
Health Warining For ALL Women and Men!!!!!!!!!!!

20 Acidic Cancerous Symptomologies of the BREAST TISSUES that Women and NOW MEN NEED to UNDERSTAND and Do Something Abouit NOW!

The thermography pictures below is of Valentino, a Russian from woman from Moscow who was diagnosed with Inflammatory Ductal Cell Carcinoma with a 14.3cm tumor mass in the left breast. Each week we took thermography and utlrasound pictures of her progress and in the seventh week the canerous tumor mass was gone and the breast tissue was non-canerous. She followed Dr. Young's self-care to a sefl-cure, pH Miracle for Cancer protocol and reversed her medically diagnosed Ductal Cell Carcinoma in 7 weeks without chemo, radiation or surgery.

Women are always working hard to take care of their family, friends and work. But they seldom have time to think of or take care of themselves. Too often they ignore some of their acidic symtomologies because they don't think it's a big deal and don't take the time to get their breasts examined once or twice a year via non-radioactive thermography for breast physiology and ultrasound for breast anatomy.

Though warning signs do not always mean a cancerous condition, women and NOW men need to pay attention to the followoing acidic symptomologies when they are persistent and progressive. The following 20 cancerous symptomologies that effect women and NOW men's breasts are those worth bringing to your doctor or health care professional's attention.

1. Breast Changes
If your nipple gets scaly or starts flaking, that could indicate Paget’s disease of the nipple, which is linked to an underlying cancerous condition in about 95% of cases. Any milky or bloody nipple discharge should also be checked out. In addition, dimpling of the skin over the breast, particularly if it looks like the skin on an orange is most often linked to an acidic inflammatory cancerous condition of the breast, a rare, usually aggressive cancerous condition characterized also by swollen, hot, red breasts. It is important to test the nipples using thermography to see in their is any significant temperature differences greater than 1 degree celcius.

2. Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Any bleeding, staining, little drops on your underwear, or big clots are abnormal and should be immediately evaluated by a health professional. Around menopause, abnormal bleeding is often tied to shifts in the endocrine system, though more serious problems could be the cause, which is why all abnormal vaginal bleeding should be checked.

3. Changes in vaginal discharge
Bloody, dark or smelly discharge is most likely a sign of out-fection. It's best not to self-treat a discharge with over-the-counter acidic medications. A trans-vaginal ultrasound diagnositc examination is necessary to determine if the discharge is due to an out-infection or something more serious, such as a cancerous condition.

4. Unexplained Weight Gain or Loss
Weight loss by exercising and eating healthy alkaline foods and drinks should not be a concern. But if you suddenly lose more than 10 pounds without changing your diet or exercise habits, that could be caused by the body transforming body cells into blood cells, which is also know as body wasting due to congestion or damage to the intestinal villi where primary stem cells are made and then converted to blood and body cells.

5. A bloated belly
It’s common to feel bloated after eating or drinking an acidic constipating meal, especially during your menstrual cycle. But if you feel bloated and constantly full with no appetite for more than two weeks or after your period ends, you should have an abdominal thermography and ultrasound to see if there are any blockages.

6. Acute Fatigue
The American Cancer Society defines fatigue as "extreme tiredness that does not get better with rest." So if you're often fatigued, you are suffering from stage 1 acidosis and need to evaluate your lifestyle and diet. Leukemia, colon, or stomach cancer -- which can cause blood loss, are what I refer to as stage 7 acidosis and may be the reason for your extreme fatigue. Fatigue is always a precursor to inflammation and inflammation is always a precursor to a cancerous condition. So fatigue is the body's lack of life-force energy to remove its own acidic waste products that are building up in the connective and fatty tissues. This build-up of acidic waste from what you eat, what you drink and what you think is what causes gradual weight gain and fatigue and tiredness.

7. Change in the Appearance of a Mole
Keep an eye on any changes you notice on your skin all over your body. You can follow the ABCD method recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation and the American Academy of Dermatology to help detect possible problems:
If the mole is A, asymmetrical; B, has uneven borders; C, has changed in color; or D, changed in diameter, then you are eliminating acidic waste products through the pores of the skin which can lead to a cancerous condition. It is important to open up the channels of elimination to remove toxins or dietary and/or metabolic acids out through urination and defection rather than through the pores of the skin. Removing waste products through the skin is always problematic and is the cause of all skin problems.

8. Swelling in legs or persistent pain in joints
Swelling in one leg can mean a blood clot. If it's in both legs, it could be a sign of lymphatic circulation blockage which may lead to kidney or liver dis-ease. Chronic or constant acidic pain in joints could mean something more serious than arthritis, such as latent tissue acidosis or sometimes diagnosed as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, which will require lymphatic drainage through massage, infrared sauna and colon hydrotherapy in order to improve circulation and then elimination via the bowels and kidneys. Remember that the lymphatic system is the vacum cleaner of acidic waste from the tissues and to function needs pleanty of water (up to 6 liters of alkaline water at a pH of 9.5) and exercise to pump acids out of the body via the pores of the skin or the urinary tract system.

9. Congestion or Constipation of the bowels
This is where health or ALL disease begins. A healthy core means a healthy body and especially healthy breasts. Breasts are primarily fatty tissues and a depository for acidic waste products that are NOT properly eliminated via the four channels of elimination - bowels. kidneys, lungs and skin. When the bowels are congested or constipated then toxins or acidic waste products from diet and metabolism seep into the blood and are then pushed out into the connective and fatty tissues, including the fatty breast tissues. Since acids are the cause of breast cancer, the focal point of breast cancer begins in the small and large bowels. Proper elimination of toxic acidic waste products is extremely important for a healthy body and healthy breasts. Ideally a woman or a man should be eliminating the bowels 6 tmes a day and at least 4 times a day to prevent ANY cancerous condition including breast cancer. Anything less than 4 bowel movements a day is a sign of constipation and a huge risk for breast cancer.

