
The pH Miracle for Cancer!

Introducing Dr. Robert O. Young and the “New Biology”

By Matt Traverso,  Author of Extreme Health Now

            For years I have been reading the inspired and well researched writings of Dr. Robert O. Young D.Sc., Ph.D.  He posits that we are alkaline by design and acidic by function. He suggests that there is only one sickness and one disease, caused by an over acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking. There is no way to have health and acidity—health and alkalinity is the way!

            Now in this book, he applies his research and insights to cancer. I am excited to introduce you to the cancer-related work of the leading nutritional microbiologist in the world today. Over the past 25 years, Dr.  Young has been focused his research at the cellular level. Having a specialty in cellular nutrition, he has devoted his life to researching the causes of disease, developing what he calls The New Biology™ to help people balance their life. The old biology (based on the work of Louis Pasteur, late 1800s) postulates that disease comes from germs and bacteria which invade the body from the outside. The New Biology states that there is only One Sickness and One Disease, and this one sickness is the over-acidification of the body due primarily to an inverted way of living, thinking, and eating.

            This is the simplest, most effective and most powerful therapy for curing cancer and creating optimal health. This information has the power to transform your life. It has helped turn cancer terminal patients (people labeled soon to be dead with no hope) into lively, thriving, and healthy individuals. Despite what doctors and the pharmaceutical and health care industries would have you believe, there is now a simple, easy and natural way to control, manage and cure cancer from your life and those you love. This breakthrough methodology, developed by world-renowned scientist Dr, Robert O. Young, has already benefited thousands of cancer patients.
Current Disease Epidemic

            Despite advances in science and technology, we know that 1 in 3 Americans will die of Cancer, and 1 in 2 Americans will die of heart disease (National Center for Health Statistics): 95% of Americans will die of either Heart Disease, Cancer, or Diabetes. These are preventable, lifestyle-related and diet-related diseases, by the way).

            If you lead the average lifestyle, that is your most probable outcome. Despite billions of dollars being spent on discovering drugs for cancer, cancer has gone from being the #7 cause of death in 1970 in the U.S. to the #2 cause. A child under the age of three has a 1 in 2 chance of developing cancer in its lifetime!

            As the cost of health care gets bigger, we continue to get sicker. Why haven’t the so-called “miracle drugs” manufactured and promoted by pharmaceutical companies—not to mention the highly touted medical “breakthroughs”—prevented or cured disease? Disease is big business: national health expenditures are rising 7%—two times the rate of inflation (Health Affairs); health care spending is expected to reach $4.2 trillion in 2016, or 20% of GDP (NCHC).

            And what’s the result? More people are getting sicker today! One hundred years ago heart disease, cancer, and diabetes were virtually unknown. In 1910 deaths from heart disease, diabetes and cancer were less than 10 percent of total deaths. By 1997 more than 90 percent of the population was dying of these three diseases. After 100 years of advances and breakthroughs in scientific medicine, the sad truth is that today these three diseases claim someone’s life every second.

            Ironically, today we have more doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical drugs, and we are the sickliest generation in American history!    Despite spending more on health care per capita, the U.S. rates only 37th in the world in “overall health system performance” by the World Health Organization. What’s causing all this?

Your Body: Your Greatest Treasure

            Despite all the demands you make of it, your body produces billions of new cells every second; makes you hear, feel, see, smell, taste; regulates your temperature; and operates this powerful super-computer—your brain. Your body puts any man-made technology to shame. It is a beautifully created, perfectly and delicately balanced self-healing organism. And yet most of us either take this miracle completely for granted or we abuse it!  You always pay the price or reap the rewards for your life choices. So, honor your body. Respect it. To NOT care for your body is to reject LIFE. Every moment of your life you have a CHOICE—what you put in your mouth, whether to exercise or not, whether to smoke, take drugs, drink alcohol, eat meat… or not. Vibrant Health or Pain and Disease, you will soon discover, is a CHOICE. Please, choose wisely.

            Imagine that you are driving an all-natural, organic, living, breathing car. For two million years, this car has been using fuel such as: water , seeds, nuts, grasses, herbs, roots, fruits, vegetables, and uncooked cereals. Then for the last century, the car switched to a new, modern mixture of sugar, sweets, biscuits, crisps, chocolate, coffee, tea, coca-cola, fats, oils, cigarettes, alcohol, vinegar, pharmaceutical drugs, caffeine, chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, meat, milk, cheese, ice-cream, and refined carbohydrates with zero nutritional value (white rice, white flour, white sugar, pasta, bread).

