SEGMENT 1: Asia-Pacific Protests
And Now....The 'Anti-Protest' Law in Australia
Thousands drawn to Australia-wide protests against government policies
Taiwan protesters occupy parliament over China trade pact
Tokyo rally against reactor restarts draws over 5,000
Thailand to lift Bangkok state of emergency
SEGMENT 2: Military Maneuvers
Philippines: Ban on foreign military bases not absolute
Japan Draws Up Overhaul Of Arms-Export Ban
China announces military spending increase
Australia to buy U.S. Triton drones to secure Indian Ocean resources
North Korea test-fires missiles amid tensions
SEGMENT 3: Kunming Attack Blame Game
From Pakistan, Uyghur Separatist Vows Revenge on China
Uyghur militant's support for Kunming knife attack 'proof of China's terror threat'
Suspected Uyghurs Rescued in Thai Raid of Human Trafficking Camp
Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B