
Dr Robert O. Young Lectures at Astoria assisted home care center in Los Angeles, California

Dr. Robert O. Young lectures at the Astoria home care center in Los Angeles, California.

To learn more about the pH Miracle Life-style, the pH Miracle Living Centers, and The New Biology go to:

The Benefits of Hemp Oil

16 fl oz.

Description: pH Miracle Omega 3-6-9 essential oil blend is a unique mix of organic flax, borage, and hemp oil containing the ideal ratio (2:1:1) of omega-3,-6, and -9 essential oils. These healthy oils are vitally important to every cell in the human body. This blend is cold-pressed in a low heat enviroment, free fro light nd oxygen. It has a plesan, hearty, buttery taste that can be consumed by itself or as the perfect complement to foods such as salad or steamed vegetables.

Ingredients: 50% flax oil, 25% borage oil, 25% hemp oil.

to learn more about Hemp Oil or to order go to:

Reversing Type 1 Diabetes!

Dr Young with Uziel, a 4 year old Type 1 diabetic and his Mother from Cabo, Mexico. They came to the pH Miracle Living Center for education and to reverse Uziel ' s diabetic condition. Dr. Young has an 83 percent success in reversing Type I Diabetes and a 99 percent success in reversing Type 2 Diabetes. To learn more about preventing and/or reversing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes read The pH Miracle for Diabetes.

Catherine Austin Fitts on TMRN Radio | The Slow Burn Continues and Technology Speeds Up, January 17, 2014


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William Buhlman on Legalise Freedom Radio | Adventures in the Afterlife


William Buhlman discusses out of body experiences and his latest book Adventures in the Afterlife.

Adventures in the Afterlife is a powerful journey of spiritual awakening; a bold quest for answers and enlightenment. The old assumptions of heaven are confronted and an expansive new vision of our continuing life is presented. After being diagnosed with cancer, William pursued answers to the mysteries of our existence after death.

Confronting his mortality, he experienced profound insights into what lies beyond our physical body. Our journey into the next life is the basis for Adventures in the Afterlife. The author chronicles his out of body experiences and lucid dreams, and although the insights are sometimes surprising, a clear message is always apparent; we are powerful, spiritual beings and we shape our reality now and in the future.

William’s 40 years of extensive personal out-of-body explorations give him a unique and thought provoking insight into this subject. His first book, Adventures Beyond the Body chronicles his personal journey of self-discovery through out-of-body travel, and provides the reader with the preparation and techniques that can be used for their own adventure.

He has conducted an international out-of-body experience survey that includes over 16,000 participants from 42 countries. The provocative results of this survey are presented in his second book, The Secret of the Soul. This cutting edge work explores the unique opportunities for personal growth and profound spiritual awakenings that are reported during out-of-body experiences.

John Stormm | OffPlanet Radio Interview With a First Generation MKULTRA Survivor

Source:,, John Stormm youtube

OffPlanet Radio - Recorded 12/08/2013 - Randy Maugans with Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly and guest, John Stormm. This call includes three generations of MK Ultra survivors: John Stormm (Gen1), Duncan O'Finioan (Gen 2), and Miranda Kelly (Gen 3). John and Duncan first met when Duncan was a child abductee in CIA MKUltra Program.

Over the course of nearly three hours you will learn fascinating details from one of the few living, publicly disclosing original Ultra subjects. More than that, you will hear the story of not only how these subjects were taken, abused, deployed, and discarded—but how they, in fact, survive and spiritually re-discover themselves.

John, Duncan, and Miranda reveal aspects of the "magical" awakening...the literal return of the mage and the coming shaking of the kingdoms of darkness.

John Stormm Bio:
My name is John Stormm, and I am an MKUltra survivor. I'm a highly trained ninja and a master martial artist and very, very hard to kill.

In the summer of 1953, I was one of the first batches of infants to be inducted into the MK Ultra program. I was subjected to torturous physical, mental, genetic, psychological and chemical conditionings, designed to make me into an unstoppable hunter/seeker/assassin. A master of what the CIA used to refer to as "the happy accident". An untraceable stealth weapon capable fracturing skulls, necks, spines, ribs or whatever and in a split second, leaving a corpse that can be easily set up to appear as a car wreck or household accident that leaves no embarrassing fingers pointed or homicide investigations.

In the late 1960s, I was trained and used as a remote viewer in an MK Talent portion of the program, and by 1970, I had taken on some of my first combat roles taking and terrorizing my victims from the Cambodian side of the Ho Chi Minh trail, making them disappear and die silently in the jungle shadows as they crossed over to avoid US troops.

