
Acid Causes Inflammation Leading To Chronic Dis-Ease!

By Julian Warshovsky
Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
The list of chronic diseases caused by inflammation is enormous.1-3
From initiating cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease to the chronic pain of arthritis, sustained inflammation relentlessly destroys our aging bodies.1,3
Mainstream medicine has failed to offer satisfactory solutions for suppressing chronic inflammatory reactions.3 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and glucocorticoids target acute pain, but they have adverse side effects and are not suitable to quench ongoing inflammation.4,5
This widespread problem led scientists to seek a solution to safely reduce both acute pain and the chronic inflammation. 6
Three plant extracts have been identified that powerfully inhibit the underlying factors that trigger inflammation—safely reducing both chronic pain and long-term disease risk.
Unlike drugs, turmeric oil, ginger, and curcumin work through diverse mechanisms to block multiple pathways of the inflammation-signaling process.7-16
These natural ingredients deliver benefits that no currently available drug can—they inhibit bothCOX and LOX enzymes, which in turn curtails creation of the prostaglandin and leukotrienesignaling molecules.7-16
An abundance of studies have confirmed that the biochemical actions of curcuminginger, andturmeric oil can be beneficial against the causative factors behind arthritis,16-23 cardiovascular disease,16,24-28 cancer,29-33 and other diseases…and these effects are often observable in a matter of weeks!20,27,29,34
A novel method has been discovered to deliver more of the active molecules found in these three plant extracts to your bloodstream.35-38

An All-Out Assault on Chronic Inflammation

An All-Out Assault on Chronic Inflammation  
Just about every chronic disease—from arthritis, to heart disease, to diabetes, to Alzheimer’s disease— has one thing in common: destructive, unchecked inflammation.1-3
Chronic inflammation is often the end result of a complex “domino effect” of signaling molecules known as prostaglandinsand leukotrienes.39,40 The problem with most drugs is that they only inhibit one of the steps involved in chronic inflammation (providing only partial relief).41
For example, NSAIDs inhibit the production of prostaglandin signaling molecules by blocking enzymes known as COX-1 and COX-2. But they do not inhibit production of leukotriene signaling molecules, which requires blocking the 5-LOX enzyme.7,41
Curcumin , turmeric oil, and ginger work together to block all these signaling pathways to deliverbroad-spectrum protection against chronic inflammation.7-16
As a result, these plant extracts have potential benefit against numerous disorders.42,43

2,000 Studies Can’t Be Wrong!

Inflammation is a major trigger of cancer,44 the second leading cause of death in the United States.45
Your body has a natural ability to fight cancer through the activity of its own tumor-suppressing genes.46 However, over time, environmental factors such as inflammation can turn off (or “silence”) these genes, allowing cancer to take hold and spread unchecked.47,48
Over 2,000 published studies show curcumin suppresses many cancers—including breast, prostate, liver, skin, colon, and lung cancers31,49—by interfering at every stage of their development, progression, and metastasis.50 While anticancer drugs and cancer itself weaken the immune system, curcumin enhances it,51-55 serving as an “immune-restorer.”52

Guard Against Platelet Aggregation

Inflammation plays a key role in the development of cardiovascular disease.56 Due to their action against the underlying causes of inflammation: curcuminginger, and turmeric have all been found to have powerful effects against cardiovascular disease.16,24-28
A study on ginger indicated that it could improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications that occur as a result of platelet aggregation (the tendency of blood cells to clump together).24 For the study, either ginger or aspirin taken daily with 10 mg of the antihypertensive drug nifedipine (Procardia®) was shown to boost the drug’s anti-platelet aggregation effect in both normal and hypertensive patients.

Outperforms Leading Arthritis Drug

Outperforms Leading Arthritis Drug
The hallmarks of the most common form of arthritis (osteoarthritis) are inflammation and cartilage destruction. While both ginger and curcumin block inflammation—curcumin also inhibits cartilage breakdown by the body!57
In one study, one group of rheumatoid arthritis patients received 500 milligrams of curcumin daily, another received 50 milligrams daily ofthe NSAID drug diclofenac, and a third group received a combination of the two. After eight weeks, the curcumin-only group had the greatest reduction in joint pain and swelling, with no supplement-related adverse effects. By contrast, 20% of participants in the drug-only group dropped out due to adverse effects!19
Ginger has also been tested against the NSAID drug diclofenac. Two groups of osteoarthritis patients took either ginger extract ( 340 milligrams daily) or diclofenac (100 milligrams) for four weeks.20 Both treatments were equally as effective; however, the drug group experienced an increase in digestive pain (dyspepsia) and degeneration of their stomach mucosa.

Reverse Cognitive Impairment

Curcumin and ginger offer great promise in the fight against cognitive decline and dementia.
In animal models of Alzheimer’s, curcumin has been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier in order to enhance clearance of amyloid-beta from the brain (the accumulation of which is strongly associated with Alzheimer’s).58
One impressive study demonstrated ginger’s ability to defend against—and possibly even reverse—middle-aged cognitive impairment.59 For the study, 60 healthy middle-aged women took 400 or 800 milligrams of ginger extract or placebo daily. After two months, the ginger participants showed significantly enhanced memory and brain activity consistent with boosted cognitive capability.
As beneficial as these ingredients are on their own, they’re even more powerful together. Scientists have combined curcumin and ginger extracts with turmeric oil in a novel formulation that also delivers a distinct advantage: it naturally enhances absorption.

Enhanced Formula Provides Better Absorption!

Turmeric oil is obtained from the potent liquid remaining after curcumin extraction.60,61 Aside from turmeric oil’s own strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, research revealed that its rich content of compounds called aromatic turmerones produces a significant enhancementof curcumin levels inside the cell compared to normal curcumin.38 This formulation also containsphospholipids, a type of emulsifying molecule that enhances absorption of poorly soluble active compounds.62


Chronic inflammation eventually leads to serious diseases such as cancer.1-3Drugs that targetacute inflammation are not suitable for long-term use and can cause substantial side effects.3-5
In a significant breakthrough, gingercurcumin, and turmeric oil have been found to block chronic inflammation at every stage of the process, safely inhibiting long-term disease risk.7-16
Multiple studies demonstrate that these three extracts combat an array of disorders, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis. 16-33
These three extracts have been combined in a groundbreaking formulation that greatly boosts absorption!
If you have any questions on the scientific content of this article, please call a Life Extension®Health Advisor at 1-866-864-3027.


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