
'Internet Meme "How to Communicate Popular & amp; Simple on the Internet

'Internet meme' or usually just called a meme (pronounced: meme, though ane sometimes tetep read me-me) is a term for a concept, idea, thought, or other work that is widely used in the Internet as a communication alternate verbal / visual linear, as well as to describe a situation, culture, and other things in a unique way. 

Wikipedia explains the definition of Internet Meme as: 

Originally Posted by Wikipedia Says 
The term Internet meme (pronounced / MIM /; Meem) [1] is used to describe a concept that spreads via the Internet. [2] The term is a reference to the concept of memes, although the latter concept refers to a much broader category of cultural information. 
Or it can be defined as: 

Originally Posted by Translation 
The term Internet meme (pronounced meem) is used to describe a concept that spreads via the Internet. This term leads to the term meme itself, although the true sense of the word meme leads to the concept or category of information a widespread culture. 
Basically, the Internet meme is used to describe unique seseatu, which can only be found on the internet 

It is not clear the origin of the use of the term Internet meme itself and matters related thereto, as Internet Meme themselves unwittingly spread along with the development of the Internet itself. 

According thought ane, Internet memes themselves have been applied in the Indonesian Internet community unconsciously. 

For illustration, the following are examples of memes. 

Spoiler for Please Read: 
All replaced *** on the link please know your meme (remove the spaces it) before accessible (I think ya hit the block, ane also do not understand) 

The link in the title ane pair of meme examples below are guaranteed not jebmen, betmen trap, trap robin, etc.. It links to websites to which its name Know Your Meme, the site where the full collection of memes so gan So just calm agan 


Forever Alone

Spoiler for Forever Alone:

Forever Alone is a meme figure commonly used to describe the circumstances where the relevant feel lonely.

Gan clay, the sad face right

Example usage as the Forever Alone meme:

Me Gusta

Spoiler for Me Gusta:

Me Gusta (Spanish meaning I Like) is a meme that describes the circumstances in which, for example agan happy ga seseatu commonly favored others, or describe the circumstances because agan happy as a unique seseatu just happened

If said face to face omes ane gan

Example usage as the Me Gusta meme:


Spoiler for Trollface:

Troll Face meme is commonly used, for example agan been jamming troll someone (eg the term agan have fun, jail, etc.. On the internet and the real world).
His face really ngeselin gan
Examples of the use of Trollface meme:

Rage Guy 

Spoiler for Rage Guy:

Rage Guy meme is commonly used to describe the state of the 'angry'. This meme is usually always accompanied FFFFFFUUUUUUUUU- posts next to

Maybe this meme suitable ane describe the state if no reply ngejunk in this trit

Example usage as Rage Guy meme:

There are many examples of other memes, including:

Philosoraptor (Dinosaurs philosopher)

Inglip (Similar gan Rage Guy, just more like the shock)

Scumbag Steve (the most annoying guy across the internet)

Y U NO Guy (To declare WHY TIDAKKK ???)

And many more ...

For example agan browse further interest, there is a special webpage popular memes, ie at the site Know Your Meme. Agan can find by clicking here.


Ane As already said, the use of memes in Indonesian Internet community has been prevalent, although the general public may not know as Internet Meme

The most famous example might be a site called Fuck Yeah Students.

Tumblr-based website which has the full address contains many memes that describe the unique student life that is packaged in a meme stomach churning

Spoiler for Examples of memes that exist at Fuck Yeah Students:
In addition, any other form of meme often used in Indonesian Internet community, including Kaskus

Who does not know the skipper Longcat, Paleface Cat, Epic Fail, Rebecca Black, etc..

For these reasons it actually includes meme also gan

Agan please remember-remember more memes anything that ever agan clay!


Internet memes are things that can not be separated from the internet, because the two are developing. So, from now on wear memes to communicate on the Internet


"Mutual respect is a remarkable thing. With respect, we can feel the natural beauty of another self in ourselves."

- Voltaire, French philosopher

