem utopian, were it not for the fact that Williams is among a handful of Internet pioneers who have disrupted the media industry multiple times.

Williams is taking aim squarely at the news industry’s most embarrassing vulnerability: the incessant need to trump up mundane happenings in order to habituate readers into needing news like a daily drug fix.

“News in general doesn’t matter most of the time, and most people would be far better off if they spent their time consuming less news and more ideas that have more lasting import. Even if it’s fiction, it’s probably better most of the time.”

“Does the Media Matter”It’s true. The daily news cycle doesn’t always do its job at enlightening American democracy. In the aptly titled research paper, “Does the Media Matter”, a team of economists found that getting a randomized group of citizens to read the Washington Post did nothing for “political knowledge, stated opinions, or turnout in post-election survey and voter data.”

News, alone, is evidently insufficient to make us a more informed society.

Instead, Williams argues, citizens should re-calibrate their ravenous appetite for information towards more awe-inspiring content. “Published written ideas and stories are life-changing,” he gushes, recalling his early childhood fascination with books as the motivation to take on the media establishment. The Internet “was freeing that up, that excitement about knowledge that’s inside of books–multiplied and freed and unlocked for the world; and, the world would be better in every way.”

In Williams’s grand vision, the public reads for enlightenment; news takes a backseat directly in proportion to how often it leaves us more informed and inspired.

Traditional news editors stake their reputations on having an intuition for what drives eyeballs to their sites. Editors don’t, however, know whether readers leave more informed.

Williams thinks Medium has an answer: an intelligent algorithm that suggests stories, primarily based on how long users spend reading certain articles (which he’s discussing publicly for the first time). Like Pandora did for music discovery, Medium’s new intelligent curator aims to improve the ol’ human-powered system of manually scrolling through the Internet and asking others what to read.

What we’re trying to do with Medium
by Evan Williams

British Security Coordination | Propaganda Masquerading as News in the US

Simon & Schuster

Roald Dahl, the author of the children’s books Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peace, was a dashing RAF officer when he took up his post at the British Embassy in Washington in 1942. His assignment was to use his good looks, wit, and considerable charm to gain access to the most powerful figures in American political life.

A patriot eager to do his part to save his country from a Nazi invasion, he invaded the upper reaches of the U.S. government and Georgetown society, winning over First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and her husband, Franklin; befriending wartime leaders from Henry Wallace to Henry Morgenthau; and seducing heiresses and wealthy dowagers including the glamorous freshman congresswoman Clare Boothe Luce and Standard Oil heiress Millicent Rogers.

Watch author Jennet Conant give several stories (from her book The Irregulars) of Mr. Dahl and other spies, including James Bond author Ian Fleming, attempting to shift public opinion in the US about the British crisis with Nazi Germany. 

Author William Boyd wrote the feature below for The Guardian and penned the novel Restless based on the British Security Coordination which was made into a TV movie by the BBC.

The Guardian
by William Boyd

The British Security Coordination (BSC) represented one of the largest covert operations in British spying history; a covert operation that was run in the US, during 1940 and 1941, before Pearl Harbor and the US’s eventual participation in the war in Europe against Nazi Germany.

Dahl, Photo: Bettmann/Corbis 1944
The BSC became a huge secret agency of nationwide news manipulation and black propaganda. Pro-British and anti-German stories were planted in American newspapers and broadcast on American radio stations, and simultaneously a campaign of harassment and denigration was set in motion against those organizations perceived to be pro-Nazi or virulently isolationist.

The aim was to change the minds of an entire population: to make the people of America think that joining the war in Europe was a “good thing” and thereby free Roosevelt to act without fear of censure from Congress or at the polls in an election.

BSC’s media reach was extensive: it included such eminent American columnists as Walter Winchell and Drew Pearson, and influenced coverage in newspapers such as the Herald Tribune, the New York Post and the Baltimore Sun. BSC effectively ran its own radio station, WRUL, and a press agency, the Overseas News Agency (ONA), feeding stories to the media as they required from foreign datelines to disguise their provenance. WRUL would broadcast a story from ONA and it thus became a US “source” suitable for further dissemination, even though it had arrived there via BSC agents. It would then be legitimately picked up by other radio stations and newspapers, and relayed to listeners and readers as fact. The story would spread exponentially and nobody suspected this was all emanating from three floors of the Rockefeller Centre. BSC took enormous pains to ensure its propaganda was circulated and consumed as bona fide news reporting. To this degree its operations were 100% successful: they were never rumbled.

One of BSC’s most successful operations originated in South America and illustrates the clandestine ability it had to influence even the most powerful. The aim was to suggest that Hitler’s ambitions extended across the Atlantic. In October 1941, a map was stolen from a German courier’s bag in Buenos Aires. The map purported to show a South America divided into five new states - Gaus, each with their own Gauleiter - one of which, Neuspanien, included Panama and “America's lifeline” the Panama Canal. In addition, the map detailed Lufthansa routes from Europe to and across South America, extending into Panama and Mexico. The inference was obvious: watch out, America, Hitler will be at your southern border soon. The map was taken as entirely credible and Roosevelt even cited it in a powerful pro-war, anti-Nazi speech on October 27 1941: “This map makes clear the Nazi design,” Roosevelt declaimed, “not only against South America but against the United States as well.”

The news of the map caused a tremendous stir: as a piece of anti-Nazi propaganda it could not be bettered. But was the South America map genuine? My own hunch is that it was a British forgery (BSC had a superb document forging facility across the border in Canada). The story of its provenance is just too pat to be wholly believable. Allegedly, only two of these maps were made; one was in Hitler’s keeping, the other with the German ambassador in Buenos Aires. So how come a German courier, who was involved in a car crash in Buenos Aires, happened to have a copy on him? Conveniently, this courier was being followed by a British agent who in the confusion of the incident somehow managed to snaffle the map from his bag and it duly made its way to Washington.