10. Big Breasts is a Big Risk for Breast Cancer
Why? Because the body uses the fatty breast tissues as a depository for dietary and/or metabolic acids that are not properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination - bowels, kidneys, lungs and skin. Thus, the bigger the breasts, the more potential acidic wastes can be deposited into the fatty breast tissues. This increases the risk for breast cancer in women who have big breasts. Today, 20 percent of all breast cancers diagnosis are men. Breast cancer is on the rise in men beacuse they are growing breasts as a result of their lack of exercise, stress, hormone laced foods, GMO foods and acidic diets. So the smaller the breasts the lower the risk for breast cancer in both women and men.

11. Persistent cough and shortness of breath
Any persistent cough -- one that lasts more than 2 or 3 weeks and is not due to an allergy or upper respiratory outfection, or one that produces blood -- needs to be checked via thermograhy, ultrasound and 3-D whole body functionality testing. What's more, if you’re having continual or increased problems breathing, make an appointment to have these three tests done - full-body thermography, full-body ultra-sound and full-body 3-D functionality testing.

12. Change in Lymph Nodes
Swollen, firm lymph nodes are often caused by increase acidic which leads to poor blood and lymphatic circulation. Enlarged lymph nodes are the result of increased poor lymphatic circulation and the increase of toxic acidic waste products which have significantly built-up over time from an acidic lifestyle and diet. All cancerous conditons from lung, bowel, neck, and stomach always involves the lymphatic system and its inability to remove toxins from the connective tissues. It is important to improve blood and lymphatic circulation with an alkaline lifestyle and diet and especially increased hydration with alkaline water at a pH of at least 9.5. The increased alkaline hydration will help to reduce inflammaton and decrease lymph node swelling.

13. Breast Skin itching
When the skin of the breasts are itichy this is the result of dietary and metabolic acids being eliminated out of the breast tissue through the pores of the skin. You can scatch and scatch or use steroidal creams but this will not solve the problem. The way to solve acids being pushed out through the pores of the skin is to increase circualtion through super-hydration of alkaline water at a pH of 9.5.

14. Discoloration, spots or rash on the breast skin
When the body is throwing dietary and/or metabolic acids out through the pores of the breast skin this can cause irritation or stage 2 acidosis, white, red or brown spots on the breast as well as a rash.

15. Calcium deposits in the breast tissue
Calcium deposits can be seen with Ultrasound without harmful acidic radiation or stress and/or damage to the breast tissue via a mammogram. Calcium deposts are the chelation of metabolic and/or dietary acids that have not been properly eliminated through urination or defecation. The body will buffer these acids to protect the breast tissue from acidic breakdown. As acids built-up in the breast these acids spoil cells and begins the process of cellular degeneration or cancer. Calcium deposits on the breast show-up as white spots on Ultrasound.

16. Inflammatory ducts leads to Inflammatory ductal cell carcinoma
All inflammation is caused by dietary and/or metabolic acids which have not been properly eliminated through urination or defecation. When acids are NOT removed they spoil or ferment breast cells, even ductal cells which leads to inflammation and then to cancer or carcinoma. The inflammation of the breasts and ducts is seen via a breast thermography.

17. Breast lesions
Breast lesions or ulcerations are always the result of the body depositing dietary and/or metabolic acids into the fatty breast tissues when these toxic waste products are NOT being properly eliminated through urination, defecation, respiration or perspiration. These lesions or ulcerations are best seen by a breast Ultrasound.

18. Breast cysts
Breast cysts are the encapsulation of dietary and/or metabolic acids and are generally not considered cancer by current medical doctors. However cancer is NOT a cell but an acidic dietary and/or metabolic liquid which is cancer causing. Acids are poisons that posion body cells, including breast cells and are the cause of ALL cancerous conditions. The cyst is the body's attempt to protect healthy breast tissue. Breast cysts are best identified with a breast Ultrasound.

19. Breast tumors
Breast turmors are the body's defensive mechanism to stop the degeneration of breast cells. When breast cells have been spoiled by dietary and/or metabolic acids the body will create a protein called fibrin to form a tumor to encapsulate spoiled or rotten unhealthy cancerous cells. The formation of a turmor protects healthy breast cells from being spoiled by the unhealthy breast cells where one spoiled breast cell spoils another healthy cell, in a protective process I call the 'domino effect." Tumors are best seen using diagnostic ultrasound which can also see if the tumor is solid or if the tumor has blood supply. Tumors that are solid without blood supply are generally non-malignant. Tumors with blood supply are active turmors and are generally cancerous or malignant and are capable of expanding in size. The healthy process in breast healing is for the tumor to encapsulate the spoiled cancerous breast cells and cut off any blood supply resulting in a hard clot or tumor which will eventually become as hard as a rock. Eventually these rock hard tumors will stop their progressive 'domino effect' growth and will begin to shrink and then breakdown without radiation or chemical therapy.

20. The cure for breast cancer is found in its prevention NOT in its treatment. Healthy breasts are alkaline breasts. The human body is alkaline in its design although acidic in all of its functions. Breathing, thinking, eating, moving all produce acidic waste products if not eliminated will be deposited into the connective and fatty tissues causing irritation, then inflammation, then induration, then ulcerations, and finally degeneration or cancer. There is only one cause and one word that describes cancer - ACID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prevent acid build-up in the connective and fatty tissues with an alkaline lifestyle and diet and you will prevent and/or reverse ANY cancerous condition, including breast cancer.

To learn more about Dr. Young's self-care to a self-cure for breast cancer read The pH Miracle for Cancer and Reverse Cancer NOW!

