
Toyota ME.WE

Gizmag, Edmunds

The cheap and recyclable and very mini Toyota Me.We electric concept (some call it the Tupperware car) is being pitched by the Japanese automaker as an “anti-excess car” that puts a premium on no extras.

Literally sheathed in recyclable polypropylene and vaguely resembling an oversized, motorized Styrofoam cooler with a pair of futons inside, the ME.WE is what happens when Toyota tries letting its hair down.

All the windows roll down including the windshield. Bamboo flooring and roof. Complex computer hardware and electronics are eliminated by relying on the driver's smartphone as the brain that provides navigation and entertainment features. Cleaning is simple and easy by washing inside and out.

Kayaking Lava in Hawaii

Barcroft TV

A team of daredevil extreme kayakers risked being boiled alive by paddling beneath molten lava flows in Hawaii to capture footage for their Brazilian TV show.

iON | Cycles


Bob Dobbs’s private iON session 201, 14 November 2009, examines cycles and anomalies including why humans are gaining weight, shifting poles, adjusting compasses and realigning the grid. (Begins in the middle of a conversation about the Mayans and 2012.)

The Hopi saw that there were 4 beginnings and 4 ends—4 worlds but no end times.

There will be no more taxation. Instead ALL money will go to the government.

Exploring the idea of apostles of The First Church of Non-Physical and A Super Club for Saints, The Ascension Club. Apostolic guidance to do sieving of correspondence for Bob. Early planning for radio show on Achieve Radio with James Martinez. Dante’s Inferno and James Joyce.

PBS Off Book | The Future of Wearable Technology

Michael Bublé Sings in the Subway

Michael Bublé and R&B a cappella group Naturally 7 serenade New Yorkers at the 66 Street-Lincoln Center subway stop with an a cappella performance of Jackson 5’s “Who’s Lovin’ You.”

Mark Zuckerberg & Priscilla Chan Hang In Kauai

Multi-Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg & wife Priscilla Chan spent time on Oahu and Maui recently but today they are enjoying the simple life on Kauai snacking at Bubba Burgers, Shave Ice Paradise and surfing in Hanalei.

Photos: DaGreenTeam/Splash News

Kinunu Coffee

Outside The Bag
I was in the Phoenix area recently, and had time to stop by one of the best coffee shops in Arizona: Cartel Coffee Lab. They roast their own coffee, pull decent shots of espresso, and know how to make a proper cup of pour-over coffee. Win, win, and . . . win. I ordered a macchiato and it was a PROPER macchiato, not one of those ridiculous milkshake like concoctions you'll get at Starbucks. I also picked up a bag of freshly roasted beans. I usually like African coffees, so I decided to buy the Kinunu coffee. The description on the label may be a little confusing to most sane people, but it's full of juicy details for coffee geeks.

Inside The Bag
I made a cup of this Kinunu coffee using my Clever Coffee Dripper, and the brew was outstanding. I really noticed the sweet candy-like aftertaste that remained well after drinking each sip. I'm happy that I bought a bag of this coffee, but I'm sad that I won't be able to acquire more without having to pay for shipping. I highly recommend this coffee, and highly recommend the roaster: Cartel Coffee Lab. Pay them a visit the next time you are in Arizona!

(Wanita Wajib tau) Anggapan Salah Soal Pria

Mulai dari sifat, sampai soal... seks. Kami ungkap hal-hal yang masih belum Anda pahami tentang makhluk bernama PRIA!

Pria bisa menebak SENDIRI apa yang ingin mengerti
THE TRUTH: Mereka tak bisa, dan tak akan pernah bisa! Ini adalah kesalahan terbesar yang masih saja wanita pikirkan (bahkan termasuk Anda) sampai saat ini.
Ya, mungkin si dia bisa dengan mudahnya sadar kalau ada sesuatu yang mendadak bikin Anda murung.
Tapi bicara soal penyebabnya, percayalah, pria tak akan pernah bisa menebaknya sampai bibir Anda sendiri yang berkata-kata.
Maka, kali lain sikapnya membuat Anda naik pitam, atau ada masalah yang Anda ingin ia pahami, utarakan langsung padanya. Jangan membuang waktu dengan bermimpi bahwa akhirnya pria akan mengerti dengan sendirinya. It won't happen.

