
Dr. Young Has Three New Books Released in Italy

Dr. Robert O. Young's latest 3 books in Italian and English on pH science and health, diabetes and cancer, The pH Miracle Book 2, Reverse Diabetes NOW and Reverse Cancer Now are all available in bookstores throughout Italy and the USA and and Save money by purchasing Dr. Young's books at:

The following our the descriptions of Dr. Robert O. Young's 3 new books:

The pH Miracle Book 2 in Italian!
L'equilibrio del vostro pH corporeo è la chiave per godere di una salute, un peso, una chiarezza mentale ed un vigore generale ottimali. Raggiungete il giusto equilibrio nutrendo il vostro corpo con determinati cibi capaci di creare un ambiente alcalino e dite addio alla scarsa energia, alla cattiva digestione, ai chili in eccesso, a dolori e sofferenze, e alle malattie.

The pH Miracle Book 2 in English!
Never count calories, fat grams, or portion size again!
Your body's pH balance is the key to optimal health, weight, mental clarity, and overall vigor. Strike the right balance by nourishing your body with certain foods to create an alkaline environment, and say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. This innovative program, proven effective over decades, works with your body chemistry to revitalize and maintain your health. Now completely revised, updated, and expanded, this classic guide includes the latest research and reveals the secrets of:

Core nutrients-an all-new program that provides the most important components your body needs: chlorophyll from green vegetables, essential oils, alkaline water, and pure mineral salts

Cleansing-remove impurities and normalize digestion and metabolism with new ways to detox the body
Exercising right-a brand-new chapter on which alkalizing exercises help maintain the correct pH level

Alkaline foods-over thirty-five new, tempting pH-powerful recipes to help you easily balance your body using foods like tomatoes, avocados, sprouts, nuts, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and green vegetables.

Learn how to balance your life and diet with the incredible health benefits of this revolutionary program.

Reverse Diabetes NOW in Italian!
Secondo I'American Diabetes Association (Associazione americana dei medici diabetologi), ogni giorno solo negli Stati Uniti più di 2.000 persone vengono diagnosticate diabetiche, e in un anno verranno diagnosticate 798.000 persone - causando direttamente circa 200.000 morti ogni anno - rendendo così il diabete la sesta causa di morte in America. Ma non è necessario che sia così. Oggi esiste un modo per curare questa terribile malattia: un programma scientificamente provato che guarisce il diabete senza gli effetti collaterali provocati dall'uso di farmaci. Questo programma mostra come smettere di prendere farmaci, eliminare lo stress e abbassare il colesterolo, la pressione arteriosa e i rischi di sviluppare malattie cardiovascolari.

Reverse Diabetes NOW in English!
"The Diabetes Reversing Breakthrough - Reverse Diabetes Now!" is widely recognized as a highly successful program for reversing diabetes. You will learn a natural diabetes cure that will normalize your blood sugar, restore your health, and actually reverse your diabetes in less than three weeks.

Reverse Cancer Now! In Italian!
Nonostante il male del secolo continui a mietere sempre più vittime e la maggior parte delle tradizionali terapie oncologiche risulti inefficace, esiste un modo per sconfiggere questa terribile malattia: un programma in grado di prevenire e curare la maggior parte dei tumori senza gli effetti collaterali provocati normalmente da chemio e radioterapia. Grazie al programma descritto nel libro, si imparerà: che il cancro ha ormai raggiunto proporzioni epidemiche: una vera e propria crisi a livello globale; come curare i tumori in modo naturale; a rafforzare il sistema immunitario e ad attivare la naturale capacità di autoguarigione.è-curabile-adesso/dp/8848129307/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1401937563&sr=1-2&keywords=robert+young