To learn more about not-toxic, non-acidic and non-invasive diagnostic thermography and ultrasound go to:
 — with Favio Jesse Franco and 24 others.
Robert O Young's photo.
HEALTH WARNING FOR ALL WOMEN!!!!! AND NOW MEN! 20 Acidic Cancerous Symptomologies of the BREAST TISSUES that Women and NOW MEN NEED to UNDERSTAND and Do Something Abouit NOW!   The thermography pictures below is of Valentino, a Russian from woman from Moscow who was diagnosed with Inflammatory Ductal Cell Carcinoma with a 14.3cm tumor mass in the left breast. Each week we took thermography and utlrasound pictures of her progress and in the seventh week the canerous tumor mass was gone and the breast tissue was non-canerous. She followed Dr. Young's self-care to a sefl-cure, pH Miracle for Cancer protocol and reversed her medically diagnosed Ductal Cell Carcinoma in 7 weeks without chemo, radiation or surgery.   Women are always working hard to take care of their family, friends and work. But they seldom have time to think of or take care of themselves. Too often they ignore some of their acidic symtomologies because they don't think it's a big deal and don't take the time to get their breasts examined once or twice a year via non-radioactive thermography for breast physiology and ultrasound for breast anatomy.  Though warning signs do not always mean a cancerous condition, women and NOW men need to pay attention to the followoing acidic symptomologies when they are persistent and progressive. The following 20 cancerous symptomologies that effect women and NOW men's breasts are those worth bringing to your doctor or health care professional's attention.  1. Breast Changes If your nipple gets scaly or starts flaking, that could indicate Paget’s disease of the nipple, which is linked to an underlying cancerous condition in about 95% of cases. Any milky or bloody nipple discharge should also be checked out. In addition, dimpling of the skin over the breast, particularly if it looks like the skin on an orange is most often linked to an acidic inflammatory cancerous condition of the breast, a rare, usually aggressive cancerous condition characterized also by swollen, hot, red breasts. It is important to test the nipples using thermography to see in their is any significant temperature differences greater than 1 degree celcius.  2. Abnormal vaginal bleeding Any bleeding, staining, little drops on your underwear, or big clots are abnormal and should be immediately evaluated by a health professional. Around menopause, abnormal bleeding is often tied to shifts in the endocrine system, though more serious problems could be the cause, which is why all abnormal vaginal bleeding should be checked.  3. Changes in vaginal discharge Bloody, dark or smelly discharge is most likely a sign of out-fection. It's best not to self-treat a discharge with over-the-counter acidic medications. A trans-vaginal ultrasound diagnositc examination is necessary to determine if the discharge is due to an out-infection or something more serious, such as a cancerous condition.  4. Unexplained Weight Gain or Loss Weight loss by exercising and eating healthy alkaline foods and drinks should not be a concern. But if you suddenly lose more than 10 pounds without changing your diet or exercise habits, that could be caused by the body transforming body cells into blood cells, which is also know as body wasting due to congestion or damage to the intestinal villi where primary stem cells are made and then converted to blood and body cells.  5. A bloated belly It’s common to feel bloated after eating or drinking an acidic constipating meal, especially during your menstrual cycle. But if you feel bloated and constantly full with no appetite for more than two weeks or after your period ends, you should have an abdominal thermography and ultrasound to see if there are any blockages.  6. Acute Fatigue The American Cancer Society defines fatigue as "extreme tiredness that does not get better with rest." So if you're often fatigued, you are suffering from stage 1 acidosis and need to evaluate your lifestyle and diet. Leukemia, colon, or stomach cancer -- which can cause blood loss, are what I refer to as stage 7 acidosis and may be the reason for your extreme fatigue. Fatigue is always a precursor to inflammation and inflammation is always a precursor to a cancerous condition. So fatigue is the body's lack of life-force energy to remove its own acidic waste products that are building up in the connective and fatty tissues. This build-up of acidic waste from what you eat, what you drink and what you think is what causes gradual weight gain and fatigue and tiredness.  7. Change in the Appearance of a Mole Keep an eye on any changes you notice on your skin all over your body. You can follow the ABCD method recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation and the American Academy of Dermatology to help detect possible problems: If the mole is A, asymmetrical; B, has uneven borders; C, has changed in color; or D, changed in diameter, then you are eliminating acidic waste products through the pores of the skin which can lead to a cancerous condition. It is important to open up the channels of elimination to remove toxins or dietary and/or metabolic acids out through urination and defection rather than through the pores of the skin. Removing waste products through the skin is always problematic and is the cause of all skin problems.  8. Swelling in legs or persistent pain in joints Swelling in one leg can mean a blood clot. If it's in both legs, it could be a sign of lymphatic circulation blockage which may lead to kidney or liver dis-ease. Chronic or constant acidic pain in joints could mean something more serious than arthritis, such as latent tissue acidosis or sometimes diagnosed as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, which will require lymphatic drainage through massage, infrared sauna and colon hydrotherapy in order to improve circulation and then elimination via the bowels and kidneys. Remember that the lymphatic system is the vacum cleaner of acidic waste from the tissues and to function needs pleanty of water (up to 6 liters of alkaline water at a pH of 9.5) and exercise to pump acids out of the body via the pores of the skin or the urinary tract system.  9. Congestion or Constipation of the bowels This is where health or ALL disease begins. A healthy core means a healthy body and especially healthy breasts. Breasts are primarily fatty tissues and a depository for acidic waste products that are NOT properly eliminated via the four channels of elimination - bowels. kidneys, lungs and skin. When the bowels are congested or constipated then toxins or acidic waste products from diet and metabolism seep into the blood and are then pushed out into the connective and fatty tissues, including the fatty breast tissues. Since acids are the cause of breast cancer, the focal point of breast cancer begins in the small and large bowels. Proper elimination of toxic acidic waste products is extremely important for a healthy body and healthy breasts. Ideally a woman or a man should be eliminating the bowels 6 tmes a day and at least 4 times a day to prevent ANY cancerous condition including breast cancer. Anything less than 4 bowel movements a day is a sign of constipation and a huge risk for breast cancer.  