Pria bisa berubah
The truth: Secara fisik memang bisa, tapi sisanya, lebih baik Anda berhenti berharap terlalu banyak. Memang ada beberapa pria yang bisa mengubah sifat, atau mengontrol kebiasaan buruknya ketika dia benar-benar punya niat yang besar.
Tapi yang harus Anda pahami, sifat tersebut akan tetap ada pada diri mereka. Jadi bisa dipastikan, sikap itu bisa 'kambuh' kapanpun. That's why, saat mencintai seorang pria, Anda harus bisa menerima dia apa adanya.
Jika memang tak bisa, lebih baik akhiri, dan berhenti menipu diri dengan harapan bahwa suatu saat dia akan berubah. Ini bisa bikin Anda menyesal nantinya.

Pria suka wanita yang dress up setiap saat
THE TRUTH: Well, pria normal mana yang tak suka melihat wanita yang nampak stunning dengan riasan sempurna, berbalut body con dress seksi, berdiri anggun beralaskan stilletto tajam menantang... Superhot. And it's true, pemandangan ini akan memanjakan mata mereka untuk sesaat.
Tapi dear, itu bukan berarti mereka menuntut Anda untuk tampil sempurna 24/7, kok. When it comes to the one they love, pria justru lebih cinta terhadap kecantikan yang datang dari kesederhanaan. Itulah mengapa si dia kerap mengeluh ketika Anda terlalu pusing soal berat badan yang sedikit bertambah, atau menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam hanya untuk dandan.
Karena bagi pria, saat terlihat percaya diri dan merasa nyaman dengan apa adanya Anda, itulah saat dimana Anda terlihat paling cantik, bahkan saat hanya mengenakan jeans, T-shirt, dan dengan rambut terikat sekalipun! 

Pria juga multitasker seperti Anda
THE TRUTH: 'Keajaiban' multitasking hanya dimiliki oleh wanita. Pria boleh saja lebih fokus saat mengejar impian mereka. Tapi saat dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah di waktu yang sama, Anda mutlak pemenangnya.
Ini juga berlaku dalam soal cinta, lho. Anda mungkin bisa mengatur romantic surprise untuknya di tengah deadline yang mengejar. Tapi dia? Belum tentu.
Jadi, tak perlu terlalu dramatis jika si dia lupa menghubungi Anda saat boy's night out bersama para sahabatnya, atau tidak mengacuhkan Anda ketika sedang asik mengutak-atik mobilnya. Itu bukan berarti dia melupakan Anda.

Pria tak suka hal-hal yang romantis
THE TRUTH: They love it the same way as you do! The Notebook mungkin terlalu drama bagi mereka, tapi 50 First Date? Tak ada pria yang tak menyukai masterpiece romantis Adam Sandler itu. Romantic getaway?
Mungkin mereka tak pernah terpikir untuk mengaturnya, tapi saat Anda yang memberikan kejutan itu untuknya, he's definitely gonna love it. See, bukannya mereka tak menyukai hal-hal romantis.
Masalahnya, definisi romantis menurut Anda dan pria memang kerap berbeda. Atau kadang, mereka hanya kurang berinisiatif untuk melakukannya. Bahkan, menurut survei di, 80 persen pria berharap bisa menjadi lebih romantis. 

Pria mulai jarang berkata I love you = They don't love you anymore
THE TRUTH: Buang jauh segala pikiran negatif ketika si dia tak lagi mengumbar kata cinta sesering dulu. Selama tak ada bukti nyata akan adanya wanita lain, dan selama dia masih terus berada di samping Anda, berarti semua kecemasan itu sama sekali tak beralasan.
Sebaliknya, si dia justru telah benar-benar nyaman dengan hubungannya bersama Anda, sampai merasa tak perlu lagi meyakinkan Anda akan cintanya. Ingat darling, komitmen dari seorang pria merupakan bukti yang jauh lebih nyata dibanding sekadar kata cinta di awal hubungan.

Men are always craving for threesome.
THE TRUTH: 100 persen true, jika Anda berbicara tentang para wanita yang mereka temui saat clubbing, atau dalam kisah one night stand mereka. Tapi, jika berbicara tentang wanita yang benar-benar mereka cintai, Anda salah besar! Percayalah, semua pria, termasuk pasangan Anda, tak akan pernah rela membagi miliknya dengan siapapun.

