
America - Land of the Free?

America - Land of the Free?

Dear Family and Friends,

Today is the 4th of July and a celebration of America's Freedom purchased with our OWN BLOOD!

But are we truly free?

"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.” Dr. Benjamin Rush – Physician and Signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Are YOU truly free to choose your own Health Care? Are YOU free to choose your own doctor? Are you free to choose NON-GMO food? Are you free NOT to vaccinate your children?

Our freedom of health and food is constantly under attack!

What is Health and Food Freedom -- the right to choose your own health care and your own doctor and to obtain wholesome, natural foods (non-toxic, nonGMO) on the open market, produced as locally as possible -- is an important part of Health and Food Freedom.

According to the World Health Organization, the chief world health problems are the "noncommunicable diseases of under and mal-nutrition" -- heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity. These appear to be "standard" conditions of modern life (to which we would add the world-wide plague of autism spectrum disorders, caused by exposing our children to intolerable levels of environmental toxins, including those present in vaccines and other drugs).

All of these health conditions or acidic disease conditions can be prevented and "treated" with natural, wholesome foods, including herbs, dietary supplements and natural remedies.

"The Congress finds the following:
(1) Federal regulators have forbidden--
(A) cherry growers and food producers to cite independent and respected scientific research on their produce that references health benefits; and
(B) a variety of dietary supplement makers to cite independent scientific research on health benefits from supplements from respected, peer-reviewed scientific journals.
(2) Americans want access and have a right to access legitimate scientific information about foods and dietary supplements to ensure informed decisions about diet and health care. While the American public is inundated daily with advertisements about prescription drugs for health conditions, many of which could be prevented through lifestyle changes, proper nutrition, and informed use of dietary supplements, Americans are denied access to the very information that assists in making informed lifestyle and health care decisions.
(3) Providing access to scientific information promotes self-responsibility, thereby empowering Americans to exercise independent judgment in caring for themselves and ultimately reducing health care costs and improving quality of life.
(4) The United States has a long commitment to the free dissemination of scientific research with the exception of limited extreme situations for national security. This commitment goes back to the First Amendment to the Constitution and has contributed vitally to the Nation's economic progress."

And then continues to hold that health claims should be permitted anytime,

"the claim is based on legitimate scientific research...mean[ing] scientific research, whether performed in vitro, in vivo, in animals, or in humans, that -- (i) is conducted in accordance with sound scientific principles; (ii) has been evaluated and accepted by a scientific or medical panel; and (iii) has been published in its entirety, or as an accurate, balanced summary or scientific review including a citation to the research in its entirety, in -- (I) a peer-reviewed article or book; (II) a recognized textbook; (III) a peer-reviewed scientific publication; or (IV) any publication of the United States Government (including ones published by or at the request of a Federal department, agency, institute, center, or academy)."

It's just that simple; legitimate scientific research without FDA and FTC bureaucrats preventing "truthful and not misleading" speech about the health benefits of natural solutions.

A new law should be passed and read that no individual (including a minor through his or her parents) may be denied, by any person or agency acting under color of law: Access to any desired health care services, including those known as standard, conventional, alternative, advanced or complementary health care services, with fully informed consent; Access to all health care information for which there is at least a scintilla of evidence; Access to food, food components, contents or substances, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, pro-biotics, pre-biotics, their precursors and metabolites; such components, content and/or substances may be offered with, or associated with, claims for their health benefits, without prior government approval and without limit as to mode of application!

No individual (including a minor through his or her parents) shall be exposed to genetically modified or degraded food without his or her consent... No individual (including a minor through his or her parents) shall be subject to involuntary medication (including vaccination) or any other involuntary medical treatment! This is what the law should read!

For many years, the plan to capture – and kill – clean, local, organic, independent and safe farming, and impose the restrictions on Health and Food Freedom found in Codex Alimentarius (the so-called World Food Code) along the way, was pushed through Congress in 2010. That same year the devastating HR.2751 (incorporating S.510) passed the lame-duck Congress and was signed by President Obama. Strong public PUSH BACK changed the bill, removing some of its most onerous provisions and adding in a few bits of small-production protection. Also, with the passing of ObamaCare your choices for covered alternative health care instead of sick care have been eliminated. This is NOT GOOD for the majority of Americans and it is NOT GOOD for their Doctors!

I would suggest that it is more than time to go on the offensive. We need to demand redress for our grievances and petition Congress to adopt laws to protect our Health and Food Freedoms from bureaucratic government interference.

Your right to choose your own health care, to choose your own doctor, to choose non-GMO food, or to choose to vaccinate or not, is a fundamental freedom!

Write or email Congress today and demand protection for your fundamental health and food rights! And today go see the new documentary movie 'America'! and let's join together and take back America! Time is running out!