10. Big Breasts is a Big Risk for Breast Cancer  Why? Because the body uses the fatty breast tissues as a depository for dietary and/or metabolic acids that are not properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination - bowels, kidneys, lungs and skin. Thus, the bigger the breasts, the more potential acidic wastes can be deposited into the fatty breast tissues. This increases the risk for breast cancer in women who have big breasts. Today, 20 percent of all breast cancers diagnosis are men. Breast cancer is on the rise in men beacuse they are growing breasts as a result of their lack of exercise, stress, hormone laced foods, GMO foods and acidic diets. So the smaller the breasts the lower the risk for breast cancer in both women and men.   11. Persistent cough and shortness of breath Any persistent cough -- one that lasts more than 2 or 3 weeks and is not due to an allergy or upper respiratory outfection, or one that produces blood -- needs to be checked via thermograhy, ultrasound and 3-D whole body functionality testing. What's more, if you’re having continual or increased problems breathing, make an appointment to have these three tests done - full-body thermography, full-body ultra-sound and full-body 3-D functionality testing.  12. Change in Lymph Nodes Swollen, firm lymph nodes are often caused by increase acidic which leads to poor blood and lymphatic circulation. Enlarged lymph nodes are the result of increased poor lymphatic circulation and the increase of toxic acidic waste products which have significantly built-up over time from an acidic lifestyle and diet. All cancerous conditons from lung, bowel, neck, and stomach always involves the lymphatic system and its inability to remove toxins from the connective tissues. It is important to improve blood and lymphatic circulation with an alkaline lifestyle and diet and especially increased hydration with alkaline water at a pH of at least 9.5. The increased alkaline hydration will help to reduce inflammaton and decrease lymph node swelling.  13. Breast Skin itching When the skin of the breasts are itichy this is the result of dietary and metabolic acids being eliminated out of the breast tissue through the pores of the skin. You can scatch and scatch or use steroidal creams but this will not solve the problem. The way to solve acids being pushed out through the pores of the skin is to increase circualtion through super-hydration of alkaline water at a pH of 9.5.  14. Discoloration, spots or rash on the breast skin When the body is throwing dietary and/or metabolic acids out through the pores of the breast skin this can cause irritation or stage 2 acidosis, white, red or brown spots on the breast as well as a rash.  15. Calcium deposits in the breast tissue Calcium deposits can be seen with Ultrasound without harmful acidic radiation or stress and/or damage to the breast tissue via a mammogram. Calcium deposts are the chelation of metabolic and/or dietary acids that have not been properly eliminated through urination or defecation. The body will buffer these acids to protect the breast tissue from acidic breakdown. As acids built-up in the breast these acids spoil cells and begins the process of cellular degeneration or cancer. Calcium deposits on the breast show-up as white spots on Ultrasound.  16. Inflammatory ducts leads to Inflammatory ductal cell carcinoma All inflammation is caused by dietary and/or metabolic acids which have not been properly eliminated through urination or defecation. When acids are NOT removed they spoil or ferment breast cells, even ductal cells which leads to inflammation and then to cancer or carcinoma. The inflammation of the breasts and ducts is seen via a breast thermography.  17. Breast lesions Breast lesions or ulcerations are always the result of the body depositing dietary and/or metabolic acids into the fatty breast tissues when these toxic waste products are NOT being properly eliminated through urination, defecation, respiration or perspiration. These lesions or ulcerations are best seen by a breast Ultrasound.  18. Breast cysts Breast cysts are the encapsulation of dietary and/or metabolic acids and are generally not considered cancer by current medical doctors. However cancer is NOT a cell but an acidic dietary and/or metabolic liquid which is cancer causing. Acids are poisons that posion body cells, including breast cells and are the cause of ALL cancerous conditions. The cyst is the body's attempt to protect healthy breast tissue. Breast cysts are best identified with a breast Ultrasound.  19. Breast tumors Breast turmors are the body's defensive mechanism to stop the degeneration of breast cells. When breast cells have been spoiled by dietary and/or metabolic acids the body will create a protein called fibrin to form a tumor to encapsulate spoiled or rotten unhealthy cancerous cells. The formation of a turmor protects healthy breast cells from being spoiled by the unhealthy breast cells where one spoiled breast cell spoils another healthy cell, in a protective process I call the 'domino effect." Tumors are best seen using diagnostic ultrasound which can also see if the tumor is solid or if the tumor has blood supply. Tumors that are solid without blood supply are generally non-malignant. Tumors with blood supply are active turmors and are generally cancerous or malignant and are capable of expanding in size. The healthy process in breast healing is for the tumor to encapsulate the spoiled cancerous breast cells and cut off any blood supply resulting in a hard clot or tumor which will eventually become as hard as a rock. Eventually these rock hard tumors will stop their progressive 'domino effect' growth and will begin to shrink and then breakdown without radiation or chemical therapy.   20. The cure for breast cancer is found in its prevention NOT in its treatment. Healthy breasts are alkaline breasts. The human body is alkaline in its design although acidic in all of its functions. Breathing, thinking, eating, moving all produce acidic waste products if not eliminated will be deposited into the connective and fatty tissues causing irritation, then inflammation, then induration, then ulcerations, and finally degeneration or cancer. There is only one cause and one word that describes cancer - ACID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prevent acid build-up in the connective and fatty tissues with an alkaline lifestyle and diet and you will prevent and/or reverse ANY cancerous condition, including breast cancer.  To learn more about Dr. Young's self-care to a self-cure for breast cancer read The pH Miracle for Cancer and Reverse Cancer NOW!  To learn more about not-toxic, non-acidic and non-invasive diagnostic thermography and ultrasound go to:

An Alkalizing Soup

An alkaline recipe.
Creamy Tomato Soup! 4 Roma Tomatoes, 2 green onions (inch of white/light green part), 1/4 green pepper, 1 cup vegetable broth, 1 avocado, 1tsp sea salt and pepper to taste. Liquefy in blender. Heat to warm #yum #phmiracleliving — with Robert O Young.
Photo: Creamy Tomato Soup! 4 Roma Tomatoes, 2 green onions (inch of white/light green part), 1/4 green pepper, 1 cup vegetable broth, 1 avocado, 1tsp sea salt and pepper to taste. Liquefy in blender. Heat to warm #yum #phmiracleliving

The Black Sheep Is Dr. Young?

I have felt this way my entire life - a black sheep.

A lie is a lie even if every one believes it. The truth is the truth even if only one person believes it. So here is the truth - there is only one sickness, one disease and one treatement. The one sickness and the one disease is the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking. There is only one treatment for all disease and that is to restore the alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. It is that simple. You don't get sick you DO sick. You don't get healthy you DO healthy. Sickness and disease and health and fitness are all about YOUR personal choices. Choose wisely!

The following words of wisdom are from Simon Coleman

"We all have our beliefs that we know to be true and do not need scientific research to back it up. We just know. When faced with challenging someone's belief system, resistance is usually met with "Where is the research to prove it?"
Scientific research is just someone's opinion and what we believe, we simply believe. If we rely merely on scientific research to believe something, we are vulnerable to control by the community / person giving that research and opinion. My belief is that I do not need the opinion of an often corrupt scientific community / person with a hidden agenda to validate my beliefs.
We hardly ever see scientific research that disrupts the agenda of the mainstream community anyway, so when it does surface, it is discredited into obscurity by the woolly coat wearing masses, especially by those that refuse to believe and including those that ask "Where is the research?" who more often than not dismiss is instantly for fear of 'stepping out of line'.
Moral of the story is this: Do your own research, think for yourself and be careful whose opinion / research you choose to believe, or risk growing a nice, thick, woolly coat......Be the black sheep at all times!"
Photo: I have felt this way my entire life - a black sheep.    A lie is a lie even if every one believes it.  The truth is the truth even if only one person believes it.  So here is the truth -  there is only one sickness, one disease and one treatement.  The one sickness and the one disease is the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.  There is only one treatment for all disease and that is to restore the alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet.  It is that simple.  You don't get sick you DO sick.  You don't get healthy you DO healthy.  Sickness and disease and health and fitness are all about YOUR personal choices. Choose wisely!    The following words of wisdom are from Simon Coleman   "We all have our beliefs that we know to be true and do not need scientific research to back it up. We just know. When faced with challenging someone's belief system, resistance is usually met with "Where is the research to prove it?" Scientific research is just someone's opinion and what we believe, we simply believe. If we rely merely on scientific research to believe something, we are vulnerable to control by the community / person giving that research and opinion. My belief is that I do not need the opinion of an often corrupt scientific community / person with a hidden agenda to validate my beliefs. We hardly ever see scientific research that disrupts the agenda of the mainstream community anyway, so when it does surface, it is discredited into obscurity by the woolly coat wearing masses, especially by those that refuse to believe and including those that ask "Where is the research?" who more often than not dismiss is instantly for fear of 'stepping out of line'. Moral of the story is this: Do your own research, think for yourself and be careful whose opinion / research you choose to believe, or risk growing a nice, thick, woolly coat......Be the black sheep at all times!"

There is a Health Revolution Going ON!!!

THERE IS A REVOLUTION going on in the field of HEALTH, WELLNESS and cancer research as well as self-care treatment. This revolution is a silent revolution and represents a dramatic change in the way we view ALL sickness and disease and especially cancer, a deadly acidic dis-ease symptomology and its cause.

Unfortunately, you’re not going to learn about this revolution through present day media or your friendly neighborhood physician for two reasons:

1. They’re more or less “shackled” by the medical system and pharmaceutical companies and have been taught that they better stay in line with the accepted orthodoxy unless they want to risk losing their license to practice, or even being arrested and,

2. They are often the last to learn of new breakthroughs in medical science, since the “old guard” of scientists and academic doctors often resist changes to their 'pet theories' and established views on how the medical world works.

Next week, June 18 - 22, 2014, at the beautiful Millennium Biltmore Hotel, 506 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071-2607 USA, Telephone (213) 624-1011, at the International Associatiojn of Colon-Hydrotherapy Conference, Dr. Robert O. Young will share with you some of HIS new discoveries in health, wellness and cancer research and tell you how we can use what we know about natural healing to reduce the potential growth and development of ALL sickness and dis-ease, including ANY cancerous condition.

If you’re like me, I want to do everything I can to live in a way to prevent a cancerous condition from presenting itself in my body. I’ve personally watched too many family members and close friends lose their lives to this devastating preventable acidic dis-ease condition.


Dr. Young would like to personally invite you, your family and your friends to attend the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy Conference, June 18th through the 22nd, where HE will be the keynote speaker giving health and wellness presentations daily.

Will you invite your friends and family to come hear Dr. Young's passion for preventing and reversing ALL sickness and disease, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, osteoporosis, arthritis, obesity, skin and hair problems and many more acidic conditions? Dr. Young wants to share with you, your family and your friends the pH Miracle lifestyle and diet that is designed for optimizing your health to reduce the potential for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, over-weight, wrinkles, skin blemishes, etc.

Five lectures with the Doc is HIS way of teaching people that they really can live lives of health and energy free from ALL sickness and disease. It’s what we are about at the pH Miracle Living Center!

