How to Prepare a Bill of Sale Properly
You can prepare a customized bill of sale in five minutes. Learn how to do it properly and how to avoid common pitfalls.
How to prepare a Bill of Sale and how to avoid common pitfalls
A bill of sale form is used to transfer the ownership from a seller to a buyer. The four main bill of sale forms are for: auto, boat, personal property and business.
The Internet made all these forms readily available at a reasonable price.
In five minutes or less, the user can prepare a bill of sale as follows:
- Purchase the form and download the form.
- Open the downloaded form and print.
- Use a pen; fill in the blanks by following the instructions.
- Done.
The common pitfalls and their repercussions:
- Using a free form download from the Internet. Such forms almost always contain errors and are incomplete.
- Using a handwritten bill of sale. Such forms almost always contain errors and are incomplete.
- Failing to detail and describe what is being sold. It is important to have what is being sold detailed and described.
Avoiding the three pitfalls listed above can help both the seller and buyer avoid both headaches and expenses down the road. The following are few common examples:
- In the event the buyer is unsatisfied with their purchase as they may deem that what they received was not as described. A proper bill of sale including the condition of the item being sold thus resolving such issues.
- Using an improper form that does not detail important information. This causes that buyer issues down the road when attempting to resell what was bought. As an incomplete form may lack a vehicle VIN number or boat identification Hull number.
- The seller also needs to protect themselves as exemplified here. When selling a car, it is important to include the "Odometer Disclosure Statement". This provides the seller legal protection in case the buyer alters the odometer in the future when reselling to obtain a better price. In such a case, it is impossible to ascertain who changed the odometer reading. The seller by using a proper form protect themselves from dealing with such possibilities.
There are just few examples. There are many other scenarios.
Is a professionally prepared Bill of Sale a must?
Yes. For a small price, this provides legal protection for the both the seller and buyer and saves them costly expenses and headaches down the line.
Some Helpful Tips For First Time Owners Of Credit Cards
One of the happiest things that you can ever experience is having your first application for a credit card approved. You will definitely spend lots of time looking for the things you want to buy and planning for your first shopping spree that doesn't involve you getting some cash out of your wallet once you receive your card.
However, you have to know that credit cards are one of the leading reasons why thousands of people are currently in debt. They are indeed handy to have but for many people, they are cause of the financial woes and problems.
First time owners of "plastic money" can easily become victim of overspending. After all, the experience of going shopping without paying for any item with cash and being able to pay for them in installments and even at zero interest rates can really be very appealing. But before you know it, it seems that you can't stop using your plastic card to buy anything, even if you tell yourself that you will only use it for emergency reasons.
If you are a first time owner of a credit card, below are some tips you can follow so that you can avoid overspending and maxing out your card:
For those still applying for their first credit card or looking to get another one, you need to choose your card well. At present, there are various credit cards offered by different companies and banks suitable for varying spending and lifestyle needs. You can get a card that is perfect for most day-to-day expenses and one that doesn't come with an annual fee. There are also ones that you can get with higher spending limits and cards that comes with international concierge service. Basically, choose a card that suits your needs. However, you also need to apply for a card that you can realistically afford. As such, when applying for a card, make sure you know the interest rate and payment terms.
Always plan your purchases. Once you receive you card, make sure you plan for and be highly selective about the items you will pay for using it. Remember that any unplanned, small, and frequent purchases on your credit card will add up. You should also consider setting a limit to any big-ticket item you want to buy and stick to this cutoff point.
It is still more advisable to use cash. Even if you don't have a lot of spare cash, it is still more sensible to pay for your lunch, coffee or a new book you want to buy with cash. By doing this, you get to avoid accumulating high interest rates on your credit card bills.
Lastly, use your rewards. Almost all credit cards now come with certain privileges and the best ones will provide you with valuable rewards, such as free travel after reaching the required points. And once you can avail of these rewards, make sure that you put them into good use and enjoy these freebies.
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Will Apple Ever Make It to the Finance Industry?
PayPal on Apple iCloud Issues
Will Apple ever make it to the Finance Industry after PayPal showed negative reactions to Apple launching their Mobile Payment Service Apple Pay?
PayPal publicly questioned Apple's credibility in getting into the Financial Industry when it announced recently in the New York Times its open contempt on Apple's new technology. Putting much emphasis on Apple's recent issue over iCloud, PayPal reminded the public when celebrities' intimate photos suddenly went into circulation, throwing doubts on Apple's credibility to secure financial accounts. The Ad accompanying such remark even stated, "We want our money, more than our selfies!"
The Technology to Replace Apple Pay Wallet
After the success of the Apple Pay, Apple is now launching another technology to upgrade Wallet features. This time, cash transactions are quick and made easy through a phone built-in NFC feature. NFC is a sensor strip built into every iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus phones. This strip is found at the top of the phone and is activated once you hold your phone over a sensor. By simply touching the ID for authentication, transaction is done. With the new Apple invention, cash transactions are more quick and easy. For security of transactions, credit cards which appear on your Passbook are secured in an enclave at the phone as the credit card number is never stored. This makes your card number isolated from your transaction as a security code is sent over the wire. So if you lost your iPhone, it can easily be disabled. With the NPC sensor strip, it can turn your iPhone into debit and credit cards for you. You can use it for online transactions without filling up long forms. Just one tap is all you need. Apple Pay also works with Apple Watch but Apple Company still had to work out for more details. Some third Party Apps are also integrated in the new invention paving way for more apps developers in the future.
Apple on the iCloud Breach Issue
After hours of investigation into Apple Security System, Apple CEO, Tim Cook reaffirmed its vehement denial to the allegation that there is a breach in their iCloud Security Feature. According to the result of the conducted investigation, Apple did not find any reason to support Hollywood Celebrity, Jennifer Lawrence's cries for breach security after nude photos went into circulation in the internet. Other celebrities involved were Selena Gomez, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kate Upton and Kirsten Dunst.
Apple insisted that investigation results showed compromises on user accounts, passwords and security questions. In short, they were done by hackers and not a breach issue on the part of the Company. Apple CEO further advised their patrons to use double security measures. Apple also added more security features to avoid compromises in their product and customers security by sending out alert emails every time they log in into their iCloud using web browsers. This does not exclude even those who regularly log in into their iCloud. However, this will only be temporary as Apple works to find more ways to improve their security against nude-crashes. Apple also got some plans to improve iCloud security by sending out emails and push notifications to iTunes users in cases of any attempts seen to change their passwords, restore iCloud data to another device, or log into iTunes for the first time.
