
Cancer Cells Cannot Live In An Alkaline/Oxygen-rich Environment!

You Do NOT Get OLD You MOLD!

The pumpkin on the left is a healthy normal pumpkin that is cancer free..  The pumpkin on the right is a degenerating cancerous pumpkin.  Cancer by definition is a systemic acidic condition that affects the weakest parts of the body.  Cancer is a liquid NOT a cell.  Cancer is an adjective NOT a noun.  Cancer is what happens to matter as a result in a change of the environment from base to more acidic.  The acids that cause cancer come from the environment, from the acidic food we eat, to the acidic liquids we drink, from metabolism, from respiration and from the degeneration of matter.  A cell becomes cancerous when it changes its metabolism from respiration to oxidation.  Keep in mind that matter does NOT get old it MOLDS!  Moldy pumpkins, moldy livers, moldy lungs, moldy breasts, moldy prostate, moldy pancreas, moldy thyroid, etc.  Mold, yeast and bacteria are nothing more than the biological transformation of organized matter from a healthy state to an unhealthy state.  Cancer is on the rise because of lifestyle and dietary choices.  The cure for cancer has been found in its prevention NOT its treatment.  1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer.  1 in 2.5 women will be diagnosed with cancer.  Cancer is now the leading cause of death worldwide!  Say NO to Cancer with an alkaline lifestyle and diet.  Eliminate acidic lifestyle choices such as lack of exercise, lack of sleep, too much stress, the ingestion of alcohol, tabacco, drugs (prescrition and recreational) coffee, tea, vinegar, mushrooms, algae, peanuts, corn, beef, chicken, pork, fish, dairy products, soft drinks, energy drinks, sport drinks, carbonated water, just to name a few.  Start exercising everyday for 1 hour,  Reduce stress by accepting what is and live in the abundance of gratitude and love, drink 4 to 6 liters of alkaline green juice everyday, eat liberal amounts of green vegetables and green fruit, take a sauna daily, take a salt bath daily, ingest liberal amounts of natural sea salts, eat liberal amounts of polyunsaturate oils from hemp, avocado, olive, flax and borage, and drink only alkaline water at a pH of 9.5 and an ORP or -250mV.  To learn more read The pH Miracle for Cancer, Reverse Cancer Now, The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and Sick and Tired. 

The Most Advanced Science Ever!

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  • Dr. Robert O. Young
  • Douglas Hall I've watched and listened to this video at least 25 times. I put it on throughout the day and I seem to always pick up something new that I can put together with other protocols. 

There is nothing more satisfying and life affirming than the act of loving and being loved. Love is essential for our physical, mental and spiritual well-being, and it's very healing. The healing power of love can be found through many different aspects.

Love is more than just a feeling, it is a whole body experience and it has a physiological effect on the body. Have you ever noticed how much better you feel physically and how your mood improves when you receive a hug or affection from someone who loves you or when you have expressed your love to another.

Not only does love improve our health, but it also lightens our load. Difficulties and challenges that life presents us with are much easier to deal with when love is in our life. We feel more capable and happier. It makes life richer and more worth living. Love can also help you get through the difficult times and it assists you in the acceptance and adjustment process of living with a chronic health condition.

Cultivating love in your life is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health and to live life more fully. Allow yourself to love deeply and completely.
This includes loving yourself, accepting who you are with all your limits. Loving yourself is essential to take proper care of yourself and to participate actively in your health care journey.

Love Yourself! By choosing to nourish yourself with healthy food and lifestyle practices, you are sending a message to yourself that you are worthy of nourishment. When you eat poor quality foods, binge, don’t exercise, and don’t make time for the things in your life that keep you happy and healthy, you are telling yourself, with your actions, that you are not good enough or deserving of more.
Plus, regularly consuming foods and substances that are physically addictive such as refined sugar, processed carbohydrates, chemical flavors and preservatives and alcohol prevent you from feeling balanced and calm and having a clear mind. All of these foods create imbalances in your body and mess with your moods: not a recipe for self-love.

You can see that choosing to take care of your body can be an effective first step to love yourself more. You will show yourself you are worthy of making the best choices and investing time and energy. You will start to feel better physically because of the healthy food you are eating and the attention you are giving to other practices that make your body feel its best. You will also start to feel clearer and more capable, mentally and emotionally, as no part of you is separate from another. If you give love and attention to one part, the other parts will also be affected.

What do you do from here?