I trained Khmer freedom fighters in stealth tactics to facilitate them equipping themselves from the weapons and stockpiles of the Khmer Rouge, just prior to the US bombings of Battambong. I became "problematic" as an MK unit because my cooperation as a killer was dependent upon me believing it was always for the greater good. I was pulled and given the option to join up as a "contractor" with the DEA and other alphabet agencies in hunting down drug lords and other such monsters in Central America. My unit was designated as "Disney Toons" and my call sign was: "Thumper", probably for my machinegun punching style.

With well over 140 different programs under the MK Ultra umbrella, there are many aspects we have in common, including ritual abuse, abusive families and constant terrorizing as children.
Secondly was dislocating and micro fracturing our bones (Google: "Wolf's Law"), making them harder, denser and stronger to further protect our organs, making us more survivable to knives and bullets. Also preparing our skeletons to handle the increased strength without breaking. The pain and terror of this also facilitated the first item in this list.

Thirdly was the shock treatments. There were less of these to the head, when we proved to be "talented", which also contributed to our terror and conditioning to separate ourselves from the pains. Also making us nearly unstoppable by any normal means.

Drugs, hypnosis, sounds, flashing pictures to forcibly opened eyes also were used to condition and program us.

Advanced martial arts training and tactics from various experts and masters involved nearly every weapon, including devastating "kiai's" (shouts) that have been the last sounds to violate a man's ears.
There was also "the chair", which was used to either implant false memories and/or remove any memories in a debriefing and replace them with something a bit more innocuous. Over time, the real memories seem to return... mostly.

Many variations in training, drugs used, genetics, ultra-steroids, bionics, implants and more are also used in these programs, almost all of them will include much of what I've listed here" - John Stormm

Josie the Outlaw | Anarchism: Speaking Out Against Tyranny, January 15, 2014

Source: Radio 3Fourteen,

Josie the Outlaw is an anarchist, activist and promoter of the ideas of voluntarism, self-ownership and a stateless society. Her YouTube videos have reached more than 200,000 viewers in just a month. Her philosophy states that "Living outside the confines of unjust laws is necessary to living a just life."

We'll discuss her work partnership with Larken Rose, their current project and the rise of true anarchism across the globe. She explains her philosophy of being an outlaw. We also question why there are so few outspoken female anarchists.

Other topics we discuss include law, taxes, gun control and police brutality. As an anarchist, she shares her approach to mandatory licenses, insurance and permits. Josie explains why it is our duty to speak out against tyranny. We'll also discuss the ridiculous notion of the "greater good" and the rise of socialism. Only a stateless society is logically or morally compatible with non-aggression, self-ownership and voluntaryism because government is always coercive and violent. -Radio 3Fourteen
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Chemical Spill Pollutes West Virginia's Drinking Water

Over 300,000 West Virginians were left without water last week when a storage facility leaked several thousand gallons of a coal-processing chemical upstream from a water treatment plant.
While the water ban has been partially lifted and some residents have been allowed to run their water in order to "flush" the system, many are still seeing the effects of the chemical spill coming out of their taps.
See photos below:

This photo was posted Jan. 11 -- before the ban was lifted -- by a resident of Cabin Creek, W.Va., who said her husband had run their water the night before and "the water that did not go down the drain had gelled up."
(Photo: Bobbi Bailey)
This photo, comparing tap water with bottled water, was posted Jan. 12 -- before the ban was lifted -- by a resident of Belle, W.Va.
(Photo used with reader's permission)
This photo, taken Jan. 12 -- before the ban was lifted -- shows water just after it was poured out of a tap.
(Photo: Andrew Durham)
This photo, taken Jan. 12 -- before the ban was lifted -- shows water just after it was poured out of a tap.
(Photo: Andrew Durham)

Hemp Oil Extract For The Treatment of Cancer!

Hemp oil extract CBD being promoted as alternative health treatment for cancer, epilepsy

Florida girl, 3, using CBD to treat brain cancer

SAN DIEGO - A 3-year-old Florida girl battling brain cancer is now in San Diego hoping to heal by using a treatment found in a form of marijuana.

Dahlia Barnhart, from Tampa, Fla., is a poster child for an herbal supplement known as CBD. Her mother, Moriah, is sold on it.

"Her quality of life was deeply diminished and the CBD seems to me, almost overnight, have given that back to her," said Moriah Barnhart.

She told 10News that Dahlia had gone through months of treatment and was still suffering, saying her daughter had "issues with pain and brain damage from the surgeries and chemotherapy both."

There's a growing trend made popular by a CNN special "Weed," which examined alternative treatments.

Cancer, epilepsy and other debilitating diseases were examined. According to the special, a child who had 300 seizures a week was down to just one every seven days.

Barnhart tried CBD for her daughter and was immediately impressed.

"The very first night she ever took it, she slept through the night for the first time in her entire life," Barnhart said.

CBD is produced in San Diego at HempMedsPX.  The company served 2,000 customers last year.

