
Plant-Based Foods Prevent Hip Fractures

Alkalizing vegetables, fruits, and soy products appear to protect against hip fractures, according to a new study in The Journal of Nutrition.

Researchers followed the diets and hip fracture risks of 63,257 participants in the Singapore Chinese Health Study for approximately 10 years and found that those who consumed the most vegetables, fruits, and soy products had a 34 percent reduced risk for hip fractures, compared with those who consumed the least.

Those who consumed diets rich in acidic meat and refined acidic starches experienced no protective effect against fractures.
~ Dai Z, Butler LM, van Dam RM, Ang L, Yuan J, Koh W. Adherence to a vegetable-fruit-soy dietary pattern or the Alternative Healthy Eating Index is associated with lower hip fracture risk among Singapore Chinese. J Nutr. 2014;144:511-518.

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Photo: Plant-Based Foods Prevent Hip Fractures . . . Vegetables, fruits, and soy products appear to protect against hip fractures, according to a new study in The Journal of Nutrition. Researchers followed the diets and hip fracture risks of 63,257 participants in the Singapore Chinese Health Study for approximately 10 years and found that those who consumed the most vegetables, fruits, and soy products had a 34 percent reduced risk for hip fractures, compared with those who consumed the least. Those who consumed diets rich in meat and refined starches experienced no protective effect against fractures. -------------------------------------------------- ~ Dai Z, Butler LM, van Dam RM, Ang L, Yuan J, Koh W. Adherence to a vegetable-fruit-soy dietary pattern or the Alternative Healthy Eating Index is associated with lower hip fracture risk among Singapore Chinese. J Nutr. 2014;144:511-518.