1. Decide that You Are Worth Receiving Attention
If you don’t do it, no one else will do it for you, and you’ll not be giving yourself the best life experience you can possibly have.
2. Eat a Clean, Healthy Diet Full of Fresh Foods.
This will set you up to get the nutrition you need to have great energy and a body that functions well, so you can focus on what makes you happy.
3. Move Your Body
You don’t have to spend hours in the gym. Fall in love with a type of movement that works for you and do it regularly. Decide that you will move in some way every day, but it will only be something that makes you feel great and that you look forward to doing.
4. Find Other Practices that Make You Feel Your Best
It could be taking naps, getting a massage, playing with your children, turning off the television and reading, or anything else that makes you feel worthy, happy, and healthy. Find them and actually do them.

Whether you choose to work on your mind first or your body, the goal is to learn to accept and love yourself so that you can be everything you wish to be. That’s a goal worth pursuing.

What are some ways you can start loving yourself more? Why do you think it’s so hard for us to wholly accept ourselves? Have you found some tips and tricks you would like to share?

New Stem Cell Research Aligns with the New Biology

"Dr. Young may be on the threshold of a new biology, whose principle—if proven—could revolutionize the biology and medicine worlds." Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D.

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New Method Makes Stem Cells in About 30 Minutes, Scientists Report
By Monte Morin
In a feat that experts say is a significant advance for regenerative medicine, scientists have discovered a surprisingly simple method for creating personalized stem cells that doesn’t involve human embryos or tinkering with DNA.

Two studies published Wednesday in the journal Nature describe a novel procedure for “reprogramming” the blood cells of newborn mice by soaking the cells in a mildly acidic solution for 30 minutes. This near-fatal shock caused the cells to become pluripotent, or capable of growing into any type of cell in the body.

When the reprogrammed cells were tagged and injected into a developing mouse, they multiplied and grew into heart, bone, brain and other organs, the scientists found.

“It was really surprising to see that such a remarkable transformation could be triggered simply by stimuli from outside of the cell,” said lead study author Haruko Obokata, a biochemistry researcher at the RIKEN research institute in Japan. “Very surprising.”

The simplicity of the technique, which Obokata and her colleagues dubbed stimulus triggered acquisition of pluripotency, or STAP, caught many experts off-guard.

“So you mistreat cells under the right conditions and they assume a different state of differentiation? It’s remarkable,” said Rudolf Jaenisch, a pioneering stem cell researcher atMIT who was not involved in the study. “Let’s see whether it works in human cells, and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t.”

Obokata said that researchers had already begun experiments on human cells, but offered no details.

VIDEO: A beating heart, grown from STAP stem cells

Due to their Zelig-like ability to form any number of specialized cells, pluripotent stem cells are considered the basic building blocks of biology. Scientists are working on ways to use them to repair severed spinal cords, replace diseased organs, and treat conditions as varied as diabetes, blindness and muscular dystrophy.

By using stem cells spawned from the patient’s own cells, replacement tissues would stand less of a chance of being attacked by the patient’s own immune system, researchers say. That would spare patients the need to undergo a lifetime regimen of dangerous, immune-suppressing drugs.

But progress toward these lofty goals has been slow, due in part to the challenges of current stem cell production methods. The practice of harvesting stem cells from human embryos makes many people uncomfortable, and some religious groups have pressed for limits or bans on their use. Even scientists who want to study them say they may not be practical for medical therapies because they could be rejected by a patient’s body.

Another approach is to rewind a patient’s own mature cells to a pluripotent state. Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, the first person to make these induced pluripotent stem cells, won a Nobel Prizefor this work in 2012. However, the reprogramming process converts only about 1% of the cells into iPS cells, and questions remain about their long-term stability and safety.

The STAP method presents a simpler, cheaper and faster method of producing stem cells, said Chris Mason, a professor of regenerative medicine bioprocessing at University College London.

“How much easier can it possibly get,” Mason told the Science Media Centre, an English organization that promotes scientific understanding on controversial subjects.

“If it works in man, this could be the game changer that ultimately makes a wide range of cell therapies available using the patient’s own cells as starting material,” he said. “The age of personalized medicine would have finally arrived.”

The STAP approach was inspired by observations of plant cells that changed character when they were exposed to environmental stress, according to the research team from RIKEN and Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Obokata and her colleagues set about “stressing” mouse blood cells in a variety of ways to see if they would change. They exposed them to heat, deprived them of nutrition and repeatedly poured them through narrow glass pipes.

