
High School Goes Digital | No More Books

Izayah Powell, left and DeVante Reid set up their digital devices during freshman orientation at Archbishop Stepinac High School
Photo: Matthew Brown/The Journal News

USA Today

Nicholas Dadario weighed his backpack last year when it was filled with textbooks for his high school freshman honors classes at Archbishop Stepinac High School.

It weighed 35 pounds.

That backpack is going to be much lighter this year. Stepinac in White Plains has become one of the first high schools in the country to drop all textbooks like dead weight and replace them with a “digital library.” When students started classes Monday, they were zipping to an app or website on their tablet or laptop and had instant access to all 40 texts in the Stepinac curriculum, not to mention all sorts of note-taking, highlighting and interactive features.

“It’s not only lighter, but you’re mobile,” said Dadario, 15. “You can bring your computer to your friend’s house, wherever, and you’re all set.”

In the past, students’ families had to spend up to $700 a year on textbooks. This year — after the one-time purchase of a tablet or laptop — families have to pay $150 for access to the digital library.

Using the digital library is almost as easy as cracking open a new book (as long as your Internet connection is on). A student can almost instantly tap into a global studies digital book and open an interactive map of Egypt or a speech by President John F. Kennedy about the Cuban Missile Crisis or a PBS documentary about Iran’s disputed presidential election of 2009.

“Students can search for what they want, just like with Google, so now we can teach them to interpret and analyze the information,” said Matthew Hogan, social studies chairperson.

A teacher can show a page from a digital book on an interactive whiteboard at the front of the class or send students a link to a particular math problem, with the teacher’s notes added in.

Travelling Salesman

Travelling Salesman is an intellectual thriller about four mathematicians hired by the U.S. government to solve the most elusive problem in computer science history — P vs. NP. The four have jointly created a “system” which could be the next major advancement for our civilization or destroy the fabric of humanity.

The solution’s immediate application would be for theoretical computer science. However, its application would soon extend to countless other disciplines. For example, by utilizing the solution to P vs. NP, a hacker could crack advanced encryption codes within seconds—a task that now takes weeks, months, or even years. He could break into La Guardia's air traffic control or China’s communication grid. But the mathematical algorithm would also serve as the basis for accelerated biological research, curing diseases such as AIDS and cancer.

The film begins with the four at a secret location waiting to meet with a high-ranking official of the United States Department of Defense. The group discusses the global implications of their solution, and they agree that they must be extremely careful with who they allow to control their discovery.

The silver-tongued DoD agent soon arrives and presents them each with an offer of 10 million dollars in exchange for their portion of the algorithmic solution. He attempts to deftly address their concerns and sway the opinions of the four.

In the end, only one mathematician speaks out against selling the solution. In pleading his case, he is forced to reveal the dark truth about his portion of the algorithm. As the mathematicians are about to sign documents that will give the U.S. government sole and private ownership of their solution, they wrestle with the moral dilemma of how this volatile discovery will be used. The math is real. The implications are real.

The math behind the film

The P vs. NP problem is the most notorious unsolved problem in computer science. First introduced in 1971, it asks whether one class of problems (NP) is more difficult than another class (P).

Mathematicians group problems into classes based on how long they take to be solved and verified. “NP” is the class of problems whose answer can be verified in a reasonable amount of time. Some NP problems can also be solved quickly. Those problems are said to be in “P”, which stands for polynomial time. However, there are other problems in NP which have never been solved in polynomial time.

The question is, is it possible to solve all NP problems as quickly as P problems? To date, no one knows for sure. Some NP questions seem harder than P questions, but they may not be.

Currently, many NP problems take a long time to solve. As such, certain problems like logistics scheduling and protein structure prediction are very difficult. Likewise, many cryptosystems, which are used to secure the world's data, rely on the assumption that they cannot be solved in polynomial time.

If someone were to show that NP problems were not difficult—that P and NP problems were the same—it would would have significant practical consequences. Advances in bioinformatics and theoretical chemistry could be made. Much of modern cryptography would be rendered inert. Financial systems would be exposed, leaving the entire Western economy vulnerable.

Proving that P = NP would have enormous ramifications that would be equally enlightening, devastating, and valuable...

Thanks, Akito.

The Scarecrow

Since its release 3 days ago, Chipotle’s YouTube video, The Scarecrow, has generated scads of publicity and media attention, stirred controversy and angered folks in the food processing industry.

The restaurant chain is taking aim at Big-Food and courting Millennials who want to eat better, eat local—and brand lightly.

“In a dystopian fantasy world, all food production is controlled by fictional industrial giant Crow Foods. Scarecrows have been displaced from their traditional role of protecting food, and are now servants to the crows and their evil plans to dominate the food system. Dreaming of something better, a lone scarecrow sets out to provide an alternative to the unsustainable processed food from the factory.” ~form the Chipotle website

The film was created by Academy Award–winning Moonbot Studios and is set to a remake of the song “Pure Imagination” (performed by Grammy Award–winning artist Fiona Apple) from the 1971 film classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

The Scarecrow video is a promotion for Chipotle’s free iOS game of the same name and, coming early next year, four TV show–length Farmed and Dangerous short movies.

