
Another Keyboard Facelift

Well, my latest and greatest keyboard layout didn't last very long. I still think the red and white colorway is outstanding. Unfortunately, those key caps are not compatible with my o-ring switch dampers, which are used to attenuate the normally clicky-clacky sound of my mechanical keyboard. The first picture illustrates the issue. On the left is one of the red-on-white key caps, in the middle is one of my white ninja key caps, and on the right is another ninja key cap with an o-ring installed on the switch stem. Notice how the ninja key caps have cross-shaped reinforcement bars near the switch stems? Well, those bars are critical for proper o-ring sound dampening. In contrast, the red-on-white key cap lacks anything that remotely resembles the reinforcement bars. This means that o-rings installed on the killer looking red-on-white key caps make absolutely no audible or tactile difference! Damn. I really wanted to try my Filco keyboard with the o-rings. No worries . . . just do another keyboard facelift!

I already had the set of white ninja key caps, so all I had to do was remove the Red Alert set, install the o-rings on the ninja set, and install the ninja key caps onto the keyboard. No big deal. The ninja key caps are full of awesomeness, too. Check them out. That's right, they are clean and stealthy. Perfect for someone who is an expert touch-typist. I mean, only rookies need legends printed on their key caps, right? Maybe. I guess. These key caps are "ninja" style for a reason that will be revealed after the jump. [Edit: jumps are silly; removed it]

As shown in the third picture, the ninja key caps have side-printed legends that are obvious and easy to read when viewed from the front. An added bonus is that the printed legends will not disappear after use. That said, the top of the white key caps get scummy and dirty in a matter of days, especially if you are a scummy dirty person who doesn't wash up often.

I realize that it's too soon to make a final decision, but I do like the feel and sound of the keyboard with the o-rings installed. I really wish the Red Alert set had the cross bar reinforcements on them!

Perbandingan Simcard VS Micro Simcard VS Nano Simcard

Seperti yang sudah diberitakan sebelumnya, bahwa iPhone 5 menggunakan nano simcard, lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan Micro simcard yang di gunakan oleh iPhone 4 & 4S,

Berikut adalah perbandingannya :

Perbandingan iPhone 4S VS iPhone 5

5 Perusahaan Bakal Untung Besar dari iPhone 5 — iPhone terbaru dari Apple, yang kemungkinan besar diberi nama iPhone 5, bakal diluncurkan pada 12 September mendatang di San Francisco, AS.

Bukan hanya Apple yang akan meraup banyak untung dari iPhone 5. Beberapa perusahaan lain juga diprediksi akan kecipratan untung.

Setidaknya, ada lima perusahaan yang berperan besar dalam pembangunan iPhone 5. Berikut lima perusahaan yang terikat kontrak kerja sama dengan Apple untuk komponen perangkat keras iPhone 5.

1. Samsung

Chip prosesor iPhone 5 memang didesain oleh Apple. Namun, Apple memercayakan Samsung sebagai perusahaan yang memproduksi chip prosesor untuk perangkat mobile-nya. Prosesor iPhone dan iPad dibangun oleh Samsung di pabrik yang berlokasi di Texas, Amerika Serikat.

Meski keduanya bersitegang soal hak paten, mereka masih saling membutuhkan dalam bisnis komponen perangkat keras. Apple hingga kini masih jadi pelanggan terbesar Samsung, kontrak bisnis di antara keduanya disebut-sebut mencapai miliaran dollar AS.

Selain chip prosesor, Samsung juga memproduksi chip memori, termasuk dynamic random access memory (DRAM) dan NAND untuk perangkat mobile Apple. Bahkan, Samsung juga turut memproduksi panel layar datar iPhone dan iPad.

2 & 3. Sharp dan LG

Selain Samsung, panel layar datar iPhone 5 juga diproduksi oleh Sharp dan LG. Ketiganya berkontribusi merealisasikan teknologi layar sentuh dan retina display yang didesain Apple.

4. Qualcomm

Berdasarkan rumor yang beredar, iPhone 5 dapat berjalan di jaringan nirkabel tercepat di dunia yang disebut Long Term Evolution (LTE).