The method they ultimately published involved placing the cells in an acid solution for 30 minutes and then spinning them in a centrifuge for five minutes. The process converted 7% to 9% of the original cells into STAP cells, Obokata said.

To see whether the cells had been reprogrammed, researchers engineered the mice with a gene that would cause their cells to glow a fluorescent green under ultraviolet light if they became pluripotent. After torturing the blood cells, they began to glow after three days and appeared to peak at seven days, suggesting that they had become pluripotent in just a week’s time. The researchers bolstered the cells’ ability to proliferate by treating them with hormones and an immune cell secretion called leukemia inhibitory factor.

To fully prove that they had become pluripotent, the STAP cells were injected into normal mouse embryos. The resulting offspring, called a chimera, were a mix of regular cells and glowing STAP cells.

Andrew McMahon, director of USC’s Eli and Edyth Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine, said the creation of a chimera was critical to proving that blood cells had changed in a fundamental way.

“That’s the most rigorous [test] you could possibly do,” said McMahon, who was not involved in the study. It shows that the STAP cells can make every type of cell in the embryo and that they “can organize in a normal-looking way, so that what comes out is a normal looking fetus.”

McMahon said the study was also surprising in that it showed that mature cells could be reprogrammed without having to divide.

“That’s why the change is so rapid, because the cells don’t have to undergo division for this to occur,” he said. “It’s a really interesting and novel finding.”

Yamanaka, who was not involved in the STAP study, said the research would undoubtedly help scientists understand the basic biology of cellular reprogramming.

“The findings are important,” said Yamanaka, who directs Kyoto University’s Center for iPS Cell Research.

The reasons why stress causes cells to drastically alter their function remains a mystery, Obokata and her colleagues said.

She declined to say whether the researchers were seeking a patent on the STAP procedure,0,517478.story#ixzz2s51nYr5p

The People's Voice | The Richie Allen Show | David Icke Newspaper Review February 14, 2014


Further details can be found at:

Jordan Maxwell raw and uncut | Intellihub News exclusive - Part 1-8


(INTELLIHUB) — The legendary Jordan Maxwell agreed to an exclusive interview with Intellihub News, so Shepard Ambellas and Jason Bermas traveled to California to capture a sliver of Maxwell’s knowledge on film. Both said it was an amazing experience. 99% of this footage has never been seen before publicly until now, giving you a rare view into Maxwell’s world. Jordan Maxwell is considered one of the greatest minds in modern history.

Find more material from Jordan Maxwell at:

The People's Voice | The Richie Allen Show: Glyn Moody | Drones


Technology blogger Glyn Moody joins Richie Allen to talk: TheDayWeFightBack, NSA, GCHQ, surveillance, intelligence, drones.

Simple Ovarian Cyst

When a woman ovulates, the egg releases from the surface of the ovary. On occasion, the site from which the egg releases will form a cyst that is fluid filled. Often, that fluid is simply clear body fluid and the cyst is referred to as a "simple" cyst. If the cyst remains intact, it generally is reabsorbed into the body and goes away, usually occurs over a 2- to 4-week period. 

On occasion, however, one of these cysts will rupture. This may happen spontaneously or with the type of movement that comes with some types of activity, such as sexual intercourse. Oddly, a cyst might be very painful or not painful at all. In any case, the rupture of a cyst tends to be a very painful process. Once the cyst does rupture, the fluid spills out into the pelvis and gets reabsorbed into the body. Once this happens, the pain tends to go away rapidly and nothing else need be done.

Your doctor may discover a cyst during a pelvic exam, or when you have an ultrasound test for another reason. Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound may be done to diagnose a cyst. To verify the cyst has resolved, or has been absorbed back into the body, an ultrasound test should be done 4 to 6 weeks after your initial diagnosis. 

In some cases, it may be necessary to surgically remove the cyst, if it
• does not resolve
• increases in size - simple ovarian cysts that are larger than 5 - 10 centimeters
• causes unmanageable pain
• has significant bleeding with rupture
It is important to see your health care provider if you have any abdominal pain. Although, if you have an ovarian cyst, don't be surprised if you are allowed to heal yourself! This is because most cysts will be reabsorbed into the body on their own.

