
Patrick McGean | Sulfur: The Missing Link from a Healthy Life [Full Interview] | Sanitas Radio






Methylsulfonymethane is marketed lucratively as MSM. The process starts with crystals, which are then turned into powder with anti-caking agents, like silicon dioxide, added to it. This presents a problem for the people that buy it because when the crystals are turned into powder much of its effectiveness is lost. When the anti-caking agents are added to it, the remaining benefits are nullified. To derive the maximum benefits from MSM, it must be in the form of organic crystals and lignin (wood) based or prepared with Food Grade DMSO.

Our organic sulfur crystals are produced as follows:

MSM is made from DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide), and DMSO is made by processing the waste product of paper making ("pulp and paper industry")-- it is NEVER made by simply processing trees or any other form of plant life (no matter what you might read in some less informed Internet sources), for the sole purpose of extracting DMSO. It COULD be, just as seawater could be used for the sole purpose of extracting gold, but this is totally impractical.

DMSO is extracted from the waste product of papermaking and it is the PAPER MAKING that allows the whole process to be practical. As paper is made, the paper is made of the fibers of wood. But, as trees grow, the fibers of wood are stuck together, in the living tree, by a substance called "lignin." Lignin is like glue that holds the fibers together. The wood could not be made into paper if all the fibers are still stuck together. So, papermaking must include some process by which the lignin is removed, allowing the wood fibers to be managed into flat paper, etc.

Lignin is removed with something called "pulping chemicals." These chemicals are sodium sulfite (the majority), sodium sulfide and sodium carbonate). When these chemicals are soaked in a vat with wood chips, the lignin dissolves and the wood fibers can then be removed from the mass. Generally about 50% of the stuff in the vat would be the wood fibers, ready for making into paper, and 50% would be the residue, the waste product, of the original "pulping chemicals" and the lignin that has now been dissolved. That first liquid is called DMS (CH3 - S - CH3), but it quickly and easily further refined into DMSO.

Food Grade DMSO is the main ingredient from which MSM is made by a controlled oxidation process using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and water. There are no other chemicals used, and the H2O2 is turned into water.

It is very important to realize that if you purchase the Organic Sulfur Crystals, then the MSM you receive has been distilled. NO CHEMICALS ARE LEFT BEHIND. It is the purest possible form of the chemical MSM.

Organic sulfur is found in all living organisms. It is also contained in raw plant and animal foods. Organic sulfur is not found in any foods, which have been either stored during shipping, refrigeration, or cooked. Organic sulfur bonds with moisture and is therefore carried away when dehydration occurs - this is why stored, refrigerated or cooked foods no longer contain organic sulfur.

Also, with the introduction of the petro-chemical fertilizers in the 1930's, the benefits of sulfur were severely diminished and why you must stay hydrated and drink lots of water daily. Also, with the introduction of the petro-chemical fertilizers, which were created to replace manure as fertilizer and to create a cash "crop" for the petro-chemical industry, the oil based fertilizers virtually destroyed the sulfur in the soil. Add to this the obscene over-processing of our food supply, which served only to increase shelf life and profits and which made our food supply completely devoid of sulfur, it's no wonder that we are a nation of overweight, undernourished, disease-ridden sickos hooked on pharmaceutical drugs.

When, in 1985, Finland became alarmed over the increasing obscene disease rate of its population, they banned all use of chemical fertilizers fearing the levels of cadmium, yet totally unaware of the sulfur connection. Since doing so, they have become the leading supplier of organically grown foods in Europe. They have also seen their disease rates drop to one tenth of their 1985 levels.

Interestingly enough, in 1985, the U.S. was at the same disease level as Finland. So. Why did we not follow suit and ban the chemical fertilizers and put a lid on the highly processed foods? Well, as the theme song to Donald Trump's TV show began, "Money, Money, Money"!