PayPal Irrelevant Issue Raises Doubts on Apple Security
Now that Apple had announced the entry of the Apple Pay, with more sensible features attuned to secure data of its users while doing transaction more easier, this could provide them a portal to the Finance Industry. But after the iCloud issue, which proves to be a drawback to Apple Security Measures, will joining the Finance Industry be a good move for Apple? Will it prove to be their downfall or their breakthrough to the Finance Industry?
With these issues to raise, PayPal, the largest online banking showed reluctance if not dismayed on Apple's decision to go into Finance Industry. What with the large portion of their market brought to them by Apple?
After celebrities nude photos goes into circulation over the web, PayPal's negative comment on Apple iCloud Security take its drawback as people started questioning and pointing on its effects on PayPal. The allegation against Apple iCloud does not limit the people assumptions that if it happens to Apple, there is a great possibility that the same thing can happen to PayPal any time. This assumption as to PayPal's loophole in their security was finally backed up by a blog posed by a 17-year old kid from Melbourne, Australia. This post is relevant and probably the very reason why Apple commanded much attention from PayPal and other online financial and banking institutions. If PayPal is getting restless over transactions involving iPhone, how would it react if hackers would finally treat PayPal to the same extent that they treated Apple?
Apple had indeed shown their great expertise in dealing with such crisis. Once again, they prove to their customers and competitors that they are always ready and capable to develop their products and services. They are giving much focus on the provision of full security, both to their products and customers or users. It is but natural for a corporation as big and as great as Apple, to be facing such issues. But what is important is the fact that they never stop in looking for great innovations for the improvement of every product feature.
The battle between Apple and eBay may take its final course in the long run, when people themselves will watch and measure its final outcome. However, being in the same industry where a company's credibility is at stake over finances, it's better to collaborate in providing solutions to any loophole in the technology. Conquering the Finance Industry is still a long run for Apple but with the introduction of the new-featured iPay Phone, will they be able to make it or break it in the Finance Industry? Apple's entry to the finance Industry will surely bring various reactions on everyone, including existing and potential competitors.
The Issue oni Cloud Security is just a gateway for Apple to consider joining a new Industry but issues such as this one surely leaves a lot to learn and to develop. Finances and Technology always comes hand-in-hand. When you got one in your hand, it takes one great decision to hold on to the other!
Will Apple ever make it to the Finance Industry after PayPal showed negative reactions to Apple launching their Mobile Payment Service Apple Pay?
PayPal publicly questioned Apple's credibility in getting into the Financial Industry when it announced recently in the New York Times its open contempt on Apple's new technology. Putting much emphasis on Apple's recent issue over iCloud, PayPal reminded the public when celebrities' intimate photos suddenly went into circulation, throwing doubts on Apple's credibility to secure financial accounts. The Ad accompanying such remark even stated, "We want our money, more than our selfies!"
The Technology to Replace Apple Pay Wallet
After the success of the Apple Pay, Apple is now launching another technology to upgrade Wallet features. This time, cash transactions are quick and made easy through a phone built-in NFC feature. NFC is a sensor strip built into every iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus phones. This strip is found at the top of the phone and is activated once you hold your phone over a sensor. By simply touching the ID for authentication, transaction is done. With the new Apple invention, cash transactions are more quick and easy. For security of transactions, credit cards which appear on your Passbook are secured in an enclave at the phone as the credit card number is never stored. This makes your card number isolated from your transaction as a security code is sent over the wire. So if you lost your iPhone, it can easily be disabled. With the NPC sensor strip, it can turn your iPhone into debit and credit cards for you. You can use it for online transactions without filling up long forms. Just one tap is all you need. Apple Pay also works with Apple Watch but Apple Company still had to work out for more details. Some third Party Apps are also integrated in the new invention paving way for more apps developers in the future.
Apple on the iCloud Breach Issue
After hours of investigation into Apple Security System, Apple CEO, Tim Cook reaffirmed its vehement denial to the allegation that there is a breach in their iCloud Security Feature. According to the result of the conducted investigation, Apple did not find any reason to support Hollywood Celebrity, Jennifer Lawrence's cries for breach security after nude photos went into circulation in the internet. Other celebrities involved were Selena Gomez, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kate Upton and Kirsten Dunst.
Apple insisted that investigation results showed compromises on user accounts, passwords and security questions. In short, they were done by hackers and not a breach issue on the part of the Company. Apple CEO further advised their patrons to use double security measures. Apple also added more security features to avoid compromises in their product and customers security by sending out alert emails every time they log in into their iCloud using web browsers. This does not exclude even those who regularly log in into their iCloud. However, this will only be temporary as Apple works to find more ways to improve their security against nude-crashes. Apple also got some plans to improve iCloud security by sending out emails and push notifications to iTunes users in cases of any attempts seen to change their passwords, restore iCloud data to another device, or log into iTunes for the first time.
PayPal Irrelevant Issue Raises Doubts on Apple Security
Now that Apple had announced the entry of the Apple Pay, with more sensible features attuned to secure data of its users while doing transaction more easier, this could provide them a portal to the Finance Industry. But after the iCloud issue, which proves to be a drawback to Apple Security Measures, will joining the Finance Industry be a good move for Apple? Will it prove to be their downfall or their breakthrough to the Finance Industry?
With these issues to raise, PayPal, the largest online banking showed reluctance if not dismayed on Apple's decision to go into Finance Industry. What with the large portion of their market brought to them by Apple?
After celebrities nude photos goes into circulation over the web, PayPal's negative comment on Apple iCloud Security take its drawback as people started questioning and pointing on its effects on PayPal. The allegation against Apple iCloud does not limit the people assumptions that if it happens to Apple, there is a great possibility that the same thing can happen to PayPal any time. This assumption as to PayPal's loophole in their security was finally backed up by a blog posed by a 17-year old kid from Melbourne, Australia. This post is relevant and probably the very reason why Apple commanded much attention from PayPal and other online financial and banking institutions. If PayPal is getting restless over transactions involving iPhone, how would it react if hackers would finally treat PayPal to the same extent that they treated Apple?
Apple had indeed shown their great expertise in dealing with such crisis. Once again, they prove to their customers and competitors that they are always ready and capable to develop their products and services. They are giving much focus on the provision of full security, both to their products and customers or users. It is but natural for a corporation as big and as great as Apple, to be facing such issues. But what is important is the fact that they never stop in looking for great innovations for the improvement of every product feature.
The battle between Apple and eBay may take its final course in the long run, when people themselves will watch and measure its final outcome. However, being in the same industry where a company's credibility is at stake over finances, it's better to collaborate in providing solutions to any loophole in the technology. Conquering the Finance Industry is still a long run for Apple but with the introduction of the new-featured iPay Phone, will they be able to make it or break it in the Finance Industry? Apple's entry to the finance Industry will surely bring various reactions on everyone, including existing and potential competitors.