Chip untuk mendukung jaringan LTE pada iPhone 5 ini menggunakan teknologi yang didesain oleh Qualcomm. Apple wajib membayar lisensi paten kepada Qualcomm karena telah menggunakan teknologinya.

Perusahaan asal San Diego, AS, ini fokus pada penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi di bidang wireless mobile.

5. Sony

Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan The Wall Street Journal pada April lalu, CEO Sony Howard Stringer tak sengaja mengatakan pihaknya sedang bersiap membuat komponen kamera untuk iPhone 5.

Ya, komponen dan teknologi sensor kamera iPhone 5 diproduksi oleh Sony di pabrik yang berlokasi di Sendai, Jepang.

Apple Resmi Perkenalkan iPhone 5

Engadget — Apple resmi memperkenalkan iPhone 5, demikian nama resmi smartphone generasi keenam besutan Apple. iPhone 5 mengalami perubahan desain yang signifikan dibandingkan iPhone 4s.

Dalam jumpa pers di San Francisco, AS, Rabu (12/9/2012), Philip Schiller selaku Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Apple diberi mandat untuk mengumumkan kehadiran
smartphone terbaru Apple ini.

iPhone 5 hadir dengan ketebalan hanya 7,6 mm dan bobot 112 gram. Tubuhnya diselimuti oleh materi kaca dan aluminium.

Yang cukup menghebohkan, Apple mengubah ukuran layar pada iPhone 5 menjadi 4 inci dengan aspek rasio 16:9 sehingga fisiknya terlihat memanjang.

Selama 5 tahun, jajaran produk iPhone generasi pertama hingga iPhone 4s selalu dibekali layar seluas 3,5 inci dengan aspek rasio 4:3.


iPhone 5 mempunyai resolusi layar 1136 x 640
pixel dengan kerapatan pixel 326 pixel per inci (ppi). Saturasi warnanya terlihat lebih baik karena menggunakan sistem rendering sRGB penuh.

Schiller mengatakan, semua aplikasi bawaan di iPhone 5 telah diperbarui guna mendukung resolusi dan ukuran layar baru ini. Baris aplikasi di layar iPhone 5 terdiri dari 5 baris.

Untuk dapur pacu, iPhone 5 dibekali prosesor
system on chip (SoC) A6. Apple mengklaim prosesor A6 memberi performa grafis dan kecepatan lebih cepat dua kali lipat dibanding prosesor A5 pada iPhone 4S. Apple telah membekali iPhone 5 dengan sistem operasi mobile iOS terkini, yakni versi 6.

Kamera belakang iPhone 5 dibekali sensor 8 MP dan bukaan lensa f/2,4. Peningkatan terbesar dari sisi kamera adalah kemampuan menangkap gambar yang lebih cepat. Kamera belakangnya mampu merekam video beresolusi 1080p, sedangkan kamera depannya 720p.


iPhone 5 mendukung konektivitas jaringan seluler nirkabel tercepat saat ini, Long Term Evolution (LTE), dengan sebuah cip tunggal, radio tunggal, dan antena "dinamis."

konektor pada iPhone 5 juga dibuat lebih kecil jika dibandingkan iPhone 4S, iPod Touch, dan iPad generasi ketiga. Dari ukuran 30 pin, diubah menjadi 8 pin. Meski demikian, Apple menyediakan adaptor penghubung dari dock konektor 8 pin ke 30 pin agar aksesori lama masih bisa digunakan.

iPhone 5 tersedia dalam warna hitam dan putih.

Fountain Pens

As I mentioned in this post, I recently acquired a Platinum Preppy fountain pen. I admit that I bought the Preppy merely as a super low cost entry into the fountain pen world, and with low expectations. Seriously, how good can a $3.00 plastic fountain pen be? Nonetheless, I intentionally delayed its "maiden voyage" and kept it pristine and unused for awhile. Why? I didn't want to open the floodgates and let loose yet another acquisition disorder, but I eventually caved in, took it for a test drive, and said hello to FPAD (Fountain Pen Acquisition Disorder). The Preppy served its purpose honorably, and convinced me to look for a better fountain pen. After weeks of research and analysis paralysis, I finally pulled the trigger and bought the awesome looking pen you see in the picture: the Lamy Vista (extra fine nib).

