

The Stomach DOES NOT Digest Food!

The Stomach does NOT digest food! PERIOD!

The teeth breaks the membranes of the food which begins the digestion of that food from the inside out NOT the outside in! Whatever state the food is in when you swallow, the food will be the state when it comes out the other end. So chew your food until it is a liquid or in a pureed state or juice your food and drink it.

All stomach and bowel problems are caused from eating and then swallowing solid food. The stomach will NOT and DOES NOT digest food. It's main purpose is to alkalize the food with sodium bicarbonate and prepare that food for biological transformation into stem cells. This biological transformation takes place in the crypts of the small intestines which has a surface area of over 7,200 square feet. The waste product of the stomach in its production of sodium bicaronate is the acid compound called hydrochloric acid of HCL. HCL DOES NOT DIGEST FOOD! PERIOD! HCL never touches the food. HCL falls into the gastric pits away from the food. The biochemistry is as follows: NaCl+H2O+CO2 = NaHCO3 + HCL or salt + water + carbon dioxide = sodium bicarbonate + hydrochloric acid. The main purpose of the stomach is to manage and maintain the alkaline design of all body fluids. The stomach is an alkalizing organ NOT a digestive organ. PERIOD!

For every molecule of sodium bicarbonate produced by the stomach a molecule of hydrochloric acid is produced WHICH MUST BE ELIMINATED BY THE BODY OR YOU DIE! THE HEALTHY PH OF THE STOMACH IS ALKALINE AT A PH OF 8 OR ABOVE! When the Germans first established the pH of the stomach in the 50's they were measuring the pH after the food had left the stomach. All they were measuring was the acid residues of HCL. All the sodium bicarbonate had been taken up by the food as it exited into the duodenum.

Dr Robert O. Young suggests you drink your food! For example, almonds when juiced as shown in the video below are alkalizing to the body. Eating whole almonds is acidic and constipating because NUTS do NOT liquify on their own. THAT IS THE CASE WITH ALL NUTS AND SEEDS! Almonds will not and do not liquify so juice your almonds. The liquid alkaline state of almonds, when alkalized by the stomach at a pH of 8.4 can then be biologically transformed into stem cells in the crypts of the small intestines. All food must be soluble and in a liquid state at a pH of 8.4 in order to be used by the body. PERIOD! Everything else is eliminated as waste.

So no fiber, no enzymes, no probiotics, NO ACID FOOD WHICH MEANS NO MEAT, NO DAIRY, NO GRAINS, NO EGGS, NO VINEGAR (BALSAMIC, APPLE, RICE OR COCONUT VINEGAR - VINEGAR IS URINE), NO SOY SAUCE, NO LIQUID AMINOS, NO CORN, NO PEANUTS, NO ALCOHOL, NO DRUGS, NO COFFEE, NO BLACK OR GREEN TEA, NO TABACCO, NO SUGAR - they will all EVENTUAL make sick and/or constipated and will destroy the intestinal villi of the small intestines, leading to acute and chronic dis-ease. This is the true physiology of the alimentary canal! DO YOU UNDERSTAND! DO YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND! IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND THEN read and share Dr. Young's pH Miracle books or read his scientific articles

Watch the following educational video, taped in the commercial kitchen at the Rancho del Sol, on how to make alkalizing almond milk. You can also use the same recipe to make soy milk, hemp milk, sesame milk, hazel nut milk, pumpkin seed milk, chia seed milk, just to name a few. This is the ONLY way to nourish the body and provide the body the necessary ingredients in the proper state for building new stem cells that will become your new healthy blood and then new body cells. For the stems become the new blood and the new blood becomes the new body cells (bone cells, brain cells, muscle cells. etc.) Don't you know that you were made out of one drop of blood!

The best lifestyle and diet for pH or perfect health is an alkaline, raw, organic liquid and green live-it NOT DIE-IT!