The Issue oni Cloud Security is just a gateway for Apple to consider joining a new Industry but issues such as this one surely leaves a lot to learn and to develop. Finances and Technology always comes hand-in-hand. When you got one in your hand, it takes one great decision to hold on to the other!
It is more likely that Apple will survive the recent hit on their security issue regarding iCloud after Hollywood celebrities went gaga over 'selfies nudies'. Know how they will be getting over it and develop the use of their technology to regain back public trust and confidence. Moreover to that, Apple is gaining entry to the Finance Industry. Will this be a breakthrough or just another high-risk move to improve current business standing?
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How Credit Cards Cause Global Warming
Global warming, as you may be aware, is a serious threat to the only place in this vast universe where we can exist.
We are, in fact, steadily heating up our "home" Centigrade by Centigrade, Fahrenheit by Fahrenheit. So, when the tipping point comes, it will literally go up in flames... and our earth would become an inhabitable mass of dust and rocks.
The primary reason for being roasted alive, slowly but surely, is our excessive use of the natural resources. Millions of tons of coal, oil and minerals are devoured year after year to meet our insatiable demand for energy and countless goods and merchandise.
To a large extent, credit cards are responsible for this relentless march of the human race towards its own extinction.
No, the problem is not the raw material that goes into the making of a credit card. Rather, it is the unbridled consumerism generated by this innocuous looking piece of plastic.
When we have limited money to spend, our wasteful tendencies get automatically restricted.
However, credit cards have the magical power to multiply money. By making available to us, our many years of future income, it puts a colossal amount of purchasing power in our hand. This, naturally, stimulates and incites unrestrained consumption.
Consumption by itself is not bad. However, this practically unlimited money-power begets over-consumption. In fact, human "needs" are finite. You can eat only so much; you need just one house to live; you can't drive more than one car at a time or talk on multiple phones; and so on. As such, a vast amount of this over-consumption actually ends up as "utter waste". Just look around and you will find millions of bloating tummies, hundreds of unused items lying scattered around in our homes, no parking space for our cars, etc.
Our planet does not have the capacity to handle such mammoth amount of waste that is being generated in such a short interval of time. As a result we have global warming, ozone layer depletion, polluted rivers and many such ways of environmental destruction.
I wonder if our earth will survive this credit card crisis.
By the way, even before this impending "collective annihilation" becomes a reality, credit cards have devastated many individual lives. And this damage is not just limited to their finances. Health, relationships, marriage, mental peace, all have suffered immense harm.
There is no secret formula to living a life free from the pressures of a credit card. The centuries old wisdom - spend less than what you earn - is as relevant today as it was ages ago. To counter the numerous temptations around us, I had recommended 3 places where you should not use your Credit Card.
I threw all my credit cards (except one for convenience and emergencies) into the dustbin. What about you?
What legacy would you like to leave for your children... big houses, big cars and big debts or clean air, clean water and clean food? The power to write your children's destiny is in your hands.
We are, in fact, steadily heating up our "home" Centigrade by Centigrade, Fahrenheit by Fahrenheit. So, when the tipping point comes, it will literally go up in flames... and our earth would become an inhabitable mass of dust and rocks.
The primary reason for being roasted alive, slowly but surely, is our excessive use of the natural resources. Millions of tons of coal, oil and minerals are devoured year after year to meet our insatiable demand for energy and countless goods and merchandise.
To a large extent, credit cards are responsible for this relentless march of the human race towards its own extinction.
No, the problem is not the raw material that goes into the making of a credit card. Rather, it is the unbridled consumerism generated by this innocuous looking piece of plastic.
When we have limited money to spend, our wasteful tendencies get automatically restricted.
However, credit cards have the magical power to multiply money. By making available to us, our many years of future income, it puts a colossal amount of purchasing power in our hand. This, naturally, stimulates and incites unrestrained consumption.
Consumption by itself is not bad. However, this practically unlimited money-power begets over-consumption. In fact, human "needs" are finite. You can eat only so much; you need just one house to live; you can't drive more than one car at a time or talk on multiple phones; and so on. As such, a vast amount of this over-consumption actually ends up as "utter waste". Just look around and you will find millions of bloating tummies, hundreds of unused items lying scattered around in our homes, no parking space for our cars, etc.
Our planet does not have the capacity to handle such mammoth amount of waste that is being generated in such a short interval of time. As a result we have global warming, ozone layer depletion, polluted rivers and many such ways of environmental destruction.
I wonder if our earth will survive this credit card crisis.
By the way, even before this impending "collective annihilation" becomes a reality, credit cards have devastated many individual lives. And this damage is not just limited to their finances. Health, relationships, marriage, mental peace, all have suffered immense harm.
There is no secret formula to living a life free from the pressures of a credit card. The centuries old wisdom - spend less than what you earn - is as relevant today as it was ages ago. To counter the numerous temptations around us, I had recommended 3 places where you should not use your Credit Card.
I threw all my credit cards (except one for convenience and emergencies) into the dustbin. What about you?
What legacy would you like to leave for your children... big houses, big cars and big debts or clean air, clean water and clean food? The power to write your children's destiny is in your hands.
Article Source:
To The Weight Lifting Community
Unfortunately much of the weightlifting community is consumed by an unhealthy acidic lifestyle and steriod use. The reason why many bodybuilders and althletes are doing this is because they have been indoctrinated by flawed messages of what it means to truly have a healthy and fit body.

Ask yourself this question, why is it that so many people workout and diet for years, and have absolutely nothing to show for it? I can't seem to understand why grain fed cattle and pigs are inspiring so many weightlifters and personal trainers? My conclusion is that many of us, myself included, were taught about health from an early age by people that were influenced by messages of health coming from major food corporations, pharmaceutical companies, and other high level agencies.
Think about what truly happens in those private meetings that determine what will be taught to our future generations about diet and health. It's coming from the same people that are attempting to put aspartame in baby food. Im not saying that your family doctor is a bad person for trying to put your 2 year old on rittalin, what im saying is that there is another way and it is a way that actually works.
It's quite simple, we must build a healthy and fit body starting with its internal environment. If healthy babies are composed of 80 to 90% water and alkaline, and people are dying at 40 to 50 percent water and highly acidic, could it be that an acidic internal environment could be to blame for early death and disease? Think about it, even fish can't live in acidic water.