“We’re trying to educate people about where their food comes from,” Chipotle chief marketing officer Mark Crumpacker tells USA Today. And, not coincidentally, the company is also trying to win over millennials, the coveted twenty-something cohort that Crumpacker says is “skeptical of brands that perpetuate themselves.”

Last year, Chipotle served more than 10,000,000 pounds of local produce. Holthouse Farms is one of more than 40 producers selling to local Chipotle restaurants.

Niman Ranch Pork Company founder and pig farmer, Paul Willis, talks about reconstructing and restoring tall grass prairie lands and, below, shares his story of raising free-range, pasture raised pigs for Chipotle.

Below, Chipotle Founder, Chairman and Co-CEO, Steve Ells, reminisces about how he got the idea for the restaurant.

What is the Worst Thing You Ever Heard Your Mommy Say?

Hebatnya guru-guru Finlandia, Indonesia harus mencontoh

Nah,, dimulai saja gan.. seperti yang kita tau gan,, Guru adalah pekerjaan yang paling dibutuhkan di dunia ini ..
kalo ga ada guru, manusia pasti bodoh, karena g ada sosok pengajar yg menambah ilmu & wawasan...
guru juga biasa disebut sebagai pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa..
dan mengingat begitu pentingnya peranan guru untuk kemajuan suatu negara,
apakah kualitas guru2 di Indonesia sudah memadai ?
Langsung saja gan, 12 perbedaan dari sistem pendidikan Indonesia & Finlandia

Quote:12 Perbedaan sistem pendidikan Indonesia & Finlandia

1) Finlandia : Anak-anak baru bersekolah setelah mereka berusia 7 tahun.
Indonesia : ada playgroup, TK A, TK B, bahkan sebelum umur 3 tahun pun sudah ada yang ‘menyekolahkan’ anaknya, meskipun memang cuma satu jam dengan tujuan anaknya bersosialisasi. Masalahnya lagi, untuk masuk SD pun sekarang anak-anak DIHARUSKAN sudah bisa membaca. Ada tes masuknya. Jadi ingat percakapan ibu-ibu di commuter line yang curhat soal hal ini. Yang stres bukan cuma anaknya. Orang tuanya lebih lagi.

2) Finlandia : sebelum mencapai usia remaja, anak-anak ini jarang sekali diminta mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah DAN tidak pernah disuruh mengikuti ujian.
Indonesia : TK pun sekarang sudah punya pekerjaan rumah, meskipun cuma sekedar menebalkan garis dan menulis angka.

3) Finlandia : hanya ada satu tes yang wajib diikuti oleh pelajar, dan saat itu mereka berusia 16 tahun.
Indonesia :like I mentioned before, masuk SD pun ada tesnya. Terutama SD favorit.

4) Finlandia : sekolah tidak membedakan anak yang pintar dan kurang pintar. Seluruhnya ditempatkan di dalam ruang kelas yang sama.
Indonesia : ada beberapa sekolah yang memberlakukan pembagian kelas berdasarkan tingkat intelegensia anak. Contoh : peringkat 1-10 masuk ke kelas A, 11-20 kelas B, dst.

5) Finlandia : Kesenjangan antara murid terpintar dan murid paling tidak pintar di Finlandia adalah yang terkecil di dunia. Artinya, murid paling tidak pintar pun masih terhitung pintar.
Indonesia : kesenjangan begitu terlihat, banyak siswa pintar, yang kurang pun banyak.

6) Finlandia : Setiap guru hanya menghabiskan waktu 4 jam sehari di kelas dan punya waktu 2 jam per minggu yang didedikasikan untuk ‘professional development’.
Indonesia : para guru di Indonesia yang bisa mengajar mulai jam 7 pagi sampai jam 3 sore non stop. Imagine how tired they are

7) Finlandia : Jumlah guru yang dimiliki oleh Finlandia sama dengan jumlah guru di New York, namun jumlah murid yang ditangani jauh lebih sedikit.
Indonesia : Jumlah guru dibandingkan murid sangat jauh, dalam 1 kelas biasa terdapat 35 murid, dan 1 guru.

8) Finlandia : Seluruh sistem pendidikan didanai oleh negara. Gratis total.
Indonesia : meskipun sudah ada beberapa wilayah yang menetapkan pendidikan gratis, masih banyak pungutan2 yg harus dibayar siswa kepada sekolah, seperti uang Lab computer, Lab bahasa, dll.

9) Finlandia : Seluruh guru harus memiliki gelar Master/S2 yang didanai seluruhnya oleh pemerintah.
Indonesia : guru harus mencari biaya untuk melanjutkan pendidikan sendiri, tak ada bantuan pemerintah kepada semua guru.

10) Finlandia : Kurikulum nasional hanya berlaku umum. Setiap guru (sepertinya) diberikan kebebasan mengembangkan metode pengajarannya.
Indonesia : Guru WAJIB mengikuti kurikulum dari pemerintah yang HAMPIR setiap 5 tahun berubah-ubah.

11) Finlandia :yang menjadi guru hanyalah yang merupakan 10 lulusan teratas di universitas.
Indonesia : para lulusan terbaik berprofesi sebagai apa ya? Dokter, pengacara, direktur, investasi dan saham, pegawai Pajak?

12) Finlandia : Status guru di masyarakat setara dengan status pengacara dan dokter. Katanya, kalau masuk ruang kelas di Finlandia, trus murid-muridnya ditanya, Siapa yang bercita-cita jadi guru? Seperempat nya akan mengangkat tangan.
Indonesia : Status guru ( apalagi non-pns) masih sering diremehkan, & dianggap pekerjaan yang kurang mencukupi kebutuhan hidup.

Kapan ya guru2 indonesia bisa semaju & begitu dihargai seperti di Finlandia
ingat2 kembali gan,, kalo g ada guru,, ga akan ada orang2 cerdas & pintar seperti sekarang.
buat para murid, jgn pernah lupakan jasa guru2 kalian yang begitu sabar dalam membimbing dang mengajar
buat para guru, jgn pernah patah semangat & putus asa dalam mengajar, dan membimbing para generasi penerus bangsa ini.

Sumber :

Perbandingan iPhone 5S Vs Galaxy Note 3 Vs Xperia Z1

Apple  iphone 5s
September sepertinya menjadi bulan "pesta" gadget. Dalam bulan ini, banyak produsen ponsel yang memperkenalkan produk terbaru mereka.

Lihat saja Sony, Samsung, dan Apple. Bulan ini, masing-masing vendor ini meluncurkan masing-masing produk high-end besutannya. September dipilih oleh vendor tersebut, selain karena bertepatan dengan ajang pameran produk elektronik IFA, bulan ini juga berdekatan dengan musim liburan, masa di mana banyak orang akan berbelanja gadget baru.

Pada ajang IFA, Sony dan Samsung masing-masing meluncurkan Xperia Z1 dan Galaxy Note 3. Sementara Apple, setelah beberapa hari berselang, memperkenalkan secara resmi iPhone 5S.

Ketiganya akan adu kekuatan menjelang masa liburan nanti. Kira-kira, dari ketiga perangkat ini, siapa yang memiliki spesifikasi hardware terkuat? Simak tabel di bawah ini untuk menemukan jawabannya.            

iPhone 5S        Galaxy Note 3

Prosesor  Apple A7 64-bit    Quad-core 2.3 GHz Krait 400

   Quad-core 1.9 GHz Cortex-A15

Quad-core1.3 GHz Cortex-A7


Unit prosesor grafis       Tidak Diketahui  Adreno 330

Sistem operasi   iOS 7   Android 4.3

Media Penyimpanan  16, 32, 64 GB 32,64 GB  

Tanpa slot microSD  Slot microSD hingga 64 GB

Ukuran Layar   4 inci, 640x1136    5,7 inci, 1080x1920

Kerapatan pixel per inci     326 ppi   386 ppi  

Jenis layar   IPS LCD  Super AMOLED

Kamera belakang 8 MP 13 MP

Resolusi perekaman video 1080p 1080p

 Kamera depan 1,2 MP 2 MP

Baterai  1,440 mAh 3,200 mAh


Jaringan Nirkabel  WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi Hotspot   WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi Hotspot

 DLNA Konektivitas  Lightning, Nano SIM, 3,5mm audio    microUSB, MicroSIM, 3,5mm

Bobot 112 gr 168 gr

Dimensi   123,8x58,6x7,6mm 151.2 x 79.2 x 8.3 mm

iPhone 5S      Xperia Z1

Prosesor  Apple A7 64-bit   Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 MSM8974

Quad-core 2,2 MHz Krait 400


Unit prosesor grafis       Tidak Diketahui  Adreno 330

Sistem operasi   iOS 7   Android 4.2

Media Penyimpanan  16, 32, 64 GB 16 GB

Tanpa slot microSD  Slot microSD hingga 64 GB

Ukuran Layar   4 inci, 640x1136    5 inci, 1080x1920

Kerapatan pixel per inci     326 ppi  441 ppi

Jenis layar   IPS LCD TFT

Kamera belakang 8 MP 20,7 MP

Resolusi perekaman video 1080p 1080p

 Kamera depan 1,2 MP 2 MP

Baterai  1,440 mAh 3,000 mAh


Jaringan Nirkabel  WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi Hotspot   WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi Hotspot

 DLNA Konektivitas  Lightning, Nano SIM, 3,5mm audio    microUSB, MicroSIM, 3,5mm

Bobot 112 gr 170 gr

Dimensi   123,8x58,6x7,6mm   144 x 74 x 8.5 mm

Berapa Harga iPhone 5S dan 5C?