NewWorldNextWeek | The Software That Can Predict the Future, February 13, 2014


Story #1: This Algorithm Can Predict a Revolution

Sentient World Simulation: Meet Your DoD Clone

Ward Lab's Conflict Forecast

#Geopolitiks: Michael Vail of StratRisks on Sochi, TPP, Ukraine

Story #2: Kraft Cheese Singles to Lose Artificial Preservatives

Chick-fil-A to Serve Chicken Without Antibiotics

Subway to Remove Chemical Found in Yoga Mats from Bread

@LeeCamp: Join my petition -Tell @GeneralMills to remove GMOs from ALL of its breakfast cereals

NWNW Flashback: Original Cheerios to Go GMO-Free

Story #3: Patriot Coal Prep Plant Spills Slurry Into West Virginia Creek

NWNW Flashback: As Spill Fallout Continues, Freedom Industries Cited at Second West Virginia Site

Email Shows Effort to Shield Osama Bin Laden "Death" Photos

NWNW Flashback: Pentagon Hides Files On Osama bin Laden Assassination

NYPD Ogles Google Glass Specs

NWNW Flashback: Homeland Security Special Agents Hold Up Google Glass Moviegoer

China's 'Jade Rabbit' Lunar Rover Declared Dead

NWNW Flashback: India Launches Its First Mission To Mars

"This Should Not Come as a Surprise": Bill McKibben on Global Extreme Weather from U.S. to Sochi, February 13, 2014


While governors have declared states of emergency from Louisiana to New Jersey due to the massive snow and ice storm, other examples of extreme weather are being seen across the globe. California is facing possibly its worst drought in 500 years.

In Russia temperatures have topped 60 degrees Fahrenheit at the Winter Olympic in Sochi. Meanwhile in Britain, gusts of more than 100 miles per hour lashed western England and Wales overnight. And in London the Thames has risen to its highest level in decades. "This is the kind of crazy weather that scientists said will mark the advent of climate change in its early stages," says co-founder Bill McKibben. "

And it should be the warning that we need to actually do something, but so far our leaders haven't taken up that challenge."

The Meaning of Communication is the Response You Get!

Ever have a time when you were sure you were being totally clear, but the other person heard something else?

Other people are a mirror of what we are really communicating. We communicate on so many different levels: voice tone, posture, breathing, attitude. Sometimes a particular word we choose has a vastly different meaning to someone else and if we ask ten people, we will get 10 subtly different meanings.
By adopting the belief that the meaning of your communication is the response you get instead of the communication you delivered regardless of their response, you become more responsive for feedback.

If The Meaning of Your Communication is The Response You Get, What Would Be Different for You?

Both parties in a communication have 100% responsibility - each for their communication.
The good news is, if each person takes 100 percent of the responsibility for their communication, you could have as much as 200 percent effort going into clear communication! And even if the other person doesn’t know or embrace this concept, and they think they’re just responsible for 50 percent, you still have 150 percent effort in place.

When you embrace this presupposition, you are committing to listening to the response and asking for feedback to clarify your communication.

This creates an opportunity for someone to really get you – for you to be truly understood – which can be difficult with this imprecise language of ours.

If you take the belief that the meaning of your communication is the response you get, to take responsibility and be willing to be more flexible than your audience could be so you can catch them at all and any angles, you learn how to communicate in two ways: yours and theirs.

This is what sets great communicators, teachers, mentors, coaches, counselors and speakers apart. Instead of labeling their audience as ‘slow’, ‘stupid’, ‘resistant’, ‘sleepy’, and so on, they take responsibility and go, ‘how can I communicate to them in a way that they’d get what I want to say, regardless?’

Notice how powerful your words are. Are you using your power wisely, or randomly letting words fly?

If you were to believe that the meaning of your communication is the response you get, how would your life be different?

Christopher Bollyn | Solving 9-11, The Deception that Changed the World | Hour 1 | February 12, 2014


February 12, 2014–Christopher Bollyn is an American investigative journalist now living in Sweden who has researched and written extensively about the events of September 11, 2001. He has spoken at 9-11 truth events across Europe and the United States. He recently flew to London to appear on a program with Ken O'Keefe about who is behind the 9-11 terrorism but was detained at Heathrow airport and forcibly returned to Sweden on the following day.

Bollyn has researched different aspects of the 9-11 attacks and uncovered facts and evidence that challenge the official version of events. Christopher has put focus on Israel’s involvement in 9-11, the intelligence agency the Mossad and political Zionism. In this program, he discusses his latest book “Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the World.”