If your goal is to build healthy muscle, suppliment your workouts with foods rich in chlorophyll because of your bodys ability to easily convert it into healthy muscle. There is absolutely no need to put unhealthy stress on your body in the form of steriods and an acidic diet. Whats the point of looking fit if you are putting yourself at risk of a heart attack or cancer?
I would rather do it right by consuming foods that actually extend youth, and life, than by taking an unhealthy approach that will accellerate the aging process and cut life short.
Do yourself a favor and pick up some learning material at
Dr. Young Tri-Antioxidant
The brand new pH Miracle Tri-Antioxidant is an acid chain buster and free radical neutralizer. It contains Glutathione, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), and L-Taurine—Three Super Antioxidants.
High concentrations of Glutathione, NAC and L-Taurine are found in every cell in the human body as a protection against metabolic acid. Higher concentrations are found in the heart, red and white blood cells, skeletal muscles and the cells of the central and peripheral nervous system.
This product is akin to one of Dr. Young's earlier formulations known as MycoDetox.
Get yours today at
The New and Affordable Personal Detox Hydrotherapy device for colonics, enemas and douching
The Detox Hydrotherapy Chair Kit includes components for use as a stand-alone enema kit or a stand-alone douche kit. The Chair accessory is a perfect movable station for docking over most any toilet or other receptacle container and is to be used for the enema application only. The Chair accessory is a safe, stable, and dignified solution for administering enemas, whether in a home or clinical setting.
This product sets a new standard for administering colonics/enemas. The Chair may be placed over the toilet anywhere in a 180-degree sweep over the bowl area, according to the spatial layout of your bathroom.
• Chair with folding backrest and two lavage chair flex tubes
• built-in recessed handles and wheels for easy maneuvering
• built-in telescopic handle and wire hanger for suspending an enema container
• quick connect male and female fittings
• splashguard
Enema/Douche Kit:
• Enema/Douche Kit with 9L (2.37 gallons) water container
• Y-connector with pull-on/push-off shower spray head on one side and 3 feet (.91m) of flexible vinyl tubing with thumb clamp on other side
• two standard enema tips
• one standard douche tip
Accessory Tote:
• storage of components and accessories
Lavage Chair with backrest extended
56 L x 25 W x 38 H
Lavage Chair with backrest folded closed
46 L x 25 W x 36 H
Weight of Lavage Chair only
55 lbs.
. . .
• Chair with folding backrest and two lavage chair flex tubes
• built-in recessed handles and wheels for easy maneuvering
• built-in telescopic handle and wire hanger for suspending an enema container
• quick connect male and female fittings
• splashguard
Enema/Douche Kit:
• Enema/Douche Kit with 9L (2.37 gallons) water container
• Y-connector with pull-on/push-off shower spray head on one side and 3 feet (.91m) of flexible vinyl tubing with thumb clamp on other side
• two standard enema tips
• one standard douche tip
Accessory Tote:
• storage of components and accessories
Lavage Chair with backrest extended
56 L x 25 W x 38 H
Lavage Chair with backrest folded closed
46 L x 25 W x 36 H
Weight of Lavage Chair only
55 lbs.
. . .
Benefits of Detox Hydrotherapy
Colon hydrotherapy helps to restore the PH balance to the body, stimulates the immune system and allows free passage of nutrients into the blood. Cleansing the colon is a valuable modality in treating disease and promoting wellness. Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the entire colon without stressing the individual.
Colon hydrotherapy helps to restore the PH balance to the body, stimulates the immune system and allows free passage of nutrients into the blood. Cleansing the colon is a valuable modality in treating disease and promoting wellness. Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the entire colon without stressing the individual.
While the lungs, skin, kidneys and liver also serve to eliminate toxins; people have experienced throughout history that when they ensure that the colon is cleansed and rejuvenated, the well-being of the whole body is greatly enhanced. Colonic irrigation has been found to be the most effective process available to accomplish this work quickly and easily.
• Safely Relieve Constipation
• Stop Bloating and Gas
• Reduce Water Retention
• Break up Fecal Matter
• Support Colon Health
• Increase Your Energy
• Weight Lost Help
1. Compression of neighboring organs disappears or attenuates when volume reduces in the colon. Relaxing effect on organs above intestines such as the liver, heart, and lungs. Sensation of lightness may be experienced.
2. Reduces pressure in the intra-abdominal area which improves venous return from lower extremities and pelvic zone. Relaxes pressure on the hips and lumbar column and is beneficial to their mobility. Relaxes abdominal muscles from the action of water temperature and massage that accompany the colonic. Increases abdominal muscle tone due to reducing intestinal residues.
3. Stimulates peristaltic action of intestines restoring normal muscle tone and therefore removal of constipation. Potential to correct intestinal transit problems such as constipation and diarrhea without resorting to prescription drugs.
4. Sensation of well being due to the elimination of mucus, alimentary remainders not digested, gases and toxic bacteria. Relieves inflammation and edema due to elimination of irritating substances.
5. Expels parasites due to alternating water temperatures and complementary additives to colonic water such as garlic and other vermifuge (parasite killing) herbs. Decreases demineralization of body because it improves metabolism.
6. Relieves gynecological disorders such as cystitis and dysmenorrhea due to reduction of a prolapsed intestine. Reduces risk of complications after surgery because it reinforces natural immunity. We can suppose colon hydrotherapy improves functions of the large intestines, lymph and nervous system because a relation exists between them in the GI tract.
7. Reduces weight and slims due to activating elimination. Creates an increase in mental capacity and rejuvenation since it decreases the degenerative process, normal or accelerated, by removing toxic substances that affect biological aging.
What Will Detox Hydrotherapy Do?
1. Cleanse the Colon: Breaks down toxic excrement so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Toxins built up over a long period are gently removed in a series of treatments. Your colon can begin to co-operate again as it was intended. In this sense, a colonic is a rejuvenation treatment.
2. Exercise the Colon Muscles: The build-up of toxins weakens the colon and impairs its functioning. The gentle filling and emptying of the colon improves peristalsis (muscular contraction) by which the colon naturally moves material. Having Colonics is like taking your colon to the gym.
3. Reshape the Colon: When problem conditions exist in the colon, they tend to alter its shape because the colon is a muscle and it will enlarge to the build up of toxins not being released. That in turn causes more problems. The gentle action of the water, coupled with massage techniques of the colon therapist, help to eliminate bulging pockets of poop and narrowed, spastic constrictions finally enabling the colon to resume its natural state.
4. Stimulated Reflex Points in the Colon: The colon is connected to every system and organ in the body by reflex points. The colonic stimulates these points thereby affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way. Thus creating overall well-being.