(Apple) iPhone 5S tersedia dalam tiga pilihan warna: hitam, perak, dan emas.
Apple resmi memperkenalkan iPhone 5S dan iPhone 5C pada sebuah acara yang digelar di Apple Campus, Cupertino, California, AS, Selasa (10/9/2013) waktu setempat.

Pada acara tersebut, Apple memang mengumumkan harga yang akan mereka berikan untuk kedua perangkat tersebut. Namun, Apple baru membeberkan harga iPhone 5S dan 5C dengan kontrak operator selama dua tahun, tanpa menyebutkan harga perangkat ini dalam versi unlocked (tidak terikat kontrak).

Gambaran harga iPhone 5C dan 5S versi unlocked datang dari situs Apple Store Singapura. Dalam situs resminya, Apple Singapura membeberkan harga dari kedua perangkat tersebut.

iPhone 5C

iPhone 5C sudah dapat dipesan pada 13 September mendatang di Singapura. Di negara tersebut, iPhone 5C 16 GB dibanderol dengan harga 848 dollar Singapura atau sekitar Rp 7,8 juta.

Sementara itu, versi 32 GB akan dijual seharga 988 dollar Singapura atau sekitar Rp 9 juta. Dengan banderol ini, iPhone 5C tak layak disebut sebagai iPhone versi terjangkau.

iPhone 5C dapat dipesan mulai 13 September di Singapura.

iPhone 5S

Adapun iPhone 5S versi 16 GB akan dijual dengan harga 988 dollar Singapura (Rp 9 juta), 32 GB dengan harga 1.148 dollar Singapura (Rp 10,5 juta), dan 64 GB dengan harga 1.288 dollar Singapura (Rp 11,8 juta).

iPhone 5C dapat dipesan mulai 20 September di Singapura.

Biasanya, harga iPhone resmi di Indonesia tidak akan berbeda jauh dengan harga yang dipatok di Singapura, kemungkinan ada perbedaan sekitar Rp 1 juta.

Setelah 20 September, Apple akan mulai menggulirkan iPhone 5S dan 5C ke negara-negara lain di seluruh dunia. Menjelang akhir 2013, disebutkan bahwa kedua iPhone sudah akan tersedia di 100 negara lewat 270 operator seluler. Bisa jadi ini termasuk di Indonesia.
Editor: Reza Wahyudi
tag: iphone murah, iphone terbaru, iphone 5c, iphone 5s, 64 bit, prosesor,  5s, 5c, iphone, apple, baru, terbaru, berapa harga iphone 5s, berapa harga iphone 5c, berapa harga iphone, harga iphone, harga iphone 5s, harga iphone 5c,

iON | D-Cell & iCell


Mark asks Bob Dobbs about the D-Cell (7 September 2013).

iCell Patent US 20120070898 A1

Documents on the D-Cell by Joe Dun Sloan

4 Fitur Unggulan iPhone 5S

(Apple) iPhone 5S tersedia dalam tiga pilihan warna: Hitam, Perak dan Emas. 
iPhone 5S telah resmi diperkenalkan. Selain pilihan warna baru perak dan emas, Apple juga menanamkan sejumlah fitur baru yang menarik pada ponsel iPhone terbaru ini.

Fitur-fitur tersebut menambah daya tarik iPhone 5S dibanding iPhone terdahulu, sekaligus membuatnya lebih relevan dengan perkembangan terkini. Apa saja hal baru yang ditawarkan iPhone 5S? Berikut ini penjelasannya, sebagaimana dikutip dari The Verge.

Engadget, Apple A7 
1. Prosesor 64-bit. iPhone 5S disebut menjadi smartphone pertama di dunia yang dilengkapi prosesor 64 bit dalam bentuk chip Apple A7. Apple mengklaim bahwa prosesor ini memiliki kinerja olah data dan grafis dua kali lebih kencang dibandingkan pendahulunya, Apple A6 pada iPhone 5.

Apple turut menyiapkan sistem operasi iOS 7 berikut aplikasi-aplikasi yang mampu memanfaatkan arsitektur 64-bit dari iPhone 5S. Ponsel ini juga mampu menjalankan judul-judul software 32-bit yang didesain untuk pendahulunya.

2. Prosesor pendamping untuk memantau sensor gerak. Di samping prosesor utama A7, Apple juga turut membenamkan prosesor pendamping bernama M7. Tugasnya adalah secara khusus menangani input dari berbagai macam sensor di iPhone tersebut, termasuk accelerometer, gyroscope, dan kompas.

Prosor pendamping ini mengurangi beban pemrosesan dari prosesor utama dan membuka kemungkinan pemanfaatan oleh aplikasi-aplikasi navigasi dan kesehatan, misalnya Nike+ Move.

Apple, Kamera iPhone 5S

3. Kamera "iSight" baru. Unit kamera pada iPhone 5S memiliki sensor yang ukurannya 15 persen lebih besar dibandingkan pendahulunya. Sensor yang lebih besar ini turut memperbesar ukuran tiap-tiap fotodioda (pixel) yang pada gilirannya meningkatkan kualitas foto yang dihasilkan.

Konsep ini mirip dengan teknologi "Ultrapixel" dari HTC. Tetapi, Apple tidak memangkas ataupun meningkatkan resolusi kamera, tetapi tetap mempertahankan angkanya di 8 megapixel.

Kelengkapan lain yang tak kalah menarik adalah lampu flash dengan dua warna yang secara otomatis mampu menyesuaikan keluaran white balance dari flash sehingga selaras dengan kondisi cahaya lingkungan.

Selain itu, ada juga kemampuan merekam video slow-motion dengan frame rate 120 FPS pada resolusi 1280 x 720.

Apple, Pemindai sidik jari pada iPhone 5S
4. Pemindai sidik jari. Fitur yang satu ini berkaitan dengan keamanan. iPhone 5S mampu memanfaatkan sidik jari pengguna sebagai pengganti password untuk melakukan login, termasuk dalam membuka kunci lockscreen pada iPhone.

Layanan-layanan Apple seperti iTunes juga mendukung otentifikasi pengguna melalui pemindaian sidik jari.

Sensor sidik jari pada iPhone 5S terintegrasi pada tombol "Home" di bagian muka. Kini tombol ini dibuat dari bahan safir yang anti-gores dan mampu memindai sidik jari pengguna dari berbagai arah
Sumber: The Verge
Editor: Reza Wahyudi
  tag: iphone murah, iphone terbaru, iphone 5c, iphone 5s, 64 bit, prosesor,  5s, 5c, iphone, apple, baru, terbaru, fitur 5s, fitur iphone 5s, fitur terbaru, fitur unggulan,

Kapan iPhone 5S dan 5C Mulai Tersedia?

(TheVerge) iPhone 5S

Bersama dengan perkenalan resmi iPhone 5S dan iPhone 5C, Apple turut mengumumkan jadwal ketersediaan dua perangkat itu di pasaran.

Dilaporkan oleh The Verge, wakil presiden senior pemasaran Apple Phil Schiller mengatakan bahwa iPhone 5S dan 5C akan mulai tersedia pada 20 September mendatang.

Negara-negara yang mendapat kesempatan pertama mendapat iPhone 5S dan 5C adalah Amerika Serikat, Australia, Kanada, Jerman, Jepang, Singapura, dan China.

Masa pemesanan (pre order) untuk model-model iPhone baru ini sudah akan dimulai pada 13 September nanti.

iPhone 5S yang merupakan penerus langsung iPhone 5 dibanderol seharga 199, 299, dan 399 dollar AS dengan ikatan kontrak dua tahun, masing-masing untuk versi dengan storage 16GB, 32GB, dan 64GB.

Adapun iPhone 5C adalah smartphone kategori baru dari Apple yang menyasar segmen pasar menengah. Harganya pun lebih murah. Produk ini dibanderol seharga 99 dollar AS untuk versi 16GB dan 199 dollar AS untuk versi 32GB, semuanya dengan kontrak.

Setelah 20 September, Apple akan mulai menggulirkan iPhone 5S dan 5C ke negara-negara lain di seluruh dunia. Menjelang akhir 2013, disebutkan bahwa kedua iPhone sudah akan tersedia di 100 negara lewat 270 operator seluler, bisa jadi ini termasuk di Indonesia..

Sumber: The Verge
Editor: Wicak Hidayat

 tag: iphone murah, iphone terbaru, iphone 5c, iphone 5s, 64 bit, prosesor,  5s, 5c, iphone, apple, baru, terbaru

iPhone 5S, Pertama dengan Prosesor "64-bit"

iPhone 5S saat diperkenalkan secara resmi oleh Apple, Selasa (11/9/2013).
Prosesor 64-bit bukan barang baru untuk dunia PC dan laptop, tapi smartphone selama ini baru memanfaatkan prosesor 32-bit. Hal itu berubah setelah Apple resmi meluncurkan iPhone 5S hari Selasa (10/9/2013) kemarin.

Dikutip dari The Verge, ponsel terbaru dari Apple tersebut dipersenjatai dengan prosesor Apple A7 yang menggunakan arsitektur 64-bit. Menurut wakil presiden senior pemasaran Apple Phil Schiller, Apple A7 merupakan chip 64-bit "yang pertama dan satu-satunya di dunia."

