
Self Care or Health Care?

It’s no secret that the healthcare or better know as the sickness care system in the United States is beyond broken.

Despite spending far more per capita than any other country on medical care, the United States does not even rank in the top 50 countries for life expectancy. The average life expectancy of a medical doctor in the US is 56 years.

Attempts to fix the problems have only seemed to make matters worse. Medical costs have continued to explode since the creation of Medicare in the mid-1960′s despite new regulations being periodically enacted over the years to attempt to control costs.

The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is the latest attempt to “control” costs and bring sanity to the healthcare insurance industry. Unfortunately, health insurance premiums and deductibles continue to increase with individuals and families required to pay for an ever larger share of their sickness and disease coverage even when employed by large companies, companies which only a few years ago, covered most or all of the cost.

For those following the pH Miracle alkaline diet and lifestyle who rarely if ever require a doctor’s care, the frustration with healthcare insurance is two-fold.

First, the sobering realization that the rapidly rising expense for medical coverage is due in large part to the toxic and acidic/GMO-ridden Standard American Diet and high stress/low activity lifestyle of a consenting majority suffering from a plethora of serious acidic health problems being “managed”, never resolved, by overpriced acidic pharmaceutical drugs.

Secondly, the knowledge that in the event so-called healthcare insurance is ever needed, that conventional drugs and surgery would be the only treatments covered by insurance with any holistic or alternative treatments paid for out of pocket.

Thirdly, the problem with healthcare in this country is NOT uninsured people, it's the overpriced, ineffective and dangerous treatments!

In essence, relying on sickcare insurance is being caught between a rock and a hard place. Not only is it extremely expensive, but even in the event of serious illness, you won’t get the coverage and treatments you desire if you are alternatively or pH Miracle minded.

So what is the solution - Education NOT Medication! Education NOT Vaccination! Education NOT Radiation! Self Care NOT Obama or Sickness Care! The Government needs to empower and reward each person who follows an alkaline lifestyle and diet with lower premiums and lower deductibles. Why? Because they seldom or NEVER get sick! They make better employees! They have more energy to do their work because they are healthy and fit! Tell everyone you love and care about that prevention is the cure to ALL sickness and disease NOT the acidic treatment(s) of a so-called disease or sickness by a medical system that is broken and treating symptoms NOT causes!

For those who think they need insurance then I would suggest an accident and/or hospital policy that covers you and your family in the case of emergency or accident. These types of policies are very inexpensive. The final and ultimate suggestion would be to embrace an alkaline lifestyle and diet and prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and ALL sickness and disease. You must be the change you want to see in your own personal health and fitness!

To learn more about prevention and the alkaline lifestyle read The pH Miracle, The pH MIracle reveised and updated, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The House of Health books I and II, Reverse Cancer Now, and Sick and Tired. -

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 — withFausto Guerra and 8 others.