5. Hydration of the Whole Body: Water is absorbed into the body through the colon which increases the volume of blood. The circulation of the blood is increased, resulting in a greater bathing of the cells. This dilutes the toxins and flushes them out; relieving toxemia and uremia; and increasing elimination both through the kidneys, and the skin as well as the bowels. All this generally assists the cardiovascular and circulatory systems to be more efficient.
Detox hydrotherapy has been shown to be beneficial for the following conditions:
• Stop Bloating and Gas
• Reduce Water Retention
• Break up Fecal Matter
• Support Colon Health
• Increase Your Energy
• Weight Lost Help
1. Compression of neighboring organs disappears or attenuates when volume reduces in the colon. Relaxing effect on organs above intestines such as the liver, heart, and lungs. Sensation of lightness may be experienced.
2. Reduces pressure in the intra-abdominal area which improves venous return from lower extremities and pelvic zone. Relaxes pressure on the hips and lumbar column and is beneficial to their mobility. Relaxes abdominal muscles from the action of water temperature and massage that accompany the colonic. Increases abdominal muscle tone due to reducing intestinal residues.
3. Stimulates peristaltic action of intestines restoring normal muscle tone and therefore removal of constipation. Potential to correct intestinal transit problems such as constipation and diarrhea without resorting to prescription drugs.
4. Sensation of well being due to the elimination of mucus, alimentary remainders not digested, gases and toxic bacteria. Relieves inflammation and edema due to elimination of irritating substances.
5. Expels parasites due to alternating water temperatures and complementary additives to colonic water such as garlic and other vermifuge (parasite killing) herbs. Decreases demineralization of body because it improves metabolism.
6. Relieves gynecological disorders such as cystitis and dysmenorrhea due to reduction of a prolapsed intestine. Reduces risk of complications after surgery because it reinforces natural immunity. We can suppose colon hydrotherapy improves functions of the large intestines, lymph and nervous system because a relation exists between them in the GI tract.
7. Reduces weight and slims due to activating elimination. Creates an increase in mental capacity and rejuvenation since it decreases the degenerative process, normal or accelerated, by removing toxic substances that affect biological aging.
What Will Detox Hydrotherapy Do?
1. Cleanse the Colon: Breaks down toxic excrement so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Toxins built up over a long period are gently removed in a series of treatments. Your colon can begin to co-operate again as it was intended. In this sense, a colonic is a rejuvenation treatment.
2. Exercise the Colon Muscles: The build-up of toxins weakens the colon and impairs its functioning. The gentle filling and emptying of the colon improves peristalsis (muscular contraction) by which the colon naturally moves material. Having Colonics is like taking your colon to the gym.
3. Reshape the Colon: When problem conditions exist in the colon, they tend to alter its shape because the colon is a muscle and it will enlarge to the build up of toxins not being released. That in turn causes more problems. The gentle action of the water, coupled with massage techniques of the colon therapist, help to eliminate bulging pockets of poop and narrowed, spastic constrictions finally enabling the colon to resume its natural state.
4. Stimulated Reflex Points in the Colon: The colon is connected to every system and organ in the body by reflex points. The colonic stimulates these points thereby affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way. Thus creating overall well-being.
5. Hydration of the Whole Body: Water is absorbed into the body through the colon which increases the volume of blood. The circulation of the blood is increased, resulting in a greater bathing of the cells. This dilutes the toxins and flushes them out; relieving toxemia and uremia; and increasing elimination both through the kidneys, and the skin as well as the bowels. All this generally assists the cardiovascular and circulatory systems to be more efficient.
Detox hydrotherapy has been shown to be beneficial for the following conditions:
• Acute fecal impaction
• Constipation
• Colitis
• Diarrhea
• Dehydration
• Obesity
• Parasitic infection
• Mucous colitis
• Fever therapy
• Hyper/Hypothermia
• Abdominal distention/flatulence
• Intestinal toxemia
• Balance physiologic flora of large intestine
• Preparation for diagnostic study of large intestine
• Fatigue
• Depression
• Flatulence
• Headaches
• Irritability Anxiety
• Nervousness
• Insomnia
• Nausea
• Abdominal Discomfort
• Bad Breath
• Coated Tongue
• Lack of Concentration
• Body Odor
• Lack of Sexual Response
• Over / Under Weight
• Poor Appetite
• Malnutrition
• Skin Blemishes / Acne
• Brittle Hair / Nails
• Dark Circles Under Eyes
• Cold Hands / Feet
• Lower Back Pain
. . .
• Constipation
• Colitis
• Diarrhea
• Dehydration
• Obesity
• Parasitic infection
• Mucous colitis
• Fever therapy
• Hyper/Hypothermia
• Abdominal distention/flatulence
• Intestinal toxemia
• Balance physiologic flora of large intestine
• Preparation for diagnostic study of large intestine
• Fatigue
• Depression
• Flatulence
• Headaches
• Irritability Anxiety
• Nervousness
• Insomnia
• Nausea
• Abdominal Discomfort
• Bad Breath
• Coated Tongue
• Lack of Concentration
• Body Odor
• Lack of Sexual Response
• Over / Under Weight
• Poor Appetite
• Malnutrition
• Skin Blemishes / Acne
• Brittle Hair / Nails
• Dark Circles Under Eyes
• Cold Hands / Feet
• Lower Back Pain
. . .
To order your affordable personal Detox Hydrotherapy apparatus give us a call at: 760 484 1075 or 760 751 8321
For more information please email Holistic.
For more information please email Holistic.
The Best Tasting Grapefruit in the World!
Once you have tasted a non-gmo, organic, round-up free, high sodium, high potassium ruby red grapefruit from Dr. Young's Rancho del Sol you will never buy another grapefruit from anywhere else.
To order the most incredible tasting grapefruit in the World and picked right from the tree and shipped to you the same day,
There is no sour taste or sour after taste. You will love the alkalizing effects of these unique tasting grapefruits.

Vegus Foods, from Ireland and THE pH Miracle, UK, hydroponically grow organic broccoli and wheatgrass SPROUTS and then presses the broccoli and wheatgrass sprouts into FRESH juice. We have been doing this in
Ireland NOW for over five years!
Ireland NOW for over five years!
Some really great things are happening for us!
A well-known American retailer of health foods has come to us to buy both juices to be produced under their name and sold throughout their stores in America. We reached an agreement. They want purchase and sell a lot of our juice products.
Just recently the social media site Twitter showed a world-wide trend for “Broccoli Sprout Juice”. That means that many more people around the world have taken an interest in our pressed juices. As you probably know
it takes a whole lot of people to “trend” something on Twitter.
This "trending" happened because scientists in America and in China collaborated on a study that proved conclusively that you can lower the negative effects of air pollution by drinking broccoli sprout juice. The study was published in the Journal of Cancer Prevention!