Lalu, apa kelebihannya dibandingkan prosesor 32-bit pada ponsel-ponsel (termasuk iPhone) terdahulu? Di samping jumlah transistor dan beberapa parameter spesifikasi lain yang lebih tinggi, Apple A7 mampu mengakses memori (RAM) dengan kapasitas lebih dari 4GB. Sebelumnya, prosesor-prosesor 32-bit terbatas pada angka itu.

Dengan demikian, prosesor ini seharusnya mampu menawarkan kinerja yang lebih baik untuk aplikasi-aplikasi yang rakus sumber daya.

Arsitektur 64-bit membutuhkan dukungan software, dan sistem operasi iOS7 yang terbaru pun mampu berjalan dalam mode 64-bit, begitu juga dengan aplikasi-aplikasinya. Tentu, di samping aplikasi 64-bit, iPhone 5S juga tetap kompatibel dengan aplikasi 32-bit.

Apple turut menyiapkan toolset pemrograman Xcode yang mendukung pengembangan aplikasi 64-bit untuk memudahkan para pengembang aplikasi membuat software untuk iPhone 5S.

Sebelumnya, pada akhir Agustus lalu, memang sempat beredar rumor bahwa iPhone 5S bakal mengusung prosesor 64-bit. Hal itu kini telah menjadi kenyataan.
 Sumber: The Verge
Editor: Wicak Hidaya  
tag: iphone murah, iphone terbaru, iphone 5c, iphone 5s, 64 bit, prosesor,  5s, 5c, iphone,

Apple Resmikan "iPhone 5c"

(TheVerge) iPhone 5C saat diperkenalkan secara resmi untuk pertama kalinya di markas Apple, Cupertino, California, Amerika Serikat, Selasa (10/9/2013).
iPhone dengan harga terjangkau akhirnya resmi diluncurkan Apple pada Selasa (10/9/2013) waktu setempat.

Dalam sebuah acara yang digelar di Apple Campus, Cupertino, California, AS, Philip Schiller selaku Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Apple mengumumkan kehadiran smartphone terbaru Apple ini.

Nama resmi iPhone murah, yang ternyata tak murah tersebut sesuai dengan rumor yang telah beredar sebelumnya, yaitu iPhone 5C.

iPhone 5C dibekali dengan prosesor Apple A6 dan layar 4 inci dengan teknologi Retina Display, sama dengan yang terdapat di iPhone 5.

"iPhone 5C dibuat dengan seluruh teknologi yang luar biasa dari iPhone 5," kata Phil Schiller.

Untuk urusan kamera, iPhone 5C mengusung kamera belakang 8 MP dan kamera depan yang mampu merekam video/facetime sekualitas HD.

Dari sisi jaringan, iPhone murah ini sudah mendukung jaringan LTE, Wi-Fi 802.11n Dual-Band, dan Bluetooth 4.0.

Berbeda dengan tradisi iPhone yang selalu mengusung bodi aluminium, iPhone 5C hadir dengan cangkang dari bahan plastik atau polikarbonat, yang dipilih untuk menekan harga jualnya.

Apple telah membekali iPhone 5C dengan sistem operasi mobile iOS terbaru, yakni versi 7. iOS 7 juga tersedia gratis untuk perangkat Apple lainnya, dan dapat diunduh mulai 18 September 2013.

(TheVerge) iPhone 5C hadir dengan 5 pilihan warna, yaitu hijau, putih, biru, merah muda, dan kuning. Tak tersedia warna klasik, hitam dan putih untuk iPhone 5C.

Dari sisi harga, untuk pasar Amerika Serikat, perangkat ini akan dijual di harga 99 dollar AS (16 GB) dan 199 dollar AS (32 GB) dengan ikatan kontrak operator selama dua tahun.

Escape From Tomorrow


Randy Moore made most of Escape From Tomorrow on location at both Walt Disney World and Disneyland without permission from The Walt Disney Company. The cast and crew used guerrilla filmmaking techniques to avoid attracting attention, such as keeping their scripts on their iPhones and shooting on handheld video cameras similar to those used by park visitors.

After principal photography was complete, Moore was so determined to keep the project a secret from Disney that he edited it in South Korea. It was called "the ultimate guerrilla film". Moore made the film for less than $1 million with an inheritance from his grandparents.

Extensive pre-production was necessary. The unique nature of the film shoot dictated steps not normally taken in filmmaking, such as charting the position of the sun weeks in advance since they could not use lighting equipment. Scenes were rehearsed and blocked in hotel rooms, rather than the actual locations.

Before principal photography, the cast and crew bought season passes to both Disneyland and Disney World. They spent ten days in Florida, then returned to California for two weeks at Disneyland, making the Disney World depicted in the film a combination of both parks. Actors and crew entered the parks in small groups to avoid attracting attention.

