
Only Lovers Left Alive

Vanity Fair
by Julie Miller

Adam and Eve are gentleman and gentlewoman vampires—the kind who go to the trouble of impersonating surgeons to procure blood instead of gauchely gnawing on people’s necks. (They even drink it out of long-stemmed chalices.)

Hipper than their human counterparts, they drive around in vintage cars, lay about in antique silk kimonos, collect rare electric guitars, and play the best blues on vinyl. They’re also in tune enough to be aware of modern-day pop culture; in one scene, for instance, Adam impresses Eve by pointing out Jack White’s childhood home during a car drive.

Adam and Eve have interacted with history’s greats and live to tell the tales, such as how Adam, a musician, once gave Schubert a String Quartet. In one of many self-consciously clever lines in the film, Eve blames the modern-day stigma against vampires on “Shelly, Byron, and those French assholes I used to hang around with.”
