
There is nothing more satisfying and life affirming than the act of loving and being loved. Love is essential for our physical, mental and spiritual well-being, and it's very healing. The healing power of love can be found through many different aspects.

Love is more than just a feeling, it is a whole body experience and it has a physiological effect on the body. Have you ever noticed how much better you feel physically and how your mood improves when you receive a hug or affection from someone who loves you or when you have expressed your love to another.

Not only does love improve our health, but it also lightens our load. Difficulties and challenges that life presents us with are much easier to deal with when love is in our life. We feel more capable and happier. It makes life richer and more worth living. Love can also help you get through the difficult times and it assists you in the acceptance and adjustment process of living with a chronic health condition.

Cultivating love in your life is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health and to live life more fully. Allow yourself to love deeply and completely.
This includes loving yourself, accepting who you are with all your limits. Loving yourself is essential to take proper care of yourself and to participate actively in your health care journey.

Love Yourself! By choosing to nourish yourself with healthy food and lifestyle practices, you are sending a message to yourself that you are worthy of nourishment. When you eat poor quality foods, binge, don’t exercise, and don’t make time for the things in your life that keep you happy and healthy, you are telling yourself, with your actions, that you are not good enough or deserving of more.
Plus, regularly consuming foods and substances that are physically addictive such as refined sugar, processed carbohydrates, chemical flavors and preservatives and alcohol prevent you from feeling balanced and calm and having a clear mind. All of these foods create imbalances in your body and mess with your moods: not a recipe for self-love.

You can see that choosing to take care of your body can be an effective first step to love yourself more. You will show yourself you are worthy of making the best choices and investing time and energy. You will start to feel better physically because of the healthy food you are eating and the attention you are giving to other practices that make your body feel its best. You will also start to feel clearer and more capable, mentally and emotionally, as no part of you is separate from another. If you give love and attention to one part, the other parts will also be affected.

What do you do from here?

1. Decide that You Are Worth Receiving Attention
If you don’t do it, no one else will do it for you, and you’ll not be giving yourself the best life experience you can possibly have.
2. Eat a Clean, Healthy Diet Full of Fresh Foods.
This will set you up to get the nutrition you need to have great energy and a body that functions well, so you can focus on what makes you happy.
3. Move Your Body
You don’t have to spend hours in the gym. Fall in love with a type of movement that works for you and do it regularly. Decide that you will move in some way every day, but it will only be something that makes you feel great and that you look forward to doing.
4. Find Other Practices that Make You Feel Your Best
It could be taking naps, getting a massage, playing with your children, turning off the television and reading, or anything else that makes you feel worthy, happy, and healthy. Find them and actually do them.

Whether you choose to work on your mind first or your body, the goal is to learn to accept and love yourself so that you can be everything you wish to be. That’s a goal worth pursuing.

What are some ways you can start loving yourself more? Why do you think it’s so hard for us to wholly accept ourselves? Have you found some tips and tricks you would like to share?