The film was shot using the video mode of two Canon EOS 5D Mark II and one Canon EOS 1D Mark IV digital single-lens reflex cameras, which helped the filmmakers look more like typical park visitors. Actors and crew used their iPhones to communicate and store information such as the script—that way, when they looked at the iPhones it seemed as if they were merely checking their messages. The phones were also used to record sound, in addition to digital recorders taped to each actor's body that were left running all day.

Shortly after waking up on the last day of a family vacation at Walt Disney World in Florida, Jim White gets a call from his boss, informing him that he has been laid off. He keeps the news to himself in order not to spoil the family’s remaining time at the resort. After his son intentionally locks him out of the family's hotel room, he takes his daughter to the rides of the Magic Kingdom to spend time away from his nagging wife.

His son, working with a wheelchair-bound man, makes attempts on his life. The Disney characters and paraphernalia start to seem sinister and surreal, and White starts to have disturbing visions, such as the animatronic characters’ faces changing and the Disney Princesses doubling as escorts for wealthy Asian businessmen visiting the park. He is not sure if what he sees is real, or if he is just having a breakdown.

Eventually he is apprehended by park security, who seem inordinately concerned about a “cat flu” sweeping the park. He is taken to a secret detention facility under Spaceship Earth at EPCOT Center and interrogated about his possible role in this. After being brainwashed, he is released, and watches as Spaceship Earth is blown up. At the end of the film, he dies at the Contemporary Resort Hotel, apparently of cat flu. | #thatPOWER

Girl Gone Wild | Dancers

The Edge

Behind-the-scenes look at the choreographers and dancers behind Madonna’s ‘Girl Gone Wild.’

Hartmut Esslinger | Advice For Designers

Design Matters

Hartmut Esslinger founded frog design in his native Germany around the guiding principle “form follows emotion.” His work has defined the modern consumer aesthetic with such products as the Apple Macintosh computer, Sony’s Trinitron television, Lufthansa’s brand and fleet image, Disney’s Cruise Lines and Consumer Electronics, and Louis Vuitton’s brand aesthetic. His designs are in the Museum of Modern Art and the Whitney Museum in New York.

He is the author of Design Forward: Creative Strategies for Sustainable Change.

Poo~Pourri | Stink-Free Poo

Pen Display Case

Anyone remember that George Carlin skit about finding a place for your stuff? "That's the whole meaning of life, isn't it? Trying to find a place for your stuff." He was talking about houses in that skit. Never mind that; I'm talking about a place for my fountain pens.

I had been keeping my stuff (including a few pens) in my little valet tray. That worked well until my pen collection started to grow to the point where I needed a better storage solution. I didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a 250-pen case made of African Blackwood, and I didn't want to make a DIY case out of an old cigar box. So . . . I acquired an affordable and practical item: a 6-pen display case by Royce Leather.

The case is good for what it is. The fit and finish are a little suspect, but the black leather matches my valet tray and the viewing window is made of glass rather than plastic or plexiglass. The pullout drawer and the tray insert are a little flimsy, and the drawer is not supported very well. For example, it's very easy to pull the entire drawer out of its opening (there are no features designed to prevent that from happening). As another example, the drawer tilts downward when it's pulled out too far. That said, the case is very reasonably priced, and the workmanship and quality is on par for the price point. So there.

Royce Leather also makes a larger 12-pen display case; I intentionally obtained the small 6-pen size in a feeble attempt to limit my pen purchases. The following pictures show the case loaded with six writing instruments: Pilot 78G; Sailor Pro Gear; Pilot Custom Heritage 91; Lamy Vista; Baoer 388; and Pelikan M205.

Nit Pick Alert!

I've noticed that the pens tend to slip and slide within the tray slots whenever the drawer is pulled in or out. Oh well, that's inherent in the design and it cannot be helped. Maybe that's why many display cases have hinged lids. Another minor annoyance is that large diameter pens may not fit inside this case. For example, my son's Dragon Pen doesn't fit unless I carefully position it and consult my Expert Dexterity manual before attempting to slide the drawer in.

Do Not Enter
Don't let my nit picky criticisms influence your opinion of the Royce Leather display case too much. I like the case and feel that my money was well spent. I've found a good place for my stuff fountain pens.

Ke$ha | Crazy Kids

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis | White Walls

iON | What the Hell is Love


Bob Dobbs’ private sessions.

Part 1 (session 249, 7 February 2010)

Part 2 (session 252, 12 February 2010)

Part 3 (session 253, 13 February 2010)

Part 4 (session 254, 14 February 2010)

Joyce’s private session, 15 November 2011.

The Dawn of Sun Records

Photo: Bear Family Records

National Public Radio

In January 1950, Sam Phillips, a red-haired Alabama boy who’d learned about radio and electronics in the U.S. Army, opened the Memphis Recording Service at 706 Union Avenue in Memphis. Three years later, overwhelmed by the success of his efforts for other people, he started the Sun Records label there.

