
You NOW Have a 50/50 Chance of Getting Cancer in YOUR Lifetime?

You NOW Have a 50/50 Chance of Getting Cancer in YOUR Lifetime?

Former President Richard Nixon declared war on  Cancer in l971.   So what's been happening?   At the present time your risk for cancer is 1 out of 2.5.  In less than five years from NOW it will be 1 out of 2!  What's going on?  

Did you know that within five years, cancer will also surpass heart disease as the leading cause of death in the US.  Cancer is already the leading cause of death in Canada, Australia, and it’s #2 in Great Britain.

Cancer does NOT need to be a death sentence but a wake up call, telling you that it is PAST TIME to CHANGE YOUR ACIDIC LIFESTYLE AND DIET!  How you survive this condition of acidic living, eating and thinking depends on what you do NEXT!  Just leaving it to an Oncologist will NOT change the casues of this acidic condition lifestyle disease! 

CUT - POISON and BURN is not working.....  Why?  Because it does NOT change the over-acidification of the tissues, organs or glands caused by an inverted way of living, eating and thinking!  Conventional doctors treat the symptoms and NOT the cause of cancer!  They do NOT know how to treat the foundation causes of cancer of an over-acidity condition of the body fluids!  

It's NOT because Oncologiists do not want to save lives, of course they do, but they do not know that cancer is an acidic disease of the body fluids that affects the human or animal cells and NOT a disease of the tissues, organs or glands.  Just like a fish is only as healthy as the alkaline fluids it is swimming in so human and animal cells that make up our tissues, organs and glands are only as healthy as the fluids they are bathed in.  Cancer is an acidic liquid caused by over 1000 different acids such lactic acid, uric acid, nitric acid, or acetic acid. that damages the DNA of body cells.  Just look at old cancerous food that is spoiling or rotting from acids in your refrigerator.  Cancer of food cells is no different than cancer of animal or body cells.  A cancerous body cell is a rotting or spoiling cell.  
That is why I have outlined a five-step protocol to restore the alkaline design of the body fluids to protect and keep the body cells healthy and free from the acids that cause cancer!

Here are the five steps to prevent or reverse a cancerous acidic condition:

1) Clear and open-up the four channels of elimination to remove acidic dietary, metabolic, respiratory and environmental waste products.
2)  Heal the intestinal villi of the small intestines that have been damaged by acidic foods and drinks in order to build healthy stem cells and then blood cells.
3) Build healthy stem cells and then red blood cells in the crypts of the small intestines with an alkaline plant-based green diet.
4) Increase alkaline hydration of the body fluids to flush out acidic waste products with 1 iter per 15 kilos of weight.
5) Hyper-perfuse the interstial body fluids with alkaline mineral salts of sodium and potassium bicarbonate to buffer metabolic acids and protect the alkaline design of all body cells.


A self-care to a self-cure for cancer is outlined in my LATEST book, Reverse Cancer Now! The key to preventing or reversing AND cancerous condition is to manage and maintain the alkaline design of the body fluids. It's like managing and maintaining the alkaline design of a swimming pool or a salt water aquarium. And, the best news!  You will learn how to do this without pain medications, surgery, radiation or chemo.

You can NOW order YOUR copy of Reverse Cancer NOW! or The pH Miracle for Cancer CD's at: 