He explains the deception of the false-flag terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 and what it means for world peace. He says that 9-11 is not only the tip of the criminal iceberg; it is also their Achilles’ heel. He also says that our history and destiny has been hijacked by the real criminal terrorists behind 9-11, and they don't come from Afghanistan.

download hour 1 mp3

Brent Dean Robbins, Ph.D. | Drugging Our Children | Hour 1 | Sanitas Radio

Source:, Brent Dean Robbins Ph.D.

Antipsychotic drug prescriptions for children are skyrocketing, in spite of the fact that they cause irreparable harm to developing brains and bodies and shorten lifespan when used long term. When market forces rather than science drives mental health care, children are placed in grave danger. 

This book exposes the skyrocketing rate of antipsychotic drug prescriptions for children, identifies grave dangers when children's mental health care is driven by market forces, describes effective therapeutic care for children typically prescribed antipsychotics, and explains how to navigate a drug-fueled mental health system.

Since 2001, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of antipsychotics to treat children for an ever-expanding list of symptoms. The prescription rate for toddlers, preschoolers, and middle-class children has doubled, while the prescribing rate for low-income children covered by Medicaid has quadrupled. In a majority of cases, these drugs are neither FDA-approved nor justified by research for the children's conditions.

This book examines the reasons behind the explosion of antipsychotic drug prescriptions for children, spotlighting the historical and cultural factors as well as the role of the pharmaceutical industry in this trend; and discusses the ethical and legal responsibilities and ramifications for non-MDs—psychologists in particular—who work with children treated with antipsychotics.

Contributors explain how the pharmaceutical industry has inserted itself into every step of medical education, rendering objectivity in the scientific understanding, use, and approvals of such drugs impossible. The text describes the relentless marketing behind the drug sales, even going as far as to provide coloring and picture books for children related to the drug at issue. Valuable information about legal recourse that families and therapists can take when their children or patients have been harmed by antipsychotic drugs and alternative approaches to working with children with emotional and behavioral challenges is also provided.

The Eyeopener Report | Against Fascism: Towards the Separation of Business and State, February 11, 2014


The problem of the corporate/government revolving door is so blatant, so obvious, so out in the open that even its opponents readily admit to its existence. And yet it continues without significant opposition from the public. Find out more about this problem and what can be done about it in this edition of the Eyeopener report.

Transcript & Sources

Jon King | The Conspiracy Behind the Assassination of Princess Diana | Hour 1 | February 10, 2014

Source:, Squidgygate

February 10, 2014–Jon King is a published author and optioned screenwriter with a background in music and journalism. For a good chunk of the 1990s and early 2000s he was editor of the popular high street magazines, UFO Reality and Odyssey, an enterprise which led to the publication of his first book, Cosmic Top Secret: The Unseen Agenda.

He is probably best known for his two top-selling books Princess Diana: The Evidence and Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence, with co-author John Beveridge. His latest book, The Cut-Out, is an autobiographical spy thriller based on the true story of how he was set up by MI6 in the cover-up operation that followed Princess Diana’s death.

In the first hour, we discuss the details of Princess Diana’s assassination. In the second hour, Jon talks about how he was drawn into the conspiracy surrounding Diana's death and the unwitting role he became earmarked to play in the conspiracy. He speaks more about the source giving him information about a “high profile” assassination that was to occur.

King also details how the MI6 and CIA have been seeking to use non-mainstream press and media in order to have them disseminate information. This has been done in an effort to try to ridicule these stories as rumors and crazy conspiracy theories, despite the core of truth in the information shared. This gives us an interesting insight into how security agencies work and that insiders, anonymous sources and whistleblowers might still be in the business of doing the bidding of the agencies they claim they are speaking out against.

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Inexpensive Acquisition: Gear Tie Thingy

This is just a quick blurb about something stupidly simple, but awesomely useful: Nite Ize Gear Ties. These gear tie thingies are glorified twisties; you know, those annoying wire ties that keep loaves of bread from escaping their bags. The Nite Ize product is more durable, rugged, strong, and colorful . . . but it's still basically a bendy wire. OK, it's a thick bendy wire wrapped in a pretty rubber sheath.

These gear ties come in various lengths ranging from 3 to 64 inches. I have a handful of the 3-inch size and a couple of the 6-inch size. I use them for my charging cords, speaker wires, LAN cables, and headphones. You'd be surprised at how useful they are. Really.

Not much more to say about these gear ties. The instructions are straightforward and very easy to understand: "bend it around something". You owe it to yourself to check these out. All the cool kids have them now.

