
BWO #03: Bilderberg and Secret Societies | Guillermo Jimenez, James Corbett, and special guest Dan Dicks, July 9, 2014


Welcome to The Beard World Order: In this episode of the BWO, we shine a light on the murky world of secret societies and clandestine gatherings of the world’s elite. We focus our discussion on the Bilderberg Group: what it is, who attends, how it’s structured, how it’s evolved, and why it’s significant.

Having been forced out of the shadows in the last decade, has the Bilderberg Group waned in influence? Has technology rendered it unnecessary? Why all the secrecy, and what can we the people do to resist these institutions? What would secret societies look like in a free (stateless) society?

Lastly, why aren’t we as creeped out as we once were (and rightfully should be) by hooded politicians in the dark woods performing mock human sacrifices? Does Conan O’Brien really worship Molech, or is the Bohemian Grove just a harmless sleepaway camp for elitist scumbags? Your answers to these questions, letters, feedback, and much more on this BWO. Enjoy.
