
Kyle Hunt | White Identity in a “Post Racial” Society, July 11, 2014


July 11, 2014–Kyle Hunt received his BA in psychology and theater, worked briefly in Silicon Valley, and then became involved in the alternative media in 2008. Over the years he has covered topics such as symbolism, mythology, occultism, synchronicity, spirituality, paganism, racial realities, revisionist history, politics, and anything else that might pique his interest. Kyle is best known for previously blogging on Star Theory, hosting a show on the now defunct Oracle Broadcasting Network, founding Renegade Broadcasting, and most recently leading the controversial White Man March in an effort to raise awareness concerning the ongoing genocide of European people across the world.

In the first hour, Kyle shares his journey from synchromysticism into the study of ZOG. Voltaire said, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” In today’s PC environment, we’ll discuss the one group you cannot criticize. But to find out who is oppressed, simply find out the one group you cannot support. We’ll discuss White identity and interests in a so called “post-racial” America. Kyle talks about the blatant double standards and hypocritical justifications found within the ideology of “diversity” and “tolerance.” We’ll also discuss revisionist history pertaining to WWII and the holocaust. Later, we discuss how feminists demonize European men while they turn around and support Muslims who treat women and gays horribly. Also, we talk about Sarkozy’s “challenge of the 21st century,” racial interbreeding.

download hour 1 mp3