            What would happen to this vehicle? Yes, it would break down. So you bring it to the mechanic. Now, is it in the mechanic’s interest to resolve the source of the problem (your choice of fuel)? Or does he give you the instant fix to get the car going again? After all, you are a busy person—you have got places to go, you’re experiencing pain and are immobilized, you need this problem fixed as soon as possible. You even ask for a fix.

            So, the mechanic offers you a fix—an INSTANT fix. What should you do? What is the intelligent thing to do? What is the right thing to do? Keep taking the car to the mechanic, or clean the fuel tank and use a cleaner fuel?

            For every health challenge out there, all you ever hear is take this drug or go to Dr. FeelGood and pop a pill to make yourself feel all better again. Sure, take drugs to make the symptom go away, but what about the source of the problem?

            You need to eradicate the source, the root of your health problems. Ultimately, any ailment you experience comes from a breakdown within your body. Diseases are warning signs that something inside of you is out of kilter or unbalanced.

            A cultural hypnosis has taught us that we are fragile, that things are happening to us, that we are in danger, that our bodies are constantly under attack by bugs, germs, and viruses, that most sickness and disease comes from external agents attacking our body—and that drugs are the answer to disease.

            The truth is that health comes from within, and is also lost from within. Our natural state is one of strength, health, and energy. We are genetically programmed to be healthy and to thrive. Your dis-ease is a symptom of something fundamental happening within you. Drugs deal with the short-term effect, the surface cause of your discomfort, the symptom. Creating health and restoring your body has nothing to do with drugs. The source of the problem is the way you live your life. Conventional medicine (aka orthodox or allopathic medicine) utilizes poisonous substances (drugs) in non-lethal dosages in order to suppress symptoms. This approach neither addresses the cause of the disease condition, nor is it responsible for healing the patient. Rather, the use of drugs will temporarily mask the manifestations of the disease, while driving the disease deeper into the body—only to reappear later as a more serious and chronic health threat.

            There is a concerted agenda organized by the international pharmaceutical companies to suppress every alternative, non-drug therapy that works because they want people to keep on coming back for more treatments and more drugs. A cured patient is a lost source of income. A sick patient who is marginally improved is manageable. Managing patients means routine office visits and renewing of drug prescriptions. Therefore, a manageable patient is a continuing source of income—a cash cow.

            While I support and believe in medical science, I do not agree with the medical
establishment and the pharmaceutical industry operating it that value profit and protection of the status quo over the health and wellness of the people.

            Doctors, as caring as they are, are primarily trained in using pharmaceuticals to treat illness. The thrust of the orthodox pharmaceutical agenda is to provide temporary relief, while never addressing the cause of the disease. This agenda insures regular visits to the doctor’s office and pharmacy to refill his prescriptions. Several alternative approaches to health work so well and cost so little (compared to conventional treatment) that the pharmaceutical industry is fighting to keep suppressed. Alternative, non-toxic therapies represent a potential loss of billions of dollars to medical and drug companies.

            Through marketing and advertising the public has been brainwashed into equating MEDICAL CARE with HEALTH, whereas the exact opposite applies: modern medicine has become the main cause of disease today.

            America’s medical/industrial complex was organized around the American Medical Association, formed by drug interests for the purpose of manipulating the legal system. Controlled by pharmaceutical companies, this complex has become a trillion-dollar-a-year business. It also includes many insurance companies, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), hospitals, and university research facilities—all driven by drug companies. The COMBINED PROFITS for the 10 most profitable drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) are GREATER than the profits for all the other 490 companies put together ($33.7 billion)! I repeat: "The top 10 pharmaceutical companies make more in profits than the rest of the Fortune 500 companies combined!

            Drug companies are marketing their drugs even more relentlessly, pushing even harder to extend their monopolies on top-selling drugs (prescription drug sales are rising over 18% a year from previous years). And they are pouring more money into lobbying and political campaigns.

            Big Pharma (the pharmaceutical industry) isn’t interested in finding cures for Cancer, AIDS, or Diabetes; to them, people who buy drugs are not patients—they are CUSTOMERS who make them profit. Big Pharma corporations are legally responsible for the increase in profit for them and their shareholders. Period.