The Internet is replete with reviews, videos, and comparisons of the Lamy Safari (Vista = transparent version of the Safari), and I don't have enough experience with fountain pens to add any meaningful content. Instead, I'll explain how I arrived at the decision to buy the Vista.

Me_1: "This Platinum Preppy isn't as smooth as I'd like, it writes a little dry, and it skips every now and then. Moreover, the cap has already cracked and the written line width is kinda thick, even though I have a fine nib on it."

Me_2: "Dude, it cost $3.00. Get over it and buy something better."

Me_1/2: "Sounds like a good idea. Let's do some research to find a few candidates. I guess my budget is around $50.00 because I'm still not 100% convinced that I like fountain pens. OK, after spending way too much time online, these look pretty good: Kaweco Sport; Pilot Prera; Lamy Safari; Sailor Lecoule; and Twsbi 540. Let's pick one."

Me_1: "I'm going to read some threads on The Fountain Pen Network and watch YouTube video reviews before I make a decision. I'm also going to create an online poll to see what fountain pen experts recommend. Perhaps I'll try to demo these pens in a brick and mortar store. Ooh, I really like the demonstrator/transparent pens."

Me_2: "I like the Prera the best. It looks super slick, Pilot has a great reputation, the cap prevents the nib from drying out, and it comes with a converter thingy."

Me_1: "I like the Lamy Safari. It gets great reviews and everyone recommends it for a beginner fountain pen. Plus, it's less than $30.00 and it comes in many different colors, including the transparent Vista version. By the way, the Prera is overpriced, and you can get the same nib on the Pilot 78G pen, which only costs $10.00. I don't care about a converter because I'm going to use ink cartridges for awhile."

The Lamy Vista
Me_2: "Whatever. The Lamy is too long, the extra fine nib is too wide for me, and the triangular grip section is wack (I concede that the Vista looks pretty cool). I don't care what the online poll says, I'm buying the Prera. In blue trim. The Japanese know their pens."

Me_1: "Just listen to all the fountain pen experts. They all say Lamy. It's no contest. Moreover, the Lamy is much cheaper than the Prera, which will reduce the likelihood of buyer's remorse. The Germans know their pens, too."

Me_1/2: "Alright, I'll take a look at the interactive comparison tools on the Goulet Pens website, flip a coin, or whatever, and will order the Pilot Prera. Or the Lamy Vista. Or the Pilot Prera. OK, this is ridiculous, delete the Prera from the shopping cart and get the Vista instead. But the Prera looks SO cool. Sure, but the design is juvenile. Arrrggggghh. Lamy Vista!"

I'm really glad the above-described ordeal is over. The Vista is simply a beautiful and well-designed pen. I even like the clip, which some people hate (pro tip: the pen is balanced such that it can assume a planking position resting on the clip). The Vista writes more consistently and looks much nicer than the Preppy.

Exploded View
My pre-purchase research made me realize that people like to see writing samples. I want to feel like a member of the fountain pen community, so I've included a few samples of my sketchy block printing. I don't remember when I gave up writing in cursive, and I don't remember when I gave up writing in lowercase. Regardless, the end result is my boring ALL CAPS writing style. You can find the writing samples at the bottom of this post.

PS - even though I probably could have saved a few bucks or found free shipping elsewhere, I decided to patronize Goulet Pens because I found their online tools, FAQs, and "Fountain of Knowledge" to be extremely helpful. If you are a fountain pen beginner like me, I encourage you to pay Goulet Pens a visit.

Writing Samples

First up is an entire page of Lamy Vista goodness (or badness, depending on your perspective):

Lamy Vista on Moleskine Paper

I thought it might be useful to show samples using different types of paper and different pens. Unfortunately, I don't own any "good" paper, so feel free to break out the lulz. Next up are some writing samples on cheap notepad paper:

Crappy Notepad Paper

I repeated my writing on a different notepad that said "Diamond" on it. The paper is definitely thicker and of higher quality, but I don't know how it compares to the good stuff known to those in the fountain pen world:

Not-So-Crappy Notepad Paper

Finally, an attempt to squeeze some writing onto a single page in my Moleskine notebook:

Comparison on Moleskine Paper