Register NOW fior the 2014 I-ACT Convention
Come to Los Angeles, CA June 18 - 22, 2014
Stay at the Beautiful Millennium Biltmore Hotel
506 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071-2607 USA
Telephone (213) 624-1011
For reservations call: (800) 245-8673 or (213) 612-1575
Use the group code:m1406IACT14 / 2014 I-ACT Convention or use this web link:

Or you can cut and paste the above portion of this email to send as an invitation to sign-up for the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapist Conference for your family and friend(s).

What’s it worth to you to possibly never have to hear the words, “It’s cancer, or heart disease, or diabetes, or dementia”?

Dr. Young hopes to see you, your family and your friends June 18th through the 22nd in Los Angeles, California!

Questions and answers, book signing, pictures taken with Dr. Young, and raffle prizes. Win a non-electric pH Miracle WaterMark ionizer, supplements, and books.

What’s it worth to you, a family member or a friend to possibly never have to hear the words, “You have cancer”?

I HOPE to see and meet you, your family and your friends next week at The International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists!
 — with Favio Jesse Franco and 20 others.
Photo: THERE IS A REVOLUTION going on in the field of HEALTH, WELLNESS and cancer research as well as self-care treatment. This revolution is a silent revolution and represents a dramatic change in the way we view ALL sickness and disease and especially cancer, a deadly acidic dis-ease symptomology and its cause.  Unfortunately, you’re not going to learn about this revolution through present day media or your friendly neighborhood physician for two reasons:  1. They’re more or less “shackled” by the medical system and pharmaceutical companies and have been taught that they better stay in line with the accepted orthodoxy unless they want to risk losing their license to practice, or even being arrested and,  2.  They are often the last to learn of new breakthroughs in medical science, since the “old guard” of scientists and academic doctors often resist changes to their 'pet theories' and established views on how the medical world works.  Next week, June 18 - 22, 2014, at the beautiful Millennium Biltmore Hotel, 506 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071-2607 USA, Telephone (213) 624-1011, at the International Associatiojn of Colon-Hydrotherapy Conference, Dr. Robert O. Young will share with you some of HIS new discoveries in health, wellness and cancer research and tell you how we can use what we know about natural healing to reduce the potential growth and development of ALL sickness and dis-ease, including ANY cancerous condition.  If you’re like me, I want to do everything I can to live in a way to prevent a cancerous condition from presenting itself in my body. I’ve personally watched too many family members and close friends lose their lives to this devastating preventable acidic dis-ease condition.  PLEASE WON’T YOU JOIN DR.YOUNG AT THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLON HYDROTHERAPIST CONFERENCE IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA?  Dr. Young would like to personally invite you, your family and your friends to attend the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy Conference, June 18th through the 22nd, where HE will be the keynote speaker giving health and wellness presentations daily.  Will you invite your friends and family to come hear Dr. Young's passion for preventing and reversing ALL sickness and disease, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, osteoporosis, arthritis, obesity, skin and hair problems and many more acidic conditions? Dr. Young wants to share with you, your family and your friends the pH Miracle lifestyle and diet that is designed for optimizing your health to reduce the potential for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, over-weight, wrinkles, skin blemishes, etc.  Five lectures with the Doc is HIS way of teaching people that they really can live lives of health and energy free from ALL sickness and disease. It’s what we are about at the pH Miracle Living Center!  Register NOW fior the 2014 I-ACT Convention Come to Los Angeles, CA June 18 - 22, 2014 Stay at the Beautiful Millennium Biltmore Hotel 506 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071-2607 USA Telephone (213) 624-1011 For reservations call: (800) 245-8673 or (213) 612-1575 Use the group code:m1406IACT14 / 2014 I-ACT Convention or use this web link:  Or you can cut and paste the above portion of this email to send as an invitation to  sign-up for the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapist Conference for your family and friend(s).  What’s it worth to you to possibly never have to hear the words, “It’s cancer, or heart disease, or diabetes, or dementia”?   Dr. Young hopes to see you, your family and your friends June 18th through the 22nd in Los Angeles, California!  Questions and answers, book signing, pictures taken with Dr. Young, and raffle prizes. Win a non-electric pH Miracle WaterMark ionizer, supplements, and books.   What’s it worth to you, a family member or a friend to possibly never have to hear the words, “You have cancer”?   I HOPE to see and meet you, your family and your friends next week at The International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists!

Dr. Young Has Three New Books Released in Italy

Dr. Robert O. Young's latest 3 books in Italian and English on pH science and health, diabetes and cancer, The pH Miracle Book 2, Reverse Diabetes NOW and Reverse Cancer Now are all available in bookstores throughout Italy and the USA and and Save money by purchasing Dr. Young's books at:

The following our the descriptions of Dr. Robert O. Young's 3 new books:

The pH Miracle Book 2 in Italian!
L'equilibrio del vostro pH corporeo è la chiave per godere di una salute, un peso, una chiarezza mentale ed un vigore generale ottimali. Raggiungete il giusto equilibrio nutrendo il vostro corpo con determinati cibi capaci di creare un ambiente alcalino e dite addio alla scarsa energia, alla cattiva digestione, ai chili in eccesso, a dolori e sofferenze, e alle malattie.

The pH Miracle Book 2 in English!
Never count calories, fat grams, or portion size again!
Your body's pH balance is the key to optimal health, weight, mental clarity, and overall vigor. Strike the right balance by nourishing your body with certain foods to create an alkaline environment, and say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. This innovative program, proven effective over decades, works with your body chemistry to revitalize and maintain your health. Now completely revised, updated, and expanded, this classic guide includes the latest research and reveals the secrets of:

Core nutrients-an all-new program that provides the most important components your body needs: chlorophyll from green vegetables, essential oils, alkaline water, and pure mineral salts

Cleansing-remove impurities and normalize digestion and metabolism with new ways to detox the body
Exercising right-a brand-new chapter on which alkalizing exercises help maintain the correct pH level

Alkaline foods-over thirty-five new, tempting pH-powerful recipes to help you easily balance your body using foods like tomatoes, avocados, sprouts, nuts, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and green vegetables.

