
Reversing Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes with YoungaCare - A Self-Care to a Self-Cure for ALL Diabetics!

Laurence Yap from Maylaysia, reversed his Type 2 diabetes following Dr. Robert O. Young's self-care to a self-cure, pH Miracle for Diabetes Protocol as outlined in The pH Miracle for Diabetes and Reverse Diabetes NOW. Laurence now has a normal HgbA1c of 5.7, normal fasting blood sugar at 5.5 mmol/L or 96 mg/dl down from a high of 414 mg/dl (normal blood sugars is under 100 mg/dl), normal red and white blood cell counts, alkaline urine pH at 8, lost 12 kg of metabolic an dietary acids, and normal blood chemistries.

He is NOT taking ANY Big Pharma medications for regulating blood sugars. Finally, he is following an alkaline lifestyle and diet as outlined by Dr. Robert O. Young in his books The pH Miracle for Diabetes and Reverse Diabetes Now! -
Pay It Forward: Laurence Yap is Sharing to Encourage Others to Follow the pH Miracle Self-Care for Reversing Type 1 and Type 2!

"This is my 8th month after the pH Miracle alkaline diet. I have dropped from 414 mg/dl (Max) to 96 mg/dl with purely pH Miracle formula. I have never taken any Meds after diagnosing diabetes 4 years ago. The journey has been very interesting with the support from the group. I has discovered some good things of pH Miracle. To me this is the longevity secret of human biology, fr more superior than other treatments and approaches.
I would like to share some thoughts of my recovery journey to motivate the new comers as a gesture of pay it forward:
a. You can take salmon fish (instead of giving up meat)
b. You can replace grain with Tofu in whatever shape and types (it is safe in Malaysia, not sure in US)
c. You can make the food really delicious with cold press sesame (go with soup or steam fish) or cold press olive oil (salad green) and cold press coconut oil (drink) or Omega 3-6-9 oil of pH Miracle (drink)
d. You can add herbs and spices like pepper, chili powder, and himalaya salt
e. You can replace organic salt (Himalaya slat, real salt) with sugar.
f. Drink your green drink with the Green Powder of PH Miracle (super important, your body cells will love it) and add LEMON or LIME to make it taste better
g. You know EXACTLY why you take certain food and drink. You know the whole alkaline approach of pH Miracle. No longer you are confused by so many school of thoughts.
h. You need to reprogram your minds. Watch the pH Miracle movies and books as many times as possible.
i. The pH Miracle framework is inline with many discoveries. So you could compare with The China Study, Hungry for change, Food Incs,,m Meat the Truth, Sick Fat and Neverly Death, Food Matters, Forks Over Knives (However they have different emphasis on alkaline foods. I avoided spirulina, mushroom, fruits except lime, lemon, avocado etc)
j. Avoid Mushroom, spirulina, Yogurt and sweet fruit. This is most shocking to me. I took spirulina for 10 years and love to take Mushroom. I decided to avoid it. If you study the Pleomorphasim of Dr Robert Young, you will understand you do not take fungus or algea to add acidity or toxicity to your body.
l. Avoid sweet fruit is also another shocking. Sweet fruit has fructose or sugar that will damage to body like immune suppressor.
K. Read the pH Miracle books few times to understand better. It will change the way you look at health again. You get to know why ypu gain weight, has high blood sugar or even getting a cancerous cells.
M. You need to avoid or minimize the acid food to 20%. Grains are acidic in nature so eliminate ALL grains except for sprouted grains.

Good luck with your new journey. Please share with us your experience following Dr. Young's pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet. Remember Pay it forward."
 (4 photos)

Dr. Robert O. Young's photo.
Dr. Robert O. Young's photo.
Dr. Robert O. Young's photo.
Dr. Robert O. Young's photo.