Reverse Cancer NOW in English!
Dr. Robert Young has helped thousands of people all over the world heal their cancers. This easy-to-read treatment guide could save your life. It illustrates a simple and natural way to control, manage and actually cure cancer from your life and those you love. This breakthrough methodology, developed by world renowned scientist Dr. Robert O. Young, has been a long time coming, and has already been used successfully for thousands of cancer patients. Reverse Cancer Now reveals a scientific, clinically proven natural therapy for curing cancer and creating optimal health. It is also the secret that both the American pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment don’t want you to know. That’s because this powerful and effective program for virtually all forms of cancer threatens the livelihood and the trillion-dollar earnings of the pharmaceutical and health care industries—not to mention the medical centers and physicians that make a great living from providing expensive drugs, complex medical procedures and long hospital stays. The information you will discover in this book represents the biggest threat to the revenues of the pharmaceutical and medical industries—a bigger threat than all the alternative healing therapies, nutritional supplements and natural products COMBINED.
 — with Favio Jesse Franco and 30 others.
Photo: Dr. Robert O. Young's latest 3 books in Italian and English on pH science and health, diabetes and cancer, The pH Miracle Book 2, Reverse Diabetes NOW and Reverse Cancer Now are all available in bookstores throughout Italy and the USA and on and  Save money by purchasing Dr. Young's books at:  The following our the descriptions of Dr. Robert O. Young's 3 new books:  The pH Miracle Book 2 in Italian! L'equilibrio del vostro pH corporeo è la chiave per godere di una salute, un peso, una chiarezza mentale ed un vigore generale ottimali. Raggiungete il giusto equilibrio nutrendo il vostro corpo con determinati cibi capaci di creare un ambiente alcalino e dite addio alla scarsa energia, alla cattiva digestione, ai chili in eccesso, a dolori e sofferenze, e alle malattie.  The pH Miracle Book 2 in English! Never count calories, fat grams, or portion size again! Your body's pH balance is the key to optimal health, weight, mental clarity, and overall vigor. Strike the right balance by nourishing your body with certain foods to create an alkaline environment, and say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. This innovative program, proven effective over decades, works with your body chemistry to revitalize and maintain your health. Now completely revised, updated, and expanded, this classic guide includes the latest research and reveals the secrets of:  Core nutrients-an all-new program that provides the most important components your body needs: chlorophyll from green vegetables, essential oils, alkaline water, and pure mineral salts  Cleansing-remove impurities and normalize digestion and metabolism with new ways to detox the body Exercising right-a brand-new chapter on which alkalizing exercises help maintain the correct pH level  Alkaline foods-over thirty-five new, tempting pH-powerful recipes to help you easily balance your body using foods like tomatoes, avocados, sprouts, nuts, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and green vegetables.  Learn how to balance your life and diet with the incredible health benefits of this revolutionary program.  Reverse Diabetes NOW in Italian! Secondo I'American Diabetes Association (Associazione americana dei medici diabetologi), ogni giorno solo negli Stati Uniti più di 2.000 persone vengono diagnosticate diabetiche, e in un anno verranno diagnosticate 798.000 persone - causando direttamente circa 200.000 morti ogni anno - rendendo così il diabete la sesta causa di morte in America. Ma non è necessario che sia così. Oggi esiste un modo per curare questa terribile malattia: un programma scientificamente provato che guarisce il diabete senza gli effetti collaterali provocati dall'uso di farmaci. Questo programma mostra come smettere di prendere farmaci, eliminare lo stress e abbassare il colesterolo, la pressione arteriosa e i rischi di sviluppare malattie cardiovascolari.  Reverse Diabetes NOW in English! "The Diabetes Reversing Breakthrough - Reverse Diabetes Now!" is widely recognized as a highly successful program for reversing diabetes. You will learn a natural diabetes cure that will normalize your blood sugar, restore your health, and actually reverse your diabetes in less than three weeks.  Reverse Cancer Now! In Italian! Nonostante il male del secolo continui a mietere sempre più vittime e la maggior parte delle tradizionali terapie oncologiche risulti inefficace, esiste un modo per sconfiggere questa terribile malattia: un programma in grado di prevenire e curare la maggior parte dei tumori senza gli effetti collaterali provocati normalmente da chemio e radioterapia. Grazie al programma descritto nel libro, si imparerà: che il cancro ha ormai raggiunto proporzioni epidemiche: una vera e propria crisi a livello globale; come curare i tumori in modo naturale; a rafforzare il sistema immunitario e ad attivare la naturale capacità di autoguarigione.è-curabile-adesso/dp/8848129307/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1401937563&sr=1-2&keywords=robert+young  Reverse Cancer NOW in English! Dr. Robert Young has helped thousands of people all over the world heal their cancers. This easy-to-read treatment guide could save your life. It illustrates a simple and natural way to control, manage and actually cure cancer from your life and those you love. This breakthrough methodology, developed by world renowned scientist Dr. Robert O. Young, has been a long time coming, and has already been used successfully for thousands of cancer patients. Reverse Cancer Now reveals a scientific, clinically proven natural therapy for curing cancer and creating optimal health. It is also the secret that both the American pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment don’t want you to know. That’s because this powerful and effective program for virtually all forms of cancer threatens the livelihood and the trillion-dollar earnings of the pharmaceutical and health care industries—not to mention the medical centers and physicians that make a great living from providing expensive drugs, complex medical procedures and long hospital stays. The information you will discover in this book represents the biggest threat to the revenues of the pharmaceutical and medical industries—a bigger threat than all the alternative healing therapies, nutritional supplements and natural products COMBINED.