The Day We Fight Back: Activism Sweeps the Internet With Global Action Against Mass Surveillance, February 11, 2014


Nearly a decade after the George W. Bush administration's warrantless spying program came to light, the issue of mass government surveillance has again sparked a global outcry with the disclosures of whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Leaks of National Security Agency files have exposed a mammoth spying apparatus that stretches across the planet, from phone records to text messages to social media and email, from the internal communications of climate summits to those of foreign missions and even individual heads of state.

Today privacy advocates are holding one of their biggest online actions so far with "The Day We Fight Back Against Mass Surveillance." Thousands of websites will speak in one voice, displaying a banner encouraging visitors to fight back by posting memes and changing their social media avatars to reflect their demands, as well as contacting their members of Congress to push through surveillance reform legislation.

The action is inspired in part by the late internet open-access activist Aaron Swartz, who helped set a precedent in January 2012 when more than 8,000 websites went dark for 12 hours in protest of a pair of controversial bills that were being debated in Congress: the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA). The bills died in committee in the wake of protests. We discuss today's global action with Rainey Reitman, activism director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation and co-founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation.

Dale after Dark | Background on James Horak | WolfSpiritRadio, February 8, 2014


Background on James Horak - Questions addressed James Horak by someone seeking answers to questions few ever ask.

Thanks go to the host Dale Benadum of Wolfspiritradio for hosting the show and for publication permission. His website is: The Spirit of Mount Shasta

Dale Benadum, The Spirit of Mt Shasta,
At 15, I was floored (literally) by a voice that spoke to me internally,yes thats right I said internally. As if every single atom vibrated & spoke as one. After that, events and effects started to happen in life and became more interesting as time progressed. Time displacements & slips, USO's, UFO's, physical Angelic contact. Its been a difficult, lonely and stressful life at times. However I'm a firm believer that GOD (The Divine Source/ The Force) and all that he/it has created is not in vain. We Earthlings/ Starseeds who think alike have been in waiting for what seems like an eternity for our "purpose" to unfold. I'm a firm believer that THIS TIME HAS ARRIVED.

Saturday 3pm-5pm PST

Death By Metadata: Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Reveal NSA Role in Assassinations Overseas, February 10, 2014


In the first exposĂ© for their new venture, First Look Media’s digital journal The Intercept, investigative journalists Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald reveal the National Security Agency is using complex analysis of electronic surveillance, rather than human intelligence, as the primary method to locate targets for lethal drone strikes.

The NSA identifies targets based on controversial metadata analysis and cellphone tracking technologies, an unreliable tactic that has resulted in the deaths of innocent and unidentified people. The United States has reportedly carried out drone strikes without knowing whether the individual in possession of a tracked cellphone or SIM card is in fact the intended target of the strike. Scahill and Greenwald join us in this exclusive interview to discuss their report and the launch of their media project.

Transcript & Source

William Mullen | Origin of Hieroglyphics in the Ancient Sky & Plasma Cosmology | Hour 1 | February 7, 2014

Source:, Electric Universe Conference 2014, William Mullen, E. A. Wallis Budge

February 7, 2014–Mullen received his BA in Classics from Harvard. He was a Professor or post-doctoral Fellow at Berkeley, Princeton, Boston University and Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies and St. John’s College. Mullen settled in the Classics Department at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, in 1985.

Many catastrophist theories use hieroglyphics from around the world for clues about shapes in the ancient sky that are no longer visible. Dr. Mullen focuses on Egyptian hieroglyphics as relevant to the Saturn and polar configuration theory. By studying those hieroglyphs which bear no obvious resemblance to things seen today, and by reading them in context, he will show which glyphs are the best clues to what our early ancestors experienced.

In this program, we discuss Velikovsky, catastrophe and plasma cosmology as the origins of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Catastrophe spawned the myths and stories that inspired the making of the first petroglyphs and rock art as a kind of “proto-hieroglyphs.” Mullen tells how he has been attempting to crack the code of the pyramid texts and how it relates to the Saturn polar configuration. In the second hour, Bill talks about Anthony Peratt, who has identified 81 plasma shapes. We’ll also discuss what other hieroglyphs are rooted in these shapes that were visible in the ancient sky. Later, we’ll hear about catastrophe and great migration periods that lead to both violent invasions and cultural mingling. At the end, Bill briefly speaks about the Baltic origin of the Homeric epic.

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