
Parasite of Virus?

Dr. Robert O. Young's photo.
Don't you find it interesting that the NEWS Agencies around the World have been talking about how dangerous this Ebola virus might be or become and then putting up a picture of a parasite! WHY? Because there is NO PICTURE of Ebola. No scientist in the World has identified it under Koch's postulates. This is why it is called a pHantom virus. It doesn't exist. Do we know of any other so-called viruses that this has been done with? YES! Here are a few more pHantom viruses, with the biggies, HIV and AIDS, Hep C, HPV, SARS, West Nile, just to name a few. Even the Noble Priize winner in medicine for his discovery of the HIV antibody (not virus or antigen) has stated that HIV does NOT cause AIDS!. He is no longer at the University of Paris but is doing his research in Beijing, China. Do you wonder why? When I was with Dr. Luc Montagnier in Milan, Italy as a KEYNOTE SPEAKER, just 2 years ago, he made several statements at the Conference on the importance of acid/base chemistry in human health and antioxidants in the prevention and reversal of HIV and cancer. I was surprised, shocked and happy all at the same time.