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis | Can’t Hold Us

Karmin | Acapella

The Clash | Audio Ammunition Documentary

Alexa Meade Paints Stuff—LIterally

Naked & Famous Denim

Naked & Famous Denim uses only the most unique and rare denim fabrics from Japan. The prestigious mill in Japan, from which they import all their fabric, is committed to producing only the best (and most expensive) denim in the world. Throughout each step in denim production (weaving, dyeing, finishing…) the mill uses a combination of old school and modern methods and practices.

Burning Man 2013

Eddie Codel’s aerial drone video of Burning Man.

Baba Brinkman | Rap Guide To DNA

Rahman Khandker | NYC Fruit Vendor

The New Yorker

Rahman Khandkerha has been on his corner (Church and Chambers Streets, in Tribeca) for more than a decade. Exactly how many fruit carts span the New York City’s streets is an enigma—official records don’t differentiate between types of the five thousand and forty licensed food vendors—but the number is substantial enough to have made them an integral, iconic facet of the sidewalk scene.

Radio | It’s All About Timing

99% Invisible

Inside the machinery of public radio the clock rules all.

Each show has a ‘clock’, a set template, from which the show almost never varies. Every show that broadcasts—or aspires to broadcast—in the public radio system has a clock. This is the All Things Considered broadcast clock, which NPR and stations across the country refer to on a daily basis:

At the ‘top’ of the hour, there is a 59 second “billboard,” which announces what’s going up in the program. Then there’s five minutes for the newscast, which is itself divided into two segments (“Newscast I” and “Newscast II”). Then there are the “blocks”–A, B, C, and D–which is where the stories and interviews (or “two-ways”) live.

GLOBAL COOLING | Arctic Ice Cap Grows by 60%

Daily Mail

Almost a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than in 2012

A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 60 per cent.

The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013.

Instead, days before the annual autumn re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia’s northern shores.

The Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific has remained blocked by pack-ice all year. More than 20 yachts that had planned to sail it have been left ice-bound and a cruise ship attempting the route was forced to turn back.

Some eminent scientists now believe the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of this century – a process that would expose computer forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming as dangerously misleading. Continue reading at

Thanks, Akito.

Micke | The Magnetist

Micke’s life revolves around cassette tapes. Most of his time is spent on varius tape-related projects; he blogs about them, he makes music with them and he’s got a monthly tape club in his hometown Stockholm.

Video: Erik Sandberg

Joe Capra | Rio De Janeiro Timelapse

Yolanda Cuomo | Let’s Make A Book

The New Yorker

Yolanda Cuomo, a New York-based artist and graphic designer, learned that she had to vacate her Chelsea studio of twenty-five years. The studio, in an old carriage house in Manhattan, has been the site of artistic collaboration for decades.

The space was decorated floor to ceiling with mementos, collected in the course of making of eighty-five books and countless projects with artists and photographers from Richard Avedon to Laurie Simmons and Sylvia Plachy.

NYC Department of Records

The New Yorker

The entire history of New York City’s government—from handwritten court records of the first colonial Dutch settlers to the printed agendas of Bloomberg’s latest health initiatives—is filed, digitized, and preserved by the Department of Records.

In the basement of the Surrogate’s Courthouse, or Hall of Records, boxes upon boxes sit stacked and numbered behind locked mahogany doors. There are safes containing four-hundred-year-old litigation records, freezers keeping film reels fresh, and stacks of maps representing each borough’s early cartographic endeavors.

Community Laundry


Hello connects people who are looking to do laundry with people who actually have a washing machine. In theory, customers would roll their basket over to the home with a washer and either drop off their laundry or do it themselves.

Think of it as a personalized laundromat, where instead of sitting in a dank, fluorescent-lighted room, you could be drinking a beer with your new best friend.

Only Lovers Left Alive

Vanity Fair
by Julie Miller

Adam and Eve are gentleman and gentlewoman vampires—the kind who go to the trouble of impersonating surgeons to procure blood instead of gauchely gnawing on people’s necks. (They even drink it out of long-stemmed chalices.)

Hipper than their human counterparts, they drive around in vintage cars, lay about in antique silk kimonos, collect rare electric guitars, and play the best blues on vinyl. They’re also in tune enough to be aware of modern-day pop culture; in one scene, for instance, Adam impresses Eve by pointing out Jack White’s childhood home during a car drive.

Adam and Eve have interacted with history’s greats and live to tell the tales, such as how Adam, a musician, once gave Schubert a String Quartet. In one of many self-consciously clever lines in the film, Eve blames the modern-day stigma against vampires on “Shelly, Byron, and those French assholes I used to hang around with.”

TouchKeys | Expressive Control For Any Keyboard

Andrew McPherson

The TouchKeys are capacitive sensor overlays which attach securely to the surface of each key of an electronic keyboard that allow you to play vibrato, pitch bends or timbre changes.
