
Conversation with Zen Gardner | Keep It Together in an Insane World | FarOutRadio | Aug. 4, 2014


Zen Gardner-Ebola, Gaza, Ukraine, Chemtrails-A CLASH of Civilizations. Zen and Scott Teeters (host) talked about the strange times we are living in. With two genocides playing out at the same time, westerners have to endure a totally biased and skewed news media. And when the media (the unofficial 4th branch of government – the one that governs your MIND) isn’t twisting reality, they serve up a continuous stream of more and more extreme “entertainment.” In actuality, modern “entertainment” has become “entrainment.” As George Carlin used to say, “And it’s BAD for ya!” 

So, how does one “stay aware” and not let it all crush you? That and other interesting things were covered in my conversation with Zen Gardner. Zen Gardner's always unique and eye opening take on what is going on in the world. With an eye toward the awakening he looks at the dark alternative news headlines, the real motives behind the powerful plays and what it means to you on a conscious path. Lots of BAD stuff going down.

About Zen Gardner:
Zen Gardner is a deep thinker on a quest for truth. He is the editor and publisher of the truth seeking website, He shares: "I have questions. Life is wonderful–full of amazing wonders that continue to unfold. My quest for truth has given me new perspectives which lead to well springs of information that continue to inspire awe and wonder at the world we live in. Dare to explore and see what leaves you …just wondering."