Learn how to balance your life and diet with the incredible health benefits of this revolutionary program.

Reverse Diabetes NOW in Italian!
Secondo I'American Diabetes Association (Associazione americana dei medici diabetologi), ogni giorno solo negli Stati Uniti più di 2.000 persone vengono diagnosticate diabetiche, e in un anno verranno diagnosticate 798.000 persone - causando direttamente circa 200.000 morti ogni anno - rendendo così il diabete la sesta causa di morte in America. Ma non è necessario che sia così. Oggi esiste un modo per curare questa terribile malattia: un programma scientificamente provato che guarisce il diabete senza gli effetti collaterali provocati dall'uso di farmaci. Questo programma mostra come smettere di prendere farmaci, eliminare lo stress e abbassare il colesterolo, la pressione arteriosa e i rischi di sviluppare malattie cardiovascolari.

Reverse Diabetes NOW in English!
"The Diabetes Reversing Breakthrough - Reverse Diabetes Now!" is widely recognized as a highly successful program for reversing diabetes. You will learn a natural diabetes cure that will normalize your blood sugar, restore your health, and actually reverse your diabetes in less than three weeks.

Reverse Cancer Now! In Italian!
Nonostante il male del secolo continui a mietere sempre più vittime e la maggior parte delle tradizionali terapie oncologiche risulti inefficace, esiste un modo per sconfiggere questa terribile malattia: un programma in grado di prevenire e curare la maggior parte dei tumori senza gli effetti collaterali provocati normalmente da chemio e radioterapia. Grazie al programma descritto nel libro, si imparerà: che il cancro ha ormai raggiunto proporzioni epidemiche: una vera e propria crisi a livello globale; come curare i tumori in modo naturale; a rafforzare il sistema immunitario e ad attivare la naturale capacità di autoguarigione.è-curabile-adesso/dp/8848129307/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1401937563&sr=1-2&keywords=robert+young

Reverse Cancer NOW in English!
Dr. Robert Young has helped thousands of people all over the world heal their cancers. This easy-to-read treatment guide could save your life. It illustrates a simple and natural way to control, manage and actually cure cancer from your life and those you love. This breakthrough methodology, developed by world renowned scientist Dr. Robert O. Young, has been a long time coming, and has already been used successfully for thousands of cancer patients. Reverse Cancer Now reveals a scientific, clinically proven natural therapy for curing cancer and creating optimal health. It is also the secret that both the American pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment don’t want you to know. That’s because this powerful and effective program for virtually all forms of cancer threatens the livelihood and the trillion-dollar earnings of the pharmaceutical and health care industries—not to mention the medical centers and physicians that make a great living from providing expensive drugs, complex medical procedures and long hospital stays. The information you will discover in this book represents the biggest threat to the revenues of the pharmaceutical and medical industries—a bigger threat than all the alternative healing therapies, nutritional supplements and natural products COMBINED.
 — with Favio Jesse Franco and 30 others.
Photo: Dr. Robert O. Young's latest 3 books in Italian and English on pH science and health, diabetes and cancer, The pH Miracle Book 2, Reverse Diabetes NOW and Reverse Cancer Now are all available in bookstores throughout Italy and the USA and on and  Save money by purchasing Dr. Young's books at:  The following our the descriptions of Dr. Robert O. Young's 3 new books:  The pH Miracle Book 2 in Italian! L'equilibrio del vostro pH corporeo è la chiave per godere di una salute, un peso, una chiarezza mentale ed un vigore generale ottimali. Raggiungete il giusto equilibrio nutrendo il vostro corpo con determinati cibi capaci di creare un ambiente alcalino e dite addio alla scarsa energia, alla cattiva digestione, ai chili in eccesso, a dolori e sofferenze, e alle malattie.  The pH Miracle Book 2 in English! Never count calories, fat grams, or portion size again! Your body's pH balance is the key to optimal health, weight, mental clarity, and overall vigor. Strike the right balance by nourishing your body with certain foods to create an alkaline environment, and say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. This innovative program, proven effective over decades, works with your body chemistry to revitalize and maintain your health. Now completely revised, updated, and expanded, this classic guide includes the latest research and reveals the secrets of:  Core nutrients-an all-new program that provides the most important components your body needs: chlorophyll from green vegetables, essential oils, alkaline water, and pure mineral salts  Cleansing-remove impurities and normalize digestion and metabolism with new ways to detox the body Exercising right-a brand-new chapter on which alkalizing exercises help maintain the correct pH level  Alkaline foods-over thirty-five new, tempting pH-powerful recipes to help you easily balance your body using foods like tomatoes, avocados, sprouts, nuts, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and green vegetables.  Learn how to balance your life and diet with the incredible health benefits of this revolutionary program.  Reverse Diabetes NOW in Italian! Secondo I'American Diabetes Association (Associazione americana dei medici diabetologi), ogni giorno solo negli Stati Uniti più di 2.000 persone vengono diagnosticate diabetiche, e in un anno verranno diagnosticate 798.000 persone - causando direttamente circa 200.000 morti ogni anno - rendendo così il diabete la sesta causa di morte in America. Ma non è necessario che sia così. Oggi esiste un modo per curare questa terribile malattia: un programma scientificamente provato che guarisce il diabete senza gli effetti collaterali provocati dall'uso di farmaci. Questo programma mostra come smettere di prendere farmaci, eliminare lo stress e abbassare il colesterolo, la pressione arteriosa e i rischi di sviluppare malattie cardiovascolari.  Reverse Diabetes NOW in English! "The Diabetes Reversing Breakthrough - Reverse Diabetes Now!" is widely recognized as a highly successful program for reversing diabetes. You will learn a natural diabetes cure that will normalize your blood sugar, restore your health, and actually reverse your diabetes in less than three weeks.  Reverse Cancer Now! In Italian! Nonostante il male del secolo continui a mietere sempre più vittime e la maggior parte delle tradizionali terapie oncologiche risulti inefficace, esiste un modo per sconfiggere questa terribile malattia: un programma in grado di prevenire e curare la maggior parte dei tumori senza gli effetti collaterali provocati normalmente da chemio e radioterapia. Grazie al programma descritto nel libro, si imparerà: che il cancro ha ormai raggiunto proporzioni epidemiche: una vera e propria crisi a livello globale; come curare i tumori in modo naturale; a rafforzare il sistema immunitario e ad attivare la naturale capacità di autoguarigione.è-curabile-adesso/dp/8848129307/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1401937563&sr=1-2&keywords=robert+young  Reverse Cancer NOW in English! Dr. Robert Young has helped thousands of people all over the world heal their cancers. This easy-to-read treatment guide could save your life. It illustrates a simple and natural way to control, manage and actually cure cancer from your life and those you love. This breakthrough methodology, developed by world renowned scientist Dr. Robert O. Young, has been a long time coming, and has already been used successfully for thousands of cancer patients. Reverse Cancer Now reveals a scientific, clinically proven natural therapy for curing cancer and creating optimal health. It is also the secret that both the American pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment don’t want you to know. That’s because this powerful and effective program for virtually all forms of cancer threatens the livelihood and the trillion-dollar earnings of the pharmaceutical and health care industries—not to mention the medical centers and physicians that make a great living from providing expensive drugs, complex medical procedures and long hospital stays. The information you will discover in this book represents the biggest threat to the revenues of the pharmaceutical and medical industries—a bigger threat than all the alternative healing therapies, nutritional supplements and natural products COMBINED.


