
Back in Time Series | David Icke 'The Moon Matrix & Saturn Firewall' | Red Ice Radio | 24-04-2011


 David Icke is an English writer, public speaker, and former media personality best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world". David is one of the most controversial speakers and authors in the world. He has written 16 books explaining his position and has attracted a substantial following across the political spectrum. His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called the conspiracy theorist's Rosetta Stone.

In the first hour of this interview, David begins talking about the new vibrations that are coming into the world to replace the old ones. He says it is not a time for the faint-hearted. The control system is clamping down harder than ever as more people are waking up to it. David says it is a time to listen to what feels right, not what sounds right. Then, he discusses the wide reaches and purpose of the current control system which is light years beyond us. David talks about the cosmic firewall that is in place between humanity and true information. This leads us into discussing the moon matrix. It is possible the moon is being used as a blocking device from decoding real information that would change the world of humanity and also beaming other frequencies which deceive the masses and protect those in control. So what is the moon and where did it come from?

We'll discuss scientific aspects of the moon as well as some legend about it. David begins the second hour talking about Russian scientists from 1970 who wrote an article calling the moon a spaceship. He'll discuss the article. David wonders how many of these moons exist. Is the moon camouflaged? We'll talk about Saturn and it's moons and rings. David says he sees a massive broadcasting system. Could it be that reptilians and greys reside inside the moon? Then, we discuss the lights seen around the moon as well as the gold connection. David also talks about how the moon affects the human body, our cycles and our decoding process. Will the "super-machine" be turned off or is it up to us through expansion beyond the moon matrix? We end the interview, talking about transformation and electric fields.
