
Curing the Incurables - Reverse Lupus Now!

So this past weekend Ida Kolader of Amsterdam and the camera crew shot their final takes for the Cure for Lupus! Yay!

They have captured some great imagery and the documentary film is really shaping up to be something special.

At this point the editiing team are deep into editing and are at about 80% of completing the film but that doesn't mean they don't need our help!
They still need to raise 8215 Euro to reach their goal.

Meanwhile they are moving forward regardless and their documentary team is working hard to get the film finished for World Lupus Day, 2014, the 10th of May!

Please help them to get the last bits of funding together.
Documentary films like this need all the support they can get from those who want to see them made. Why? Because this film will change lives and save lives.

You can show your support by making an online donation right here:

Or by making an offline donation to their bank account :
Plum Blossom Foundation.
IBAN: NL51ABNA0476785391
(Please let us know if you would like a receipt for your donation and we will arrange to send one to you.)

Or by raising awareness of the documentary film and sharing the link to our GoFundMe page :

With your support, you can make Dr. Young's, The pH Miracle, Plum Blossom Foundation and the cure for Lupus voice heard.

You can make a donation of any size—all help is much appreciated!
 — withChristina Wiwi Andralia and Nadya Migalko.