The Stomach DOES NOT Digest Food!

The Stomach does NOT digest food! PERIOD!

The teeth breaks the membranes of the food which begins the digestion of that food from the inside out NOT the outside in! Whatever state the food is in when you swallow, the food will be the state when it comes out the other end. So chew your food until it is a liquid or in a pureed state or juice your food and drink it.

All stomach and bowel problems are caused from eating and then swallowing solid food. The stomach will NOT and DOES NOT digest food. It's main purpose is to alkalize the food with sodium bicarbonate and prepare that food for biological transformation into stem cells. This biological transformation takes place in the crypts of the small intestines which has a surface area of over 7,200 square feet. The waste product of the stomach in its production of sodium bicaronate is the acid compound called hydrochloric acid of HCL. HCL DOES NOT DIGEST FOOD! PERIOD! HCL never touches the food. HCL falls into the gastric pits away from the food. The biochemistry is as follows: NaCl+H2O+CO2 = NaHCO3 + HCL or salt + water + carbon dioxide = sodium bicarbonate + hydrochloric acid. The main purpose of the stomach is to manage and maintain the alkaline design of all body fluids. The stomach is an alkalizing organ NOT a digestive organ. PERIOD!

For every molecule of sodium bicarbonate produced by the stomach a molecule of hydrochloric acid is produced WHICH MUST BE ELIMINATED BY THE BODY OR YOU DIE! THE HEALTHY PH OF THE STOMACH IS ALKALINE AT A PH OF 8 OR ABOVE! When the Germans first established the pH of the stomach in the 50's they were measuring the pH after the food had left the stomach. All they were measuring was the acid residues of HCL. All the sodium bicarbonate had been taken up by the food as it exited into the duodenum.

Dr Robert O. Young suggests you drink your food! For example, almonds when juiced as shown in the video below are alkalizing to the body. Eating whole almonds is acidic and constipating because NUTS do NOT liquify on their own. THAT IS THE CASE WITH ALL NUTS AND SEEDS! Almonds will not and do not liquify so juice your almonds. The liquid alkaline state of almonds, when alkalized by the stomach at a pH of 8.4 can then be biologically transformed into stem cells in the crypts of the small intestines. All food must be soluble and in a liquid state at a pH of 8.4 in order to be used by the body. PERIOD! Everything else is eliminated as waste.

So no fiber, no enzymes, no probiotics, NO ACID FOOD WHICH MEANS NO MEAT, NO DAIRY, NO GRAINS, NO EGGS, NO VINEGAR (BALSAMIC, APPLE, RICE OR COCONUT VINEGAR - VINEGAR IS URINE), NO SOY SAUCE, NO LIQUID AMINOS, NO CORN, NO PEANUTS, NO ALCOHOL, NO DRUGS, NO COFFEE, NO BLACK OR GREEN TEA, NO TABACCO, NO SUGAR - they will all EVENTUAL make sick and/or constipated and will destroy the intestinal villi of the small intestines, leading to acute and chronic dis-ease. This is the true physiology of the alimentary canal! DO YOU UNDERSTAND! DO YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND! IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND THEN read and share Dr. Young's pH Miracle books or read his scientific articles

Watch the following educational video, taped in the commercial kitchen at the Rancho del Sol, on how to make alkalizing almond milk. You can also use the same recipe to make soy milk, hemp milk, sesame milk, hazel nut milk, pumpkin seed milk, chia seed milk, just to name a few. This is the ONLY way to nourish the body and provide the body the necessary ingredients in the proper state for building new stem cells that will become your new healthy blood and then new body cells. For the stems become the new blood and the new blood becomes the new body cells (bone cells, brain cells, muscle cells. etc.) Don't you know that you were made out of one drop of blood!

The best lifestyle and diet for pH or perfect health is an alkaline, raw, organic liquid and green live-it NOT DIE-IT!