This "trending" happened because scientists in America and in China collaborated on a study that proved conclusively that you can lower the negative effects of air pollution by drinking broccoli sprout juice. The study was published in the Journal of Cancer Prevention!
In addition, BBC World News did a segment on air pollution during which the Anchor and a scientist agreed that drinking broccoli sprout juice is a good way of reducing the impact of air pollution. Then they drank some of our broccoli sprout juice which had been nicely displayed on the anchor's desk during the segment.
The BBC came to us for our broccoli juice because Vegus and pH Miracle has the world’s first and only commercial produced pressed broccoli sprout juice!
All of the free publicity has created a huge demand for fresh sprouted broccoli sprout juice and with a knock-on effect for our fresh sprouted wheatgrass juice.
So here is our problem which is also our opportunity! We need to expand our production capability very quickly to grab these incredible Worldwide opportunities.
To ramp up our sprout growing and juicing production for this incredible product and market in the next 60 - 90 days we will need funding of $150,000.
These funds will provide for a processing unit that will produce up to 1.5 million doses per month and sprouting rooms to produce 250,000 doses per month of broccoli and wheatgrass sprout juice. The cash flow from the initial sales will fund additional grow units until the overall production increases to 1.5 million doses per month. The additional cash flow generated will be used to add an additional processing unit and more grow rooms taking us up to 3 million doses a month or more of freshly produced broccoli and wheatgrass juice.
To put these numbers in perspective, each consumer will use one dose a day so that will help us reach a production of 1,000,000 broccoli and wheatgrass doses per month. Today, we have only supplied 30,000 people, in the world with our fresh sprouted broccoli and wheatgrass juice.
So there is alot of upside to the fresh sprout juice market. The good news is we can meet this market with your help while we are sending you free packets of out broccoli and wheatgrass juice each month. Each packet of hydroponically grown pH Miracle Broccoli or Wheatgrass juice contains 1 ounce of fresh juice and has a shelf-life of over 3 months. You can carry the packets in your purse, pocket, or a backpack and drink them anytime.
A portion of each sale of pH MIracle Broccoli and Wheatgrass juice will be donated to direct research to find new ways to reduce air pollution as well as sickness and disease, including cancer.
The published research on our sprouted juices tells us that the magic ingredient in fresh broccoli sprouts is “SGS” which breaks down to yield an isothiocyanate. This phytochemical works in your body to help get rid of 61% more of the air pollution that your body has absorbed. Every day!
This latest report in the Journal of Cancer Prevention joins more than 700 studies published about SGS and isothiocyanates: Cancer, Alzheimers, macular degeneration, cardiovascular conditions, rheumatism . . . and the list goes on and on. A natural pH Miracle.
Our broccoli sprout juice is loaded with isothiocyante because our processing breaks down the SGS to release this powerful antioxidant called, isothiocyanate. (Independent laboratory analysis has shown that one shot of the pH Miracle Fresh Sprouted Broccoli Juice yields 36 mg of the isothiocyante.)
What about competition from “extracts”? Not a problem! One of the popular extracts being sold advertises that each dose contains 2 milligrams of the SGS. But it lacks the myrosinase to break it down. Even if you had the myrosinase in your body (not likely) to break down the SGS, the most isothiocyanate you might extract would be about ½ of a milligram.
So what’s a better deal? pH Miracle fresh broccoli sprout juice beats that extract 72:1!!!!
No wonder demand is growing. And being the World’s only commercial producer of fresh broccoli sprout juice we need to expand, FAST!
Please participate in our expansion by making a pledge – the perks include great discounts, free pH Miracle broccoli sprout juice, free pH Miracle wheatgrass juice. Do it now – there is a wonderful early bird special.
Pledge and make breathing less dangerous and help us prevent sick and disease around the World!
About the pH Miracle Broccoli and Wheatgrass Juice!
We grow the plants to their peak and then quickly harvest them and extract the juices using only mechanical methods – no chemicals. Then we immediately package them and treat them with very high pressure (78,000 psi!!) to lock in all the desired freshness and nutritional values.
To learn more about all the good hard science that backs up our broccoli and wheatgrass sprout juice please Google “Broccoli Sprouts”. Then when you are totally convinced by the scientific evidence and want to have this natural pH Miracle juice every day we think that you will come to the conclusion that the only way to do this right is with pH Miracle Juices.
Where does the money go?
Our BIG purchase is a packaging unit. We put sheet plastic and juice in at one end and collect packaged doses of juice at the other end.
The other significant cost is the building our new grow chambers with hydroponic systems. We have been doing this NOW for over five years and know exactly what to do.
Because of our experience and know-how our expansion will be very smooth. No trial and error – just a straight track. From funding to production in sixty days is a practical and achievable target.
Vegus and pH Mirale already produces the perks so that fulfillment is a sure thing no matter the level of success of this campaign.
We ship by First Class mail to anywhere in the World. The post office in Ireland is very good – we can still count on next day deliveries. But delivery to you depends on the service of your local post office. (Timbuktu and Antarctica are a bit slow) The packages we ship are small enough that they will fit in most mail boxes. This means you do not have to be there to receive them.
Custom duties and sales taxes
In most countries the shipments will be exempt from duty and tax as personal postal imports – but some countries may be cheap enough or mean enough to assess duty and tax. (America has a high exemption of $400 while Canada has a limit of $20.) Sorry we can’t help you there. But we will always put a customs declaration on the packages.
See our website for more information and to purchase your pH Miracle
Broccoli and Wheatgrass Juice -
Broccoli and Wheatgrass Juice -
Thanks for taking the tme to read this! Be well with alkaline health and fitness. And please share this wonderful news of fresh organic broccoli and wheatgrass sprout juice with everyone you love and care about.
Once last thing. I will soon be selling these juices on our website. If you would like to start drinking the fresh organic sprouted broccoli and wheatgrass juices NOW go to: and start participating and helping NOW.

Baking Soda vs. Pharmaceutical Industry
Baking Soda vs. Pharmaceutical Industry
There has been work going on at the University of Arizona, using bicarbonate (baking soda) as a potential treatment for cancer. Robert J. Gillies and his colleagues have demonstrated that pre-treatment of mice with sodium bicarbonate results in the alkalinization of the area around tumors. (Raghunand 2003) This type of treatment has been found to “enhance the anti-tumor activity” of other anticancer drugs. This is very similar to the recently published research of injecting O2 directly into tumors where such direct administration of Oxygen also facilitated the action of chemotherapy.