Pria tersinggung jika Anda berusaha meraih orgasme sendiri kala sesi panas bersamanya
THE TRUTH: Oh honey, itu justru merupakan impian mereka! Sama seperti Anda yang kerap merasa kesal ketika pasangan kurang lama melakukan foreplay, si dia pun bisa kesal saat Anda terlalu lama meraih the big O.
Jadi, bertanggung jawab atas kepuasan masing-masing adalah win win solution yang sangat pria dambakan. Saat Anda percaya diri untuk menyentuh berbagai titik 'panas' di tubuh Anda, itu justru bisa bikin dia makin 'menggila'!

Saat patah hati, pria tidak pernah 'menderita'
THE TRUTH: Mungkin mereka kerap terlihat menikmati party meriah di berbagai club, plus bergonta-ganti wanita. Think they are having so much fun? Maybe.
Tapi itulah cara mereka untuk melupakan 'penderitaannya'. Ingat, berbeda dengan Anda, pria tak punya kebebasan untuk menangis atau berkeluh kesah setiap saat. Jadi, cara terbaik mereka untuk dealing dengan kegagalan cinta adalah.. going wild! Psst.. Semakin mereka berusaha untuk terlihat senang, biasanya justru semakin dalam luka yang ingin ditutupi, lho. (ins)

(Cosmopolitan Indonesia edisi Februari 2012)


Portal Aperture R&D | Episode 3


While the lab teams test the effects of moon rocks for the better of Aperture Laboratories, Nik decides to test the effects for his own personal gain.



Hot times in Paulie, Georgia. As the result of new DNA evidence a man is exonerated after 19 years on death row.

Watch the 2 hour premiere at Sundance Channel (the pilot begins after the trailer at Sundance).

Apply for a One-Way Trip to Mars

NBC News

You can be part of what may be the ultimate reality show. Mars One is now taking applications for a one-way trip to Mars in 2023.

The idea is to jump-start a permanent settlement on Mars, with more supplies and settlers arriving every couple of years.

The organizers say the $6 billion cost for the first landing would be covered through reality-TV deals and merchandising.

Mars One has received more than 10,000 emails from more than 100 countries around the world, voicing willingness to sign up for a one-way ticket to the Red Planet. Starting last Monday, anyone 18 or older can formally apply — provided that they pay an application fee. The fee ranges from $5 to $75, depending on the standard of living for the country of residence. U.S. residents, for example, will be charged $38.

Each applicant will have to submit a one-minute video explaining why he or she should be among the first humans on Mars. Applicants will be screened for physical and mental fitness, and will have to speak English. They should also be “mature and interesting," Mars One says. But chief medical director Norbert Kraft said there are no formal academic or professional prerequisites. “We will give the training,” he said.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Felipe Luchi | Jailhouses

Felipe Luchi

Artist Felipe Luchi’s Jailhouses print campaign for Go Outside Magazine invisions technology as prisons—horrors! But wait, look closely and you will see there is an escape in each image. Click an image for a larger view to more easily see how to escape.

Wal-Mart Painter Brendan O'Connell on Colbert

Vulcanos Hybrid


If a Prius is too tame for you, consider the Vulcanos by Chinese/Italian auto designer Icona.

The powertrain is the work of Claudio Lombardi, former powertrain technical director of Ferrari and mastermind of numerous world champion cars. The two-door two-seater car has a front engine V12, reaching up to 900 horsepower through a combination of combustion engine and electric motors. Top speed will be around 350 km/h (217 mph), 0-100 km/h (62 mph) in 3.1 seconds and 0-200 km/h (124 mph) in 9.2 seconds.

Whaling Satellites | Harpooning Space Junk

UK space firm Astrium has developed a new way to capture large items of space junk using a harpoon and tether to pull them out of orbit and into the Earth’s atmosphere where they will burn up.

Akatu Fake Shower App


Wanna keep the natural sounds of your bathroom experience private? There’s an app for that, because love is blind but not deaf. Oh, and save on water too.

Alpha House

Re-election battles, looming indictments, parties, their Party ... these senators need a drink. And a new housemate.

Watch free at Amazon.

iON | Communiqué #2 31 March 2013


iON with Bob Dobbs and Dr Carolyn Dean on Easter day 2013.

iON | Communiqué #3 14 April 2013


In a discussion with Bob Dobbs and Dr Carolyn Dean, iON says everything has changed.

