
CALIFORNIA: Let’s Make California the First State to Label GMOs!

In 2012, California’s Prop 37 sparked a groundswell of GMO labeling bills in states across the nation. Last year, Connecticut and Maine passed GMO labeling laws, but those laws won’t go into effect until other states pass similar legislation. Let’s make California the first state to pass a GMO labeling bill with no strings attached!
Last week, SB 1381 to label genetically engineered foods in California, was passed out of the state Senate Health Committee. The bill now goes back to the Rules Committee and then on to the Senate Judicial and Agriculture Committees, before going to the Senate floor for a vote. 
SB 1381 is a simpler, clearer version of Prop 37. Polls, both before and after the 2012 election, showed that 67 percent of Californians support a state GMO labeling law. SB 1381 is our chance to finally achieve what the people of California want: GMO labels on their food. We deserve the right to know if our food has been genetically engineered, just as citizens do in the 64 countries across the globe that have mandatory GMO labeling rules. 
This is going to be a huge fight. Lobbyists from the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association are out in full force, spreading their misinformation at the state Legislature in Sacramento. But we can win if we act together. It’s urgent that we pass SB 1381 in this 2014 session!
Want to do more?
You can give a shout out to Senators Evans, Wolk, Beall, Monning and Delsalnier on Facebook and Twitter for their yes votes on SB 1381 in the Senate Health Committee. 
And you can call Senators Hernandez (916-651-4024) and Anderson (916-651-4036) and tell them you are not happy that they voted no on SB 1381. Senator Hernandez’s district voted 62 percent for Prop 37 in 2012. And as Chair and Vice-Chair, Senators Hernandez and Anderson represent ALL of California on the Health Committee.
Last, you can call Senator DeLeon (916-651-4022) who wasn’t present for the Health Committee vote and ask him to co-author SB 1381 and vote yes when it comes to the Senate floor.
More information? Visit LabelGMOs online or contact Pamm Larry,
Finally, please endorse SB 1381 at