            If cancer is cured, they don’t make profit. The drug companies would be out of business and the doctors would be out of jobs. Corporations and other entities like the FDA know that curing means the end of business. They can’t make a living if you don’t get sick. Big Pharma doesn’t want a cure, they will NEVER discover a cure.

            “Curing” people doesn’t make any money. “Treatment” (with drugs) does. Treatmentmasks the symptoms of a problem. Curemeans finding the cause of the problem and removing it. And drugs are designed to Treat, not cure or prevent illnesses, where the patient becomes dependent upon them for life. With this Treatment idea forced upon us, as the only option, we are being ripped off. It’s time we woke up and made better choices. Long-term diseases—ones which sometimes mean a lifetime dependence on drugs, devices, medical interventions and treatments of all sorts—are among the most profitable revenue sources. Canceris the quintessential disease that engenders lifelong dependency. More than many diseases, it illustrates the corporate model of modern sickness care that is keen on having you take products over and over again.

 Morass of Misinformation

            Most of what you think you know about health is misinformation—and the myths are killing us. We are led to believe that germs and viruses cause disease. And what should we do? We should avoid or ‘kill’ the germs and maybe we can avoid the disease. We are taught that illnesses like cancer and diabetes can just show up, for no good reason and that the only solution is medicine and surgery, if we’re lucky that is.

            We don’t feel empowered about our health and we place it in the hands of experts and hope that when we get ill, they will be able to help us get healthy again and live longer. After all we don’t know what to do, so isn’t it a good thing that we have all these experts and drugs researchers out there to tell us what to do? How may ‘wonder drugs’ that we’ve been told were supposed to make us healthier—have not worked? How many of these have been promoted to us by the so called “experts”?

             This is NOT an attack on the medical profession. Doctors care so much! They care immensely about human beings, and they will give their heart and soul at the expense of their own health, emotions, or families to help other people recover from disease in the only way they know how. We should feel compassion for doctors.

            So many new drugs come out every year—there’s no way for doctors to keep up. Hence doctors are primarily educated about new advances in medicine by the drug companies’ salesmen! For many doctors, drug industry marketing is their prime source of information.

             A major reason why health care is in such a shambles is that the medical establishment allows itself to be bought off by the pharmaceutical industry. The medical establishment works closely with the drug multinationals whose main objective is PROFITS, and whose worst nightmare would be an epidemic of good health. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) stated that oncologists (cancer doctors) make an average of $253,000 a year, of which 75% is profit from chemotherapy drugs administered in their offices.

            These drugs are obscenely profitable, providing average profit margins of 30,000% to 50,000% over the cost of raw materials. Sometimes, their markups can be as high as 500,000%! Naturally drug companies will do anything to sell more pills. To a pharmaceutical marketer, the doctor is the “first link in the chain of getting medication from manufacturer to consumer.” Any physician can legally prescribe any medication for any use. Obviously 100% of prescription drugs costs originate with a doctor’s orders. Doctors are rewarded with research grants, gifts, and lavish perks. The principal buyers are the public—from infants to the elderly—who MUST be thoroughly any cost! Physicians’ choices profoundly impact sales of a drug company’s products. So, pharmaceutical manufacturers focus their marketing budgets to influence those choices.

            The drug industry does NOT want people to get healthy. If everyone were healthy, they wouldn’t need to buy drugs. The drug industry wants people to buy more drugs. Healthy people don’t need drugs. If everyone was healthy, the drug industry would be out of business. Remember, pharmaceutical companies have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders—to increase profits. And, of course, drug companies earn profits from the expansion and continuation of disease (where patients are put on drugs for life).

            Since 1971, when the “War on Cancer” started, about $2 trillion has been spent on conventional cancer treatment and research. Yet, despite the government and private sector’s work to put a positive face on cancer survival rates, they have not improved. 

            There are about 700,000 doctors in the U.S., where we spend more on health care than ever before. Ironically, the U.S. leads the developed world in deaths from heart disease, prostate cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and diabetes. The countries that use the most medicine are the sickest. For example, the leading cause of death in our society today is modern medicine—the healthcare system—causing a total number of 783,936 deaths per year, just in the United States!

            In 1968, America declared war on cancer. By February 1994, the Journal of the American Medical Association declared the war on cancer a failure. In all age groups, cancer incidence is increasing. Adverse drug reactions are the # 4 cause of death in the United States. So the very industry that is here to tell you, “We are providing your health,” is causing an EPIDEMIC. That’s the leading cause of death in America!

