
The West Coast is Being FRIED with Nuclear Radiation from Fukashima!

I wish this was not true but there are too many factual sources of proof of nuclear radiation exposure. Everyone, especially on the West Coast (including Washington State) will have to make personal decisions as to their safety in the coming days, weeks and months. The "powers that be" and the main stream media have all been muzzled.  This has been done to prevent mass panic but that should not stop each person in investigating this human risk for themselves. There are monitoring stations set up across the US that detect the levels of radiation 24/7 and this can be accessed at I have taken steps to reduce exposure by first not eating anything that comes out of the Pacific Ocean.   Second, ingesting 125mg of Potassium Iodide every day. As to airborne radiation I am still researching the best way to deal with. I have purchased a Mazur Radiation Detector so I can take my own readings here in the Pomona Mountains in  Valley Center, California and will be sharing my results. The bad part of all this is radiation will kill you slowly over several years so no one will know that their being over-exposed immediately (kind of like putting lobsters in cold water and slowly heating the water until it's too late). So please inform yourself now!  To learn more go to:
