
New World Next Week | Conspiracies Go Mainstream?, April 17, 2014


Story #1: Los Angeles Law Enforcement Looking To Crowdsource Surveillance

Episode 272 -- Solutions: Sousveillance

Heartbleed Bug: Passwords, Credit Cards, Sensitive Data at Risk

NSA Knew About Heartbleed, Exploited It for Two Years

Canadian Teen Arrested for Using Heartbleed to Steal Taxpayer Information

Hackers From China Waste Little Time in Exploiting Heartbleed

Climate Scientist Ridicules U.N. Report as Junk

Soda Sales Rapidly Decline Across the U.S.; Down 20% Since 1998

Confirmed: Nasty Heartbleed Bug Exposes OpenVPN Private Keys, Too

Story #2: MSM Conspiracies: Did Putin Blow Up the Whole Polish Government in 2010? A Second Look

Corbett Report Flashback: Crashes of Convenience - PLF101

NWNW Flashback: Polish Plane Crash from November 2012

British PM David Cameron Says Chemtrails Don't Exist, Prohibited By International Treaty

Kim Jong-Un And a Flamethrower

Respected Wall St. Financial Expert Declares Illuminati Exists

Russian TV Propagandists Caught Red-Handed: Same Guy, Three Different People

Story #3: PM Medvedev Says Russia Will Not Import GMO Products

Russian family farms demonstrate organic farming works

Other #NewWorldNextWeek news:
Horse Meat In My Pasta? The Rise of Food Fraud

NASA Continues Joint Projects With Russia, Including ISS

NWNW Flashback: 'Sanctions Against Russia?' from March 2014

"Bandar Bush", Saudi Bandar bin Sultan, Fired as Spying Chief

NWNW Flashback: 'Bandar Dead?' from August 2012

Snowden's Email Provider Loses Appeal Over Encryption Keys

NWNW Flashback: 'Lavabit Shutdown' from August 2013

Michael C. Ruppert Commits Suicide at 63