This year these same researchers reported that bicarbonate increases tumor pH (i.e., make it more alkaline) and also inhibits spontaneous metastases (Robey 2009). They showed that oral sodium bicarbonate increased the pH of tumors and also reduced the formation of spontaneous metastases in mice with breast cancer. It also reduced the rate of lymph node involvement.
“Uniformly, in ill patients, increasing the alkaline buffer of the tissues makes patients feel better. As mentioned above, this is particularly true in chemically sensitive patients, and can actually be a “cure” in the sense that we are increasing the body’s ability to react in a healthy way to noxious stimuli. If I use the intravenous sodium bicarbonate in such patients, it is usually given twice a week for a period of 4-5 weeks. Sodium bicarbonate is a very effective way of directly improving cellular health by making the tissue more alkaline,” concludes Dr. Chan.
Sodium bicarbonate is the time honored method to ‘speed up’ the return of the body’s bicarbonate levels to normal. Bicarbonate is inorganic, very alkaline and like other mineral type substances supports an extensive list of biological functions. Sodium bicarbonate happens to be one of our most useful medicines because bicarbonate physiology is fundamental to life and health.
Baking Soda vs. Pharmaceutical Industry
. . .
Sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) is probably one of the most useful substances in the world; no wonder the pharmaceutical companies don’t want doctors or anyone else to know much about it. Sodium Bicarbonate is an important medicine – of the safest kind – and it is essential when treating cancer, kidney and other diseases.
. . .
Sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) is probably one of the most useful substances in the world; no wonder the pharmaceutical companies don’t want doctors or anyone else to know much about it. Sodium Bicarbonate is an important medicine – of the safest kind – and it is essential when treating cancer, kidney and other diseases.
There are many reasons to use baking soda but one overall reason is that sodium bicarbonate is a natural substance that will not harm us, our children or the environment because is it not a chemical compound that effects nature in any kind of negative sense. Baking soda is actually a compound that is found throughout nature, in the ocean, in the soil, in our foods, and in our bodies. Baking soda is a neutralizer of many other compounds, which makes it extremely helpful as a medicine in the age of toxicity, which we are all presently passing through.
Life-threatening asthma in children is often resistant to treatment with bronchodilators and systemic corticosteroids. Recent research suggests that administering sodium bicarbonate—an ingredient commonly found in kitchens—in intravenous (IV) form can significantly improve pH and PCO2 in children with life-threatening asthma. Sodium bicarbonate can save the day when nothing else can. The only other substance we can say the same is with magnesium chloride, which when injected will save a person during cardiac arrest and pull one out of a stroke if given soon enough.
Life-threatening asthma in children is often resistant to treatment with bronchodilators and systemic corticosteroids. Recent research suggests that administering sodium bicarbonate—an ingredient commonly found in kitchens—in intravenous (IV) form can significantly improve pH and PCO2 in children with life-threatening asthma. Sodium bicarbonate can save the day when nothing else can. The only other substance we can say the same is with magnesium chloride, which when injected will save a person during cardiac arrest and pull one out of a stroke if given soon enough.
There has been work going on at the University of Arizona, using bicarbonate (baking soda) as a potential treatment for cancer. Robert J. Gillies and his colleagues have demonstrated that pre-treatment of mice with sodium bicarbonate results in the alkalinization of the area around tumors. (Raghunand 2003) This type of treatment has been found to “enhance the anti-tumor activity” of other anticancer drugs. This is very similar to the recently published research of injecting O2 directly into tumors where such direct administration of Oxygen also facilitated the action of chemotherapy.
This year these same researchers reported that bicarbonate increases tumor pH (i.e., make it more alkaline) and also inhibits spontaneous metastases (Robey 2009). They showed that oral sodium bicarbonate increased the pH of tumors and also reduced the formation of spontaneous metastases in mice with breast cancer. It also reduced the rate of lymph node involvement.
Dr. Boris Veysman specialist in emergency medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Jersey describes one emergency room experience: “The emergency department is always noisy, but today the triage nurse is yelling “not breathing,” as she runs toward us pushing a wheelchair. A pale, thin woman is slumped over and looking gray. Without concrete proof of a “Do Not Resuscitate” order, there’s no hesitation. Click, klang, and the patient has a tube down her throat within seconds. I do the chest compressions. On the monitor, she is flat-lining — no heartbeat. I synchronize my words with the compressions and call out for an external pacemaker. Pumping … thinking: Cardiac standstill … after walking in … with cancer … on chemo. This resuscitation isn’t by the book. “Get two amps of bicarbonate,” I say to the intern. The jugular line takes seconds, and I flush it with sodium bicarbonate. This probably will correct the blood’s extreme acidity, which I suspect is driving up the potassium. The external pacemaker finally arrives. Potent electric shocks at 80 beats per minute begin to stimulate her heart. The vitals stabilize.
Bicarbonate is present in all body fluids and organs and plays a major role in the acid-base balances in the human body. Bicarbonate deficiency is the most unrecognized medical condition on earth even though it is extraordinarily common. Problems from acid pH levels (relative deficiency in bicarbonate ions) take a large toll from human physiology and the more acid a person gets the larger the problem for cell physiology. Every biochemical reaction is pH sensitive with enzymes being especially sensitive. Our diet plays an important role in maintaining appropriate pH levels in the body.
Bicarbonate is present in all body fluids and organs and plays a major role in the acid-base balances in the human body. Bicarbonate deficiency is the most unrecognized medical condition on earth even though it is extraordinarily common. Problems from acid pH levels (relative deficiency in bicarbonate ions) take a large toll from human physiology and the more acid a person gets the larger the problem for cell physiology. Every biochemical reaction is pH sensitive with enzymes being especially sensitive. Our diet plays an important role in maintaining appropriate pH levels in the body.
Most modern diets give rise to unhealthy acidic pH conditions. An imbalanced pH will interrupt cellular activities and functions to extreme levels as ph drops further. Excessive acidic pH leads to cellular deterioration which eventually brings on serious health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and heartburn. The fact that the biological life functions best in a non-acidic (alkaline) environment speaks miles about the usefulness of baking soda.
“Uniformly, in ill patients, increasing the alkaline buffer of the tissues makes patients feel better. As mentioned above, this is particularly true in chemically sensitive patients, and can actually be a “cure” in the sense that we are increasing the body’s ability to react in a healthy way to noxious stimuli. If I use the intravenous sodium bicarbonate in such patients, it is usually given twice a week for a period of 4-5 weeks. Sodium bicarbonate is a very effective way of directly improving cellular health by making the tissue more alkaline,” concludes Dr. Chan.