It's along the lines of medical marijuana, but without the high so there's no stigma nor legal issues.

HempMedsPX Vice President Charles Vest said, "It has the same compound, CBD in it, but does not have the same psychoactive effect of THC, which is found in medical marijuana."

A typical daily dose would be half-milliliter, taken orally.

Josh Hartsel, senior research scientist, explained, "You generally put it under your tongue and let it absorb that way."

Vest added, "It's definitely not a prescription drug ... it's a simple compound that's found in a simple plant, much like vitamin C in oranges, CBD is found in commercial hemp."

Federal Law States You Can Opt Out of Obamacare Without Penalty!

Federal law says you CAN opt out of Obamacare and CAN NOT be penalized if you do

Ever heard of a federal law 42 USC § 18115: Freedom Not to Participate in FederalHealth Insurance Programs?
I haven’t either.
But thanks to FOTM reader Joseph, now we all do!
This is how Cornell University Law School’s website describes 42 USC § 18115:
No individual, company, business, nonprofit entity, or health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurancecoverage shall be required to participate in any Federal health insurance program created under this Act(or any amendments made by this Act), or in any Federal health insurance program expanded by this Act (or any such amendments), and there shall be no penalty or fine imposed upon any such issuer for choosing not to participate in such programs.
The website further explains that the Act referred to in 42 USC § 18115 is Obamacare:
This Act, referred to in text, is Pub. L. 111–148, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 119known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActFor complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 18001 of this title and Tables.
42 USC § 18115 refers to:
Title 42 – The Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 157 – Quality, Affordable Health Care For All Americans
Subchapter 6 – Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 18115 - Freedom Not to Participate in Federal Health Insurance Programs
You can see it for yourself by going on the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Law Revision Counsel’s website for United States Code.
This is what the U.S. Code website says about 42 USC § 18115:


No individual, company, business, nonprofit entity, or health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage shall be required to participate in any Federal health insurance program created under this Act (or any amendments made by this Act), or in any Federalhealth insurance program expanded by this Act (or any such amendments), and there shall be no penalty or fine imposed upon any such issuer for choosing not to participate in such programs.
(Pub. L. 111–148, title I, §1555, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 260.)

References in Text

This Act, referred to in text, is Pub. L. 111–148, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 119, known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 18001 of this title and Tables
And here’s a screenshot I took from the United States Code page for 42 USC § 18115 (click to enlarge):
42 USC § 18115

In other words, what we’ve been told about Obamacare — that every adult American must enroll in a healthcare plan or pay a penalty — is simply not true.

According to federal law 42 USC § 18115:
  1. No one is required to participate in Obamacare.
  2. You can’t be fined or penalized if you decline to participate in Obamacare.
None other than Democrat Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida) has confirmed this at an April 5, 2010, town hall meeting in Fort Lauderdale,
An attendee asked, “Congresswoman, who gave you the right or the authority to determine whether or not I have to purchase health care?”
Wasserman Schultz replied: “We actually have not required in this law that you carry health insurance. Let me explain what we did: What we did is that, just like when you’re treated, that we categorize you differently in terms of your tax return when you’re married versus single, just like we categorize you differently when you are a homeowner versus someone who doesn’t own a home, just like we categorize you differently when you have children versus not having children — what we are doing is you will be in a different tax status if you carry insurance versus not carrying health insurance. So you can feel free to choose not to carry health insurance. That’s just going to be reflected in the tax category that you’re in on your tax return. But there is no requirement in this law that you must carry health insurance.
But what did Wasserman Schultz mean by if you don’t carry health insurance it’s “going to be reflected in the tax category that you’re in on your tax return”?
Answer: She’s referring to an IRS code 26 USC § 5000A: Requirement to Maintain Minimum Essential Coverage.
42 USC § 18115 directly contradicts another federal law, the IRS’s 26 USC § 5000A: Requirement to Maintain Minimum Essential Coverage, which says:
An applicable individual shall for each month beginning after 2013 ensure that the individual, and any dependent of the individual who is an applicable individual, is covered under minimum essential coverage for such month.
26 USC § 5000A further states that if “an applicable individual” doesn’t obtain “minimum essential [health] coverage,” he or she “shall be liable” to pay a monthly “penalty” in either a flat dollar amount or as a percentage of one’s income (see here).
That’s how the federal government gets around 42 USC § 18115′s prohibition against penalizing Americans for not obtaining healthcare coverage — by calling it a “tax” and then having the IRS administer the tax.

Bottom line:

There is no requirment under the law to have Obamacare and there is NO penality. There is also enough contradiction between two federal laws — 42 USC § 18115 vs. 26 USC § 5000A — to keep an army of lawyers busy and tie up the courts in litigation and appeals for years.