            Because the pharmaceutical and medical organizations lie to you to protect the status quo, you never learn the truth about cancer, and its prevention. Cancer can be prevented before it enters your life—and reversed without taking any medicine! Remember cancer is not a death sentence—the wrong treatment is!

A Personal Invitation

            I want you to get everything you can out of this program. To do that, you’ll have to change the way you think about health and take responsibility for your own health.

            Please understand: Your health is not some highly complex thing which you can’t gain full control over. You don’t have to hand over your health to an “expert” who will know what to do with it. All you need is the right information. The best person to take charge of your health is you!

            You must decide what to believe. Everything Dr. Young is sharing is backed up by 25 years of scientific research and extraordinary results with thousands and thousands of cancer patients. Ultimately the best way to decide is to try it and judge by the results in your own body. If you do, I promise you a total transformation in your health and in the quality of your life. This breakthrough information can help you free yourself of cancer (or any disease) and create extraordinary energy in your life—to help you get what we contract for: health care, and stop our sick care.

            Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery as curative measures for cancer have failed miserably—without even mentioning the quality of life during the treatment. There will be ever-increasing pressure to persuade patients to choose this insanity—driven by the illusion that this is their only source for a cure.

            The only person who can cure you is You. No doctor can eat your food, exercise your body, manage your thoughts and emotions, or adopt a new lifestyle. Only you can do these things. Only you can understand and tune into your symptoms. Only you can decide to triumph over cancer and reclaim your life. We all must nurture, support and respect our immune system. Let’s embrace life and live it to the fullest. This book will help you open your eyes, broaden your horizons, and find the solution that’s already within you—in your body’s miraculous self-healing ability to rebuild and repair itself.

            Wellness is your birthright. The answers are always within you, found in your immune systems and biology. You are a living, breathing healing machine.  So, discover how to cure cancer and transform your body into a healthy, energetic example of what life is supposed to be. Take back your health power! It is your life, your health, your choice. Choose wisely.

            Having a specialty in cellular nutrition, Dr. Young has devoted his life to researching the true causes of disease and developing the New Biology™ to help people balance their life. The old biology (based on the work of Louis Pasteur in the late 1800s) stems from the idea that disease comes from germs and bacteria which invade the body from the outside. In contrast, Dr. Young’s New Biology states that there is only One Sickness and One Disease, and that this one sickness is the over-acidification of the body due primarily to an inverted way of living, thinking, and eating. This over-acidification leads to the over-growth in our body of microorganisms (such as yeast and fungi) whose poisons produce the symptomologies that medical science refers to as “disease”.

            Based on Dr. Young’s theory, there’s only one sickness, and therefore only one remedy and treatment—and that is to alkalize the body and break the cycle of imbalance, enabling us to experience the energy, vitality and true health we’re all meant to have.

            I am not one who easily buys into miracle cures—nor am I easily swayed by other people’s opinions or anecdotal reports. I’m wary of exaggerated health claims provided by individuals or enterprises that stand to make huge profits from them. But the more I researched Dr. Young’s New Biology, the more I was impressed that his therapy has been used by so many health practitioners to heal cancer and every conceivable disease. My skepticism turned to conviction when I realized that this cure is the only healing therapy that finally eliminates the REAL cause of cancer!

            This is the simplest, most effective and most powerful therapy for curing cancer and creating optimal health. It is also the secret that the American pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment don’t want you to know because it threatens the livelihood and the trillion-dollar earnings of the pharmaceutical and health care industries—not to mention the medical centers and physicians that make a great living from providing expensive drugs, complex medical procedures and long hospital stays.

            Dr. Young suggests that there’s only one sickness, and there can therefore be only one remedy and treatment—to alkalize the body and break the cycle of imbalance, enabling us to experience the energy, vitality and health we all desire.

            I believe Dr. Young’s New Biology is the definitive answer to the cause, prevention and cure of cancer and of a great many other diseases.

            Therefore, I am honored, thrilled and excited to introduce you to a research scientist who is not only a genius in his field, but a man with an immense heart. Dr. Young is a man who truly cares deeply, and I am certain his knowledge and caring can make a difference not only in your life, but in the lives of all your family and loved ones.

            I think you will find this book inspirational, but what good is inspiration if it’s not backed up by action? You can transform your life faster than you ever thought possible! So let the journey of transformation begin!