Sodium bicarbonate is the time honored method to ‘speed up’ the return of the body’s bicarbonate levels to normal. Bicarbonate is inorganic, very alkaline and like other mineral type substances supports an extensive list of biological functions. Sodium bicarbonate happens to be one of our most useful medicines because bicarbonate physiology is fundamental to life and health.
“Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment – Second Edition” by Mark Sircus.
Vegus Foods, from Ireland and THE pH Miracle, UK, hydroponically grow organic broccoli and wheatgrass SPROUTS and then presses the broccoli and wheatgrass sprouts into FRESH juice. We have been doing this in Ireland NOW for over five years!
Some really great things are happening for us!
A well-known American retailer of health foods has come to us to buy both juices to be produced under their name and sold throughout their stores in America. We reached an agreement. They want purchase and sell a lot of our juice products.
Just recently the social media site Twitter showed a world-wide trend for “Broccoli Sprout Juice”. That means that many more people around the world have taken an interest in our pressed juices. As you probably know it takes a whole lot of people to “trend” something on Twitter.
This "trending" happened because scientists in America and in China collaborated on a study that proved conclusively that you can lower the negative effects of air pollution by drinking broccoli sprout juice. The study was published in the Journal of Cancer Prevention!
In addition, BBC World News did a segment on air pollution during which the Anchor and a scientist agreed that drinking broccoli sprout juice is a good way of reducing the impact of air pollution. Then they drank some of our broccoli sprout juice which had been nicely displayed on the anchor's desk during the segment.
The BBC came to us for our broccoli juice because Vegus and pH Miracle has the world’s first and only commercial produced pressed broccoli sprout juice!
All of the free publicity has created a huge demand for fresh sprouted broccoli sprout juice and with a knock-on effect for our fresh sprouted wheatgrass juice.
So here is our problem which is also our opportunity! We need to expand our production capability very quickly to grab these incredible Worldwide opportunities.
To ramp up our sprout growing and juicing production for this incredible product and market in the next 60 - 90 days we will need funding of $150,000.
These funds will provide for a processing unit that will produce up to 1.5 million doses per month and sprouting rooms to produce 250,000 doses per month of broccoli and wheatgrass sprout juice. The cash flow from the initial sales will fund additional grow units until the overall production increases to 1.5 million doses per month. The additional cash flow generated will be used to add an additional processing unit and more grow rooms taking us up to 3 million doses a month or more of freshly produced broccoli and wheatgrass juice.
To put these numbers in perspective, each consumer will use one dose a day so that will help us reach a production of 1,000,000 broccoli and wheatgrass doses per month. Today, we have only supplied 30,000 people, in the world with our fresh sprouted broccoli and wheatgrass juice. So there is alot of upside to the fresh sprout juice market. The good news is we can meet this market with your help while we are sending you free packets of out broccoli and wheatgrass juice each month. Each packet of hydroponically grown pH Miracle Broccoli or Wheatgrass juice contains 1 ounce of fresh juice and has a shelf-life of over 3 months. You can carry the packets in your purse, pocket, or a backpack and drink them anytime.
A portion of each sale of pH MIracle Broccoli and Wheatgrass juice will be donated to direct research to find new ways to reduce air pollution as well as sickness and disease, including cancer.
The published research on our sprouted juices tells us that the magic ingredient in fresh broccoli sprouts is “SGS” which breaks down to yield an isothiocyanate. This phytochemical works in your body to help get rid of 61% more of the air pollution that your body has absorbed. Every day!
This latest report in the Journal of Cancer Prevention joins more than 700 studies published about SGS and isothiocyanates: Cancer, Alzheimers, macular degeneration, cardiovascular conditions, rheumatism . . . and the list goes on and on. A natural pH Miracle.
Our broccoli sprout juice is loaded with isothiocyante because our processing breaks down the SGS to release this powerful antioxidant called, isothiocyanate. (Independent laboratory analysis has shown that one shot of the pH Miracle Fresh Sprouted Broccoli Juice yields 36 mg of the isothiocyante.)
What about competition from “extracts”? Not a problem! One of the popular extracts being sold advertises that each dose contains 2 milligrams of the SGS. But it lacks the myrosinase to break it down. Even if you had the myrosinase in your body (not likely) to break down the SGS, the most isothiocyanate you might extract would be about ½ of a milligram.
So what’s a better deal? pH Miracle fresh broccoli sprout juice beats that extract 72:1!!!!
No wonder demand is growing. And being the World’s only commercial producer of fresh broccoli sprout juice we need to expand, FAST!
Please participate in our expansion by making a pledge – the perks include great discounts, free pH Miracle broccoli sprout juice, free pH Miracle wheatgrass juice. Do it now – there is a wonderful early bird special.
Pledge and make breathing less dangerous and help us prevent sick and disease around the World!
About the pH Miracle Broccoli and Wheatgrass Juice!
We grow the plants to their peak and then quickly harvest them and extract the juices using only mechanical methods – no chemicals. Then we immediately package them and treat them with very high pressure (78,000 psi!!) to lock in all the desired freshness and nutritional values.
To learn more about all the good hard science that backs up our broccoli and wheatgrass sprout juice please Google “Broccoli Sprouts”. Then when you are totally convinced by the scientific evidence and want to have this natural pH Miracle juice every day we think that you will come to the conclusion that the only way to do this right is with pH Miracle Juices.
Where does the money go?
Our BIG purchase is a packaging unit. We put sheet plastic and juice in at one end and collect packaged doses of juice at the other end.
The other significant cost is the building our new grow chambers with hydroponic systems. We have been doing this NOW for over five years and know exactly what to do.
Because of our experience and know-how our expansion will be very smooth. No trial and error – just a straight track. From funding to production in sixty days is a practical and achievable target.
Vegus and pH Mirale already produces the perks so that fulfillment is a sure thing no matter the level of success of this campaign.
We ship by First Class mail to anywhere in the World. The post office in Ireland is very good – we can still count on next day deliveries. But delivery to you depends on the service of your local post office. (Timbuktu and Antarctica are a bit slow) The packages we ship are small enough that they will fit in most mail boxes. This means you do not have to be there to receive them.
Custom duties and sales taxes
In most countries the shipments will be exempt from duty and tax as personal postal imports – but some countries may be cheap enough or mean enough to assess duty and tax. (America has a high exemption of $400 while Canada has a limit of $20.) Sorry we can’t help you there. But we will always put a customs declaration on the packages.
See our website for more information and to purchase your pH Miracle Broccoli and Wheatgrass Juice -
Thanks for taking the tme to read this! Be well with alkaline health and fitness. And please share this wonderful news of fresh organic broccoli and wheatgrass sprout juice with everyone you love and care about.
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