
What is in Your Refrigerator and Medicine Cabinet?

You can tell more about the health of a person without ever knowing or meeting them by looking at two places in their home: 1) The Refrigerator, and 2) The Medicine Cabinet. It is better than a lie detector test. You may have heard the phrase: "Your blood never lies".. well neither does your refrigerator or medicine cabinet... These two photos are our actual refrigerator and our medicine cabinet and is typical of how they look most of the time. The frig contains lots of green vegetables(kale, cucumbers, celery, spinach, chard, asparagus, broccoli), avocados, tomatoes, Thai coconuts, some fruits (lemons, limes, grapefruit, etc). Quinoa, cut up jicama, peppers, are some other "stuff of life" in there. We make "green" juices everyday and we make almond milk a couple of times a week to add to the green juices. Also, not pictured here on the sides is: several different kinds of cold pressed oils, our almond milk, liquid chlorophyll we add to our waters and green drinks, almond butter that we make every week or so, and a few other healthy type items (hemp seeds, dressings for salads - some that we make ourself, etc.)

What is in our refrigerator is important because it directly affects what is in our medicine cabinet. We actually need a different term for medicine cabinet because what is missing in ours is any actual medicine! Some will say that we are lucky and blessed and that is true. But the truth is I'll be 54 in a few weeks and my wife, Debbie Hennessy, is 29+ (hahaha I'm not going to post her age - I want to continue living!!)  and neither of us has the need to take any meds. Our bodies are healthy and that isn't by luck it is by choice. The choices we make on the left picture on what we choose to eat and drink everyday has determined what we don't have to have in the "non-medicine" cabinet...Besides not needing medication/drugs our refrigerator (i.e. our food/drink choices) gives us non-stop all day long energy, feelings of peace and calmness, deeper and more restful sleep and just an overall feeling of health and vitality.

I'm not sharing this to brag. I'm sharing this to hopefully to inspire you that you can do this too. Years ago our refrigerator would have been full of: Diet Dr Pepper, breads, eggs, chicken, turkey, cheese, lemon aide, and all kinds of cooked and processed foods and very little green live foods. We made small changes over time and with each change we never felt like we were depriving ourselves of foods that we liked. We just didn't want the other less healthier foods anymore - they kind of gave us up instead.

As we learned from one of our health mentors Dr Robert O Young in his many books fromThe pH Miracle, the body is alkaline by design but functionally acidic. The more live green alkaline foods that we can eat and drink the healthier our blood will be. From healthy blood comes healthy tissues, muscles, organs, bones, etc.

We all need more education and less medication. Education on what really healthy living is easier than you think.

I am always available to help at any time if anyone needs help or advice. I've been where some of you are and my own diet isn't always perfect. But today, even the times I fall off are never as bad as my daily diet used to be. One of these days I will share the many health challenges that I have overcome but that will be a different topic for another day.

What's in your refrigerator?

-- With Love Always, God Bless: Tim H
Photo: *** What Is In Your Refrigerator & Medicine Cabinet? ***  You can tell more about the health of a person without ever knowing or meeting them by looking at two places in their home: 1) The Refrigerator, and 2) The Medicine Cabinet. It is better than a lie detector test. You may have heard the phrase: "Your blood never lies".. well neither does your refrigerator or medicine cabinet... These two photos are our actual refrigerator and our medicine cabinet and is typical of how they look most of the time. The frig contains lots of green vegetables(kale, cucumbers, celery, spinach, chard, asparagus, broccoli), avocados, tomatoes, Thai coconuts, some fruits (lemons, limes, grapefruit, etc). Quinoa, cut up jicama, peppers, are some other "stuff of life" in there. We make "green" juices everyday and we make almond milk a couple of times a week to add to the green juices. Also, not pictured here on the sides is: several different kinds of cold pressed oils, our almond milk, liquid chlorophyll we add to our waters and green drinks, almond butter that we make every week or so, and a few other healthy type items (hemp seeds, dressings for salads - some that we make ourself, etc.)  What is in our refrigerator is important because it directly affects what is in our medicine cabinet. We actually need a different term for medicine cabinet because what is missing in ours is any actual medicine!  Some will say that we are lucky and blessed and that is true. But the truth is I'll be 54 in a few weeks and my wife, Debbie Hennessy, is 29+ (hahaha I'm not going to post her age - I want to continue living!!) :)  and neither of us has the need to take any meds. Our bodies are healthy and that isn't by luck it is by choice. The choices we make on the left picture on what we choose to eat and drink everyday has determined what we don't have to have in the "non-medicine" cabinet...Besides not needing medication/drugs our refrigerator (i.e. our food/drink choices) gives us non-stop all day long energy, feelings of peace and calmness, deeper and more restful sleep and just an overall feeling of health and vitality.  I'm not sharing this to brag. I'm sharing this to hopefully to inspire you that you can do this too. Years ago our refrigerator would have been full of: Diet Dr Pepper, breads, eggs, chicken, turkey, cheese, lemon aide, and all kinds of cooked and processed foods and very little green live foods. We made small changes over time and with each change we never felt like we were depriving ourselves of foods that we liked. We just didn't want the other less healthier foods anymore - they kind of gave us up instead.  As we learned from one of our health mentors Dr Robert O Young in his many books from The pH Miracle, the body is alkaline by design but functionally acidic. The more live green alkaline foods that we can eat and drink the healthier our blood will be. From healthy blood comes healthy tissues, muscles, organs, bones, etc.   We all need more education and less medication. Education on what really healthy living is easier than you think.   I am always available to help at any time if anyone needs help or advice. I've been where some of you are and my own diet isn't always perfect. But today, even the times I fall off are never as bad as my daily diet used to be. One of these days I will share the many health challenges that I have overcome but that will be a different topic for another day.   What's in your refrigerator?   -- With Love Always, God Bless: Tim H